Not Good

I never thought it would happen, but if you grow older, parents lose their grip on you.
(piddles a puddle of drool onto the floor)

(librarian slips in piddled puddle)

I have no job, so I have no money! he shouts, You'll only find a crappy high school I.D insidiously placed inside. He faints, his hair sticking to his head from the wet drool on the floor.
um... if you grow older...? Am I missing out on something here?

You'll have to excuse A4Ever, he's from Barcelona. :)

No, I'm from Belgium. People here speak Dutch, French and German.

That's a lame excuse, cause I know when to use 'if' and when to use 'when'.

I also know the difference between 'then' and 'than'. He-he-hey! (Krusty smile) how about that? :)
Originally posted by A4Ever
No, I'm from Belgium. People here speak Dutch, French and German.
I knew you were from Belgium, and I know that English isn't your first language. I go to Belgium at least once a year, and your English is a lot better than my Dutch. I just couldn't resist, your grammar etc is usually perfect. :)
My favorite is the one with the Germans, that culminates in Basil screaming: WHO WON THE BLOODY WAR ANYWAY??

I don't think I've seen all episodes, and most I saw a long time ago.

So no hamster memories, sorry. :)
Pollux V,

To everything a time and place. When you are in school your prime job is get an education. Your folks foot the bills for everything, as they should. When you get up old enough to hold a job, pay the bills, and have your own household, then you make the rules for your household. That's the way it works.

The tough part is when you get close to that time. Your mind is developed but your maturity is not. As such you are still open to someone taking advantage of you until majority age. Hence parenting goes on a while longer. I guess I speak from the other side of the fence. I remember what it was like when I was your age. I chaffed at the authority held over me. I was told flat out. When I want to make the rules it is time to leave the nest. They go hand in hand with the responcibility to make your own way.

BTW, you will always be your folks son. They will always be proud of you. Do the best you can for them. They each in their own way try to bring you up right and do they best they can for you.
I have the boxed set of all the episodes. Gawd they're hilarious.
From the Germans episode: "Will you stop mentioning the bloody war?" "Well you started it" "We certainly did not" "Yes you did. You invaded (*someplace can't remember*)"
I know that ep. :D

I heard somewhere that apparently when they showed FT in Spain, they dubbed Mauel over to be German (cos obviously the whole show was gonna be dubbed over into Spainish, so Manuel's role didn't work so well :p)