Not for justice, but salvation


Let us not launch the boat ...
Valued Senior Member
A Texas inmate, Michael Rodriguez, has asked to die.

"I am a college graduate and have no delusions what will occur as an end result of these proceedings," death-row inmate Michael Rodriguez wrote in the first of a series of notes.

Rodriguez, one of the notorious Texas Seven, who escaped from state prison in 2000 and killed a police officer while on the lam, has dropped his appeals and wants to die.

He can't.

A federal judge signed off on Rodriguez's request Sept. 27, two days after the U.S. Supreme Court decided to review the constitutionality of lethal injection in a Kentucky case. But a state judge won't set an execution date for Rodriguez until after the high court rules on the Kentucky case.


He probably will be executed at some point; the only real questions are when and how. Rodriguez, originally sentenced to life in prison for taking out a contract on his wife, received a death sentence in 2002 for his role in the murder of police officer Aubrey Hawkins. Although his lawyer is urging him to continue the fight, Rodriguez apparently wishes to get it over with.

Do not be conned, though. Rodriguez's ultimate motive involves justice only peripherally. For the convicted cop-killer, there is something far more important at stake in his execution: his immortal soul. According to the AP's Michael Graczyk, "Rodriguez told a psychologist who interviewed him before a competency hearing that he 'had to accept his death sentence and submit to it as payment in order to be forgiven and obtain salvation.'"

Greed is a powerful motivation. The eternal soul the most valuable of currencies. Does God know what is in a man's heart? Does God care?

Graczyk, Michael. "Texas inmate seeks death; court says no". November 18, 2007. See
Because he's already asked for forgiveness for the sin of murder and per his beliefs, he's been granted it.
He can't ask for forgiveness and get into heaven if he kills himself.
JLocke said:

So is homicide, and I don't see where in the Bible it says that if a killer is killed then he is purged of his sin.

In Christ, so the saying goes, all our sins are forgiven. Except, of course, for one. If you speak ill of the Holy Spirit, you're done for.

Murder? Hey, that's all good with God. As long as you repent and believe that Jesus will save you.

Or so I understand it from the Christians and their book.

Although, there is also an argument that in forfeiting the remainder of his appeal process, he would be committing a form of suicide by rejecting the opportunities for life that God has put before him.

The whole thing is a mess, which is why so many redemptionists just believe whatever the hell makes them feel better.
I don't see what it all matters. I doubt if the cops family cares as long as he's dead.
Did Tim McVeigh also ask to be put to death because prison was just too horrible. I don't think the OK bombing victim's families cared.

And seriously, most of us know he's not going to be seeing Jesus
Because he's already asked for forgiveness for the sin of murder and per his beliefs, he's been granted it.
He can't ask for forgiveness and get into heaven if he kills himself.

No I understand that, I'm wondering why he's "asking to die", if he's already been forgiven, he doesn't need to be killed, so why stop appealing?
So, what,'d like to make prisons like a four-star hotel instead?

Baron Max

???? no. I rather he stayed in a sucky place as long as possible and suffer. But of course I hate paying for it. He wants to die, he's supposed to die, kill him already.
I was just saying that's why he wants to get it over with you grumpy butt crab ass.
But of course I hate paying for it. He wants to die, he's supposed to die, kill him already.

I've heard many people argue that it costs more to imprison someone for life than it does to have them executed, I'm guessing because they include court/lawyer costs for the many appeals most cases have etc. Anyone have more info on this?
???? no. I rather he stayed in a sucky place as long as possible and suffer. But of course I hate paying for it.

Do you know how many starving, hungry kids could be fed on the money it takes to keep prisoners in jail? It's well over $50,000 per year per prisoner. How many meals for little kids would that buy?

I agree ....let the bastard die. In fact, give me a gun and I'll do it myself!

Baron Max, the grumpy butt crab ass! :D
A Texas inmate, Michael Rodriguez, has asked to die.

He probably will be executed at some point; the only real questions are when and how. Rodriguez, originally sentenced to life in prison for taking out a contract on his wife, received a death sentence in 2002 for his role in the murder of police officer Aubrey Hawkins. Although his lawyer is urging him to continue the fight, Rodriguez apparently wishes to get it over with.

Do not be conned, though. Rodriguez's ultimate motive involves justice only peripherally. For the convicted cop-killer, there is something far more important at stake in his execution: his immortal soul. According to the AP's Michael Graczyk, "Rodriguez told a psychologist who interviewed him before a competency hearing that he 'had to accept his death sentence and submit to it as payment in order to be forgiven and obtain salvation.'"

Greed is a powerful motivation. The eternal soul the most valuable of currencies. Does God know what is in a man's heart? Does God care?

Graczyk, Michael. "Texas inmate seeks death; court says no". November 18, 2007. See

"Rodriguez told a psychologist who interviewed him before a competency hearing that he 'had to accept his death sentence and submit to it as payment in order to be forgiven and obtain salvation.'"

If this is his belief then he is misguided.

He cannot make a payment for Salvation. If He believes he is going to buy his way into Eternity with God by accepting execution then he is seriously Wrong

Jesus made the Payment for His salvation and it is a Gift from God to all whom believe. Seeking to make a payment for this gift is an insult to God.

Romans 4
1 What then shall we say that Abraham our father has found according to the flesh?[a] 2 For if Abraham was justified by works, he has something to boast about, but not before God. 3 For what does the Scripture say? “Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.” 4 Now to him who works, the wages are not counted as grace but as debt.

The grace of God is the gift of God and if people seek to work for it then they seek to obtain it as a payment from God for there works. Salvation cannot be paid for by our Works.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

"Rodriguez told a psychologist who interviewed him before a competency hearing that he 'had to accept his death sentence and submit to it as payment in order to be forgiven and obtain salvation.'"

If this is his belief then he is misguided.

He cannot make a payment for Salvation. If He believes he is going to buy his way into Eternity with God by accepting execution then he is seriously Wrong

Jesus made the Payment for His salvation and it is a Gift from God to all whom believe. Seeking to make a payment for this gift is an insult to God.

Romans 4
1 What then shall we say that Abraham our father has found according to the flesh?[a] 2 For if Abraham was justified by works, he has something to boast about, but not before God. 3 For what does the Scripture say? “Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.” 4 Now to him who works, the wages are not counted as grace but as debt.

The grace of God is the gift of God and if people seek to work for it then they seek to obtain it as a payment from God for there works. Salvation cannot be paid for by our Works.

Adstar, that only works if you ignore every other passage in the Bible that teaches differently than this. That is the only way! And that is exactly what you are doing.

Romans 2:6-8 (Paul in the New Testament)
6God "will give to each person according to what he has done." 7To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life. 8But for those who are self-seeking and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger.