Not Good

Pollux V

Ra Bless America
Registered Senior Member
I've been removed from my computer at home for what I can percieve as a good reason but for too long. Sciforums looks to be in a deterioration phase, I wish I could be here and help through but it's going to be until early september that I can get back. Until then I may be as lucky as I am now to be able to use a computer, but not often, since my life as a whole has really been destroyed. I can't write...I can't play...friends are gone...can't do nuthin. Running out of paper in my notebook as it is.

Just an announcement I guess...but I'm still here! I haven't intentionally left like asguard or tyler (which is sad, but they have no obligation to this place so it's their choice. At least they had the decency to tell everyone).

Rock on...and wish me luck...I guess:(
Originally posted by Pollux V
I can't write...I can't play...friends are gone...can't do nuthin. Running out of paper in my notebook as it is.
Wow, tough time. You have my sympathies, and hope to see you in Sept. :)
Hey Pollux 5 (not v! :D )

How come you can't come back until September? Have you moved? Is your internet connection disabled? Has a meteorite the size of a chihuahua's head hit your spinal cord, rendering you paralyzed until school starts? :D Ok, I'm exaggerating, but really, you must stay! As you mentioned, if SciForums is retrograding, then you have to save us all! :eek:
We shall egearly look forward to your return in the fall. Sept. is not that long off...
No no no, bleu, it's a punishment from my parents...the ole computer is as good as ever but we got into a big fight (like teenagers and parents do I assume) and they banned me from the computer. When given a chance to use the machine for a short period of time I angrily declined and said that it wasn't enough time (stupidly). This resulted in an even longer punishment, causing them to actually lock the thing up. Then...this morning...they left it unlocked...and I used it...and my ferret of a sister found me using it...and so I fled the house and found myself at the library about twelve miles away.

Really, really not good. I'm a baaaad boy:D

Strangely enough I'm finding myself looking forward to september, even though that is when school starts. Not only will I hopefully have the computer back by then but I'll also be a sophomore in high school. Hee hee hee. I'm so baaad, damn I'm screwed...just wish they would give it back and let me destroy the lock they use. Crikey.
Why not just use your futuristic laser to cut the lock? or... do you mean a password?:D
What can I say? You grow and learn. It is not smart to buck your parents...
It's not a password lock unfortunately, it requires a key. They keep the key on one of their key rings and I haven't figured out which one it is (believe me I've been very observant).

Normally I don't want to defy my parents but generally when there are so many differences between two parties misunderstandings occur. I don't understand them, they don't understand me. I can't punish them. They can punish me.
I sympathise, Pollux, I've had similar disagreements with my parents, I tend to be observant too, sneak on when I can get away with it. :p I used to also go through a whole phase of tidying up, doing all the housework, etc, insist it was no trouble at all, and then suggest some "negotiation" about lack of internet. :D
I usually just shut up for a while, and then it gets reinstated due to forgetfulness.:D
But they smell terrible.

Castrate the males, steralize the females. Their hormone induced odor will seize.

Wash every two to three weeks with ferret shampoo.

Only risk left: the glands around the anus. DON'T remove them. If the ferret uses them, just spray some ferret odor remover that you can buy in the petshop between his legs.

The ferret on its own does not smell bad. It is the smell of nature, we call it wildsmell.

Even the gland odor isn't that bad, and they only use that when they feel threatened or otherwise uncomfortable.
You guys are parents are the parents from hell, also known as the parents from beyond the grave. Nothing I do helps the punishment go away. I try to negotiate but it never works. They even threatened to send me to boarding school because of a COMPUTER. aaaaaaaaaah its driving me crazy!
Tell them that in reality you are Pollux V, a powerful moderator-lord in the realms of Sciforums.

If that doesn't make them fall down on the ground to worship you, I don't know what will.

Aawwww, but I triyied thaat! They don't believe me....even though I think my mom once said something about this site, she says she says she says she says she says she says "it appears as if you have some sort of title on that website." It doesn't help and it shouldn't. Baaah! I'm so screwed when I go home! Hahahahahahaha! They'll probably send me off to a fundamentalist islamic school for the blind! Yemen. AHhhh!