Not Able to Afford Justice.......

Is the "justice" system Just?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • No

    Votes: 9 81.8%

  • Total voters


Fancy Virtual Reality Monkey
Valued Senior Member
Nowdays, justice is an expensive commodity. I, for instance, have a long list of people that abused me and my patience, and that I would love to sue. A little preview of the ripping off would go like this:

Ex-roomate: Stole more than half of my belongins and charged more than she should after we agreed to spilt food bills.
Homestay mother: Broke the contract by giving me almost any food, which was part of the homestay fee.
Other homestay: Dogs chewed the cords of my videogame, and now it i not working anymore.
Stupid Asian Lady in Internet Cafe: Refused to help when computer didn't work, made a huge mess and blamed me, which caused me to waste one hour and a half of work and $5.

And many more, which are worse and I won't even mention.... :eek:

But the point is that I'm not rich and I don't have enough money to hire lawyers, and I'm not elegible for Legal aid (which just gets worse and worse), o I simply don't have money to buy justice. :bugeye:

Not to mention that many politicians buy unjustice with their filthy money...... :rolleyes:

So the theme of this thread is very simple:
Is the "justice" system just?
Has justice became a simple commodity which costs are very high?
What are the implications of a sytem based on marketable "justice"?

Remember.... there are three parts of our political system, and two of those are focused on justice (Legislature and Judicial)....
More than $2,000..... Small claims only work when it is below $2,000.

This thread is not about that anyways. I'm talking about whether the "justice" system is just at all, considering that all that you have to do to get away with anything is to have enough lawyers or enough political power. :rolleyes:

And all the other questions, as well....
Yeah, but TruthSeeker, its always been that way.

No matter how much justice you try to impose, there will be injustice created elsewhere. These 'laws' which are supposed to protect us are now backfiring. The real problem is that individuals have little integrity and you simply trust people way too much.
Yes, you said a lot in a little....

Xerxes said:
Yeah, but TruthSeeker, its always been that way.
Yes, and that's one of the things I'm fighting for change. I still remember reading in Utopia how society would produce thieves by charging extreme amounts of taxes, and then would punish them by killing them. The irony is that they would commit an even greater crime than the thieves themselves. And guess who would reply to those critics? The lawyers. And their arguments were not much different than nowadays....

No matter how much justice you try to impose, there will be injustice created elsewhere.
Yes, this is the problem. Justice cannot be imposed, it has to come to being spontaneously.

These 'laws' which are supposed to protect us are now backfiring.
Have always done that.

The real problem is that individuals have little integrity
Yes, and that is the key change that I want to make- giving them wisdom and integrity.

and you simply trust people way too much.
Yes, I have done that quite a bit. I have learnt tough. For instance, I know that my ex-roommate has an illegal job. She is american and she is working in Canada. She wasn't supposed to do that, cause her visa doesn't allow that. I will hopefully talk with her and if she doesn't co-operate, I'm going to tell the government what she has been doing. I got that hidden card on my sleeve just in case. I knew I had to have some important information in case she would do something like that, even because she is american..... :rolleyes:
You're being oppressed when random Asian women refuse to help fix your computer?

A government strong enough to give you everything you need is a government strong enough to sterilize your dysgenic ass.

I love this thread, it's like the "duet of the weaklings"
Suing the woman who wasted some time and 5$ was the one that stood out from the list to me too.
I could sue the last four or five girls I dated. For years of wasted time and more than 5$. But I guess I learned some stuff and had some good times too. Oh well.
There should be a way to sue myself. If I had a good enough lawyer, I could sue myself into bankruptcy, and take everything I have...
You're being oppressed when random Asian women refuse to help fix your computer?
If she's employed there, then it is her responsibility. I'm sure she would be the first to say something when TS walks out the door with the tower under his arm..

Yes, and that's one of the things I'm fighting for change.
The struggle you speak of has been going on a very long time, and theres a pattern. Its like a sine curve and right now we're headed down. Think of it like a riptide: swimming against one will pull you out to sea. Swim parallel to the shore, and you'll survive.

Yes, this is the problem. Justice cannot be imposed, it has to come to being spontaneously.

Anything spontaneous will eventually succumb to entropy. For example suing your roomate might bring you a temporary sense of justice, but what justice is there in the long term? What if somebody screws you over and you can't sue because they have too many lawyers? Fighting them would be like struggling against a noose. Or swimming against a riptide, or ... ...

I like the title of this thread because you nailed the nature of justice. Its the transfer of wealth. Whenever wealth is distributed unevenly, you have injustice (ala pre-revolution, bottom curve of the business cycle.) When the wealth is spread out, you tend to have more justice. They tried to keep justice at its peak with laws and bigger government, but it only worsened the problem.

Anyways, unlike xev's cynical little attitude, I think utopia is a state of mind that you can reach. You just need to be clever.
I want Doc to show up and say something scathing to Truthseeker. Then something horrible. Then something horribly scathing, with blatant rascism. Then a lot of terribly sarcastic comment cresendoing in something fantastically outrageous and mean.
Something like he did about greasing hookers assholes so they get back inside the ass.

This is what this thread reminds me of. A hooker's ass. Except more pathetic.
If your chiding me for using the concept of entropy in my argument, remember that it applies to EVERYTHING. You could at least criticize the thread directly instead of praying for its death.

Or would that be a valuable use of your otherwise worthless time?
I want Doc to show up...
I was wide eyed with excitement, ready to post the most outrageously insulting and racist remarks.
That was untill I got to your post, now I'm just offended.
Xev said:
You're being oppressed when random Asian women refuse to help fix your computer?
She was part of the staff of the cafe..... :rolleyes:

A government strong enough to give you everything you need is a government strong enough to sterilize your dysgenic ass.
I'm not saying the government should give me everything I need, I'm saying the government shouldn't take away our freedom for their own sake. :bugeye:
Then indicate that she was staff. Not all of us speak "moron" fluently.

The government (presumably of Canada) is allowing more freedom this way. If the government forced everyone to do their job, they would also force weak pansies like you to work in the mines.
Xev said:
Then indicate that she was staff. Not all of us speak "moron" fluently.
It was obvious. I can't break down everything to retarded people, I have more things to do. Of course she is staff! Otherwise it would be none of her business, DUH! :bugeye:

The government (presumably of Canada) is allowing more freedom this way. If the government forced everyone to do their job, they would also force weak pansies like you to work in the mines.
It is not about forcing to do jib, it is about justice. Read the thread before commenting..... Gezzzz... :rolleyes:
The justice system is always going to favor the wealthy and powerful because they have the power to alter the rules to favor themselves. They are also able to exert more power/money into hiring the best defense. Supply and demand says that the most desirable result will more often go to those who have the resources to devote to getting those results. It is the same in any field from medicine, education to architect. It would be nice if everyone had equal access to everything but there is a finite limit to every resource so who should have to pay for you to sue the Asian lady or your roommate. Why should I pay for your poor judgment (through taxes etcetera).
What if you can't afford justice TS? What if that is the case and everyone agrees and no one cares?
Why do you think this is a problem? "That can't be" you say, why not? What makes you so sure you deserve anything?
I see TS being pushed around by women, and he doesn't like it. Maybe he should grow balls or not complain, because the only injustice here is that TS might have offspring. Which is actually sort of a funny contradicton, because how could a gonadless person reproduce?