North American Man/Boy Love Association

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years ago when i was arguing on the issue of gay rights on another message board (i was anti gay then... but i'm more liberal on the issue now) i correctly predicted (unfortunately) that pedophiles will start having their own movement for the advancement of their rights.

as far as i'm concerned, "pedophiles" and "rights" shouldn't really be in the same sentence

what do you think? has the world gone completely fuckin nuts or what?
Notice the .de domain. It would be illigal to serve such a web page in the United States.

The difference between homosexual rights and pedophile rights is that a homosexual act is done between concenting adults and is hence basicly tolerable. The pedophilic act is between somone with a position of authority and a victem who does not concent, or cannot, and is basicly intolerable.

I don't think we really have to worry about a pedophiles rights "movement" rocking the boat.
Once upon a time ....

During my time at the University of Oregon, I subscribed to a Communist newspaper, the Worker's Vanguard, put forth by the Spartacist League ... yeah, there's a bunch of bright stars.

At any rate, I must admit that certain political stories that weren't common reached me. But it was a trash rag.

I stopped reading it specifically because of one editorial. An out-of-the-closet NAMBLA member who was a teacher in the New York Public School System was ... not fired, but rather reassigned to a higher-paying administrative position at the district offices away from the classrooms.

The editors of the Worker's Vanguard has a problem with this.

The teacher, reasoned the editors, should have been left in the classroom.

As I recall, that was the first time I actually heard of NAMBLA.

I did not renew my subscription.

The hallway scene in the South Park NAMBLA episode, incidentally, is one of the funniest things I've ever seen.

If humanity chose vastly different priorities, and chose to organize itself in a dramatically different fashion, then yes, NAMBLA would have a point. But given the fact that we are a species, and species tend to perpetuate themselves or else go extinct, I don't think fashioning a society to encourage congress between adults and children of the same gender is remotely wise.

Let them have a political organization. At least we know who some of them are.

On edit: Wow. I had no idea that Harry Potter was gay.
Why do people always associate gays with peodipiles??

O_O It really baffles me. I mean, there are heteros that are MAJOR peodopiles or whatever they are that can't stop thinking of children.

Ok, so to the question of the topic.

pedophiles and rights in the same sentence?

Well you know guys they ARE human beings too.
Despite the fact that they are really very sick individuals,
these people need help very very badly.

I dont think the American people will be gracious enough to spend their hard earned money to provide a hospital for these disturbed individuals.
So what do we do? Burn them to the stake if this was 16th century. Nowadays we have to wait on long lines to the death sentence and slow torture from the inmates in prison.

If I had the power I'd build a hospital for them.
But then I'm just one of those mother theresa thinkers you know...
what do I know!
What about a parents right to keep their kid away from perverts who wanna' do things to 'em that they aren't equiped to understand, or even technicaly participate in.
Originally posted by Silent Beauty
Why do people always associate gays with peodipiles??

O_O It really baffles me. I mean, there are heteros that are MAJOR peodopiles or whatever they are that can't stop thinking of children.

I think it has more to do with allowing sexual preferences outside of the percieved norm. The idea being if homosexuals are allowed rights, why should we deny anyother sexual preference.

Ok, so to the question of the topic.

pedophiles and rights in the same sentence?

Well you know guys they ARE human beings too.
Despite the fact that they are really very sick individuals,
these people need help very very badly.

I believe the point was more rights as pedophiles and not rights as humans. Murderous sociopaths are human too. They deserve rights as humans. However, allowing them the right to act out every desire they have would not support the social system that upholds (or attempts to) the rights of all humans. Same with pedophilia.

I dont think the American people will be gracious enough to spend their hard earned money to provide a hospital for these disturbed individuals.
So what do we do? Burn them to the stake if this was 16th century. Nowadays we have to wait on long lines to the death sentence and slow torture from the inmates in prison.

I know. Sucks, doesn't it. There isn't anything good on TV anyway. I bet burning people alive would get uber ratings.

If I had the power I'd build a hospital for them.
But then I'm just one of those mother theresa thinkers you know...
what do I know!

I'm the opposite end of the spectrum, so I probably don't know much more than you. I do think I could solve most of the worlds problems given about a year with absolute control, but no body would like it very much.
Re: Once upon a time ....

Originally posted by tiassa
I don't think fashioning a society to encourage congress between adults and children of the same gender is remotely wise.

I'm neither interested in discussing sex, homosexuality, or any other variation of such, but I wanted to clarify more the words you stated above. You spoke of fashioning societies, encouragement of adult children congress, and remotely wise, so I ask.

Tiassa, are you familiar with the Montessori educational philosophy?

I ask because one of the fundemental elements of their teaching technices is to encourage congress between different ages of all genders. They protest that our classroom filled with kids all the same age born between October 30 and bla bla of the same year lacks the age diversity seen in real life. Kids don't know how to deal with adults and adults don't know how to deal with kids because we are horribly segregated in every aspect of our lives.

I encourage you to go and sit in a junior highschool class or a freshman college class of a private university and tell me how you feel and what should we do about it.
Originally posted by Mephura

I know. Sucks, doesn't it. There isn't anything good on TV anyway. I bet burning people alive would get uber ratings.

I'm the opposite end of the spectrum, so I probably don't know much more than you. I do think I could solve most of the worlds problems given about a year with absolute control, but no body would like it very much.

Funny dude or dudette arent you?

Hm, then maybe we should get together so we can balance things out! o_O

why should we deny anyother sexual preference

Pedophillia isn't a mere sexual preference. It's the expoitation and ultimate abuse of childeren by adults through sexual gratification.

Pedophillia always flows along an abuser/victim paradigm.

The victims of pedophillia never stop suffering.
I think the criticizm of this group(which by the way is not new. Alan Ginsburg was a supporter. so it can hardly be blamed on society becoming more liberal in recent times) tends to focus on the wrong aspect of the behaviour they advocate. The danger in this is that if they are attacked for advocating man/boy relations as opposed to adult/child relations some people will feel sympathetically towards them due to disagreement with the nature of the attacks. Would an organization that advocated for the right of men to have sex with young girls be somehow more respectable?
Re: meph:

Originally posted by Wraith
Pedophillia isn't a mere sexual preference. It's the expoitation and ultimate abuse of childeren by adults through sexual gratification.

Pedophillia always flows along an abuser/victim paradigm.

The victims of pedophillia never stop suffering.

Ah! That's what I was going to say! O_O
You took the words out of my lips, Wraith

Definitely! Great minds think alike ;)

Although, I (think) Meph was teasing me. ^^"
Interesting if we'd be able to balance out the results.

jps, it seems that it has been going on for centuries, well, not in this later century....where young girls get married off to older men. Then again, different situation, different cultures and those who are in poorer families usually make no balks about carting off their child to a old dude.
Children are always targeted for being selected because the adults who are supposedly the caregivers, tend to use their exertion of powers just a wee bit too much. O_O
....where young girls get married off to older men. Then again, different situation, different cultures and those who are in poorer families usually make no balks about carting

silent beauty, equating marraige of a younger girl to an older man to pedophilila is falacious arguement many make the mistake of making.

pedophilia in essence is a completely different beast to a marraige which takes place irrespective of the fact that the girl may or may not be perceived to be young.

The pedophile has no intention of commitment/monogamy with the victim. The pedophile uses his victim and discards him/her like a used condom. It's all about sexual gratification, and nothing else.
Comparing such a scenario with a marraige where the man shows some intention of comitment/long term care in both financal/economic terms, and the prospect of having childeren with his intended wife is like comparing chalk with cheese.
Furthermore such comparisons show a lack of real insight we all have into the minds of pedophiles.

These are extremely sick pitiful wretched creatures who lack itegrity, any modicum of a ethical/moral belief system. They are selfish, and lack even basic self control to curb their loathful desires.

Um ...

I, was, uh ... referring to ... er ... Hyperdictionary: "congress"
1. [n] the act of sexual procreation between a man and a woman; the man's penis is inserted into the woman's vagina and excited until orgasm and ejaculation occur

2. [n] the legislature of the United States government

3. [n] a meeting of elected or appointed representatives

4. [n] a national legislative assembly
Or, in the case of NAMBLA, sexual congress between men and boys. The point being is that the only appropriate place for screwing children is in your Last Will & Testament.°

° Last Will & Testament - Adapted from a P.J. O'Rourke line; it's pretty much an outright lift. See Modern Manners: An Etiquette Book for Rude People (Atlantic Monthly Press, 1990)
Re: meph:

Originally posted by Wraith
Pedophillia isn't a mere sexual preference. It's the expoitation and ultimate abuse of childeren by adults through sexual gratification.

Pedophillia always flows along an abuser/victim paradigm.

The victims of pedophillia never stop suffering.

Wraith, I was speaking in a more rhetorical sense. The question was why is pedophilia always associated with homosexuality. My answer was that it isn't so much a relation of the two in practice but rather aan implied threat to the moral conservatives. If homosexuality is allowed, they (the MC) see other acts/life styles/practices as coming shortly there after.

In other words, If the nomosexuals get their way, what is stoping pedophiles, necrophiles, etc from being accepted also.

These aren't my sentiments, but rather an explanation as to the thought process behind the link between homosexuality and pedophilia.

That being said, take the lesson in abnormal psychology, and morality lecture to someone else. I don't need it.
Originally posted by Silent Beauty
Funny dude or dudette arent you?

Hm, then maybe we should get together so we can balance things out! o_O

I'm male. And I doubt my views would balance yours. Not being an ass (intentionally anyway), but I'm a bit extreme in my view points.
Originally posted by SpyMoose
Notice the .de domain. It would be illigal to serve such a web page in the United States.

No it wouldn't.
Pedophilia is illegal, however the site is not breaking any laws.
They probably went overseas because they had difficulty finding a host that would take them.

Originally posted by otheadp
years ago when i was arguing on the issue of gay rights on another message board (i was anti gay then... but i'm more liberal on the issue now) i correctly predicted (unfortunately) that pedophiles will start having their own movement for the advancement of their rights.

Exactly how many years ago did you make this "prediction"?
NAMBLA has been around for about 26 years.

I think it is pretty unlikely you were having a debate on an Internet message board back in 1977 (or earlier).
I could be wrong, though.
When did you make the prediction?
Originally posted by Wraith
Furthermore such comparisons show a lack of real insight we all have into the minds of pedophiles.

These are extremely sick pitiful wretched creatures who lack itegrity, any modicum of a ethical/moral belief system. They are selfish, and lack even basic self control to curb their loathful desires.

Speaking from experience?
I don't support the act.
However, I would never be so rash as to assume that all people that share a similar trait must be carbon copies. Everyone has desires, and weaknesses. To say that, because a man is weak in the face of such, he has no ethical/moral beliefs is just short sided. Take the priests that molest alter boys (come on, we all knew it was just a matter of time before the catholics got drug into this), men that have served as the moral backbone of their community: Are you honestly telling me they have absolutely no morality? Some of them break down into tears when faced with the truth of their actions. That would suggest to me that they know damn well it wrong and feel badly because of that.

That is what makes this a problem. If these people where just plain evil, with no conscience, no sense of right and wrong, they would be much easier to find and weed out of society. Generalizations of that nature are simply unfounded. Case in point: Two homosexuals. One serves in the army, has a slight drinking problem, but is very well spoken, mannerly, and clean. Most people view him as being a farily nice guy. The other is a successful business man that is generous to a large degree.He holds street parties for friends and neighbors and volunteers his time at local childrens hospitals. No one woud ever suspect that these two men liked to drug and rape their victims, and the first even ate them.
Jeffery Dahmer and John Wayne Gacy. Now we can look at this two different ways. Both of which would be supported by generalizing in the way you are.
1)All homosexuals must be sick and twisted serial killers.
2)Gacy, at least, must have been innocent because he was such a nice guy. There is no way a man who dressed up as a clown for hospitalised children could ever do such things.

Both of these conclusions are way off base though. Much like your broad sweeping judgement of pedophiles. For such an obvious insight into their minds, you sure aren't using it.

Closer to the truth would be likening it to an addiction much like alcoholism or drug use. These people might realize what they are doing is wrong, and want to honestly stop, but a lack of will power is their downfall. I do not, however, see this as any form of excuse. Much the same way alocholism is no excuse for taking a life in a DUI, this sickness is no way ramoves blame from anyone that chooses to act upon those urges.
Originally posted by one_raven
Pedophilia is illegal

Sorry, have to correct myself.
Pedophilia is NOT illegal, Pederasty is illegal.

They are two very different things.

I would never be so rash as to assume that all people that share a similar trait must be carbon copies

They're not carbon copies. That's not the issue here. The issue under debate is the specific trait of pedophilic tendencies, and as such all their other traits are incidental.

Everyone has desires, and weaknesses.
Yes they do. It's a matter of degree, and a matter of the nature of those desires/weaknesses.
That's like saying all crimes are the same, murder is a crime, theft is a crime, hence crime = crime thus: murder = Theft
Not that simple.

men that have served as the moral backbone of their community:
Oh Puh-leeeez! What moral backbone? According to who? Wearing a priets Garbs, hanging a cross around your neck and handing out the holy crackers every sunday doesn't equate to Moral backbone.

Are you honestly telling me they have absolutely no morality?
Errmm, yes. They molest childeren. It's not rocket science, you do the math.

Some of them break down into tears when faced with the truth of their actions.
No. They break into tears because they were caught.

That would suggest to me that they know damn well it wrong and feel badly because of that.

"Wrong"? No shit Sherlock. You bet your ass it's "Wrong", and yes they knew it. Don't confuse conscience with morality, and in any case they knew it was wrong and yet continued to do so for years. You go figure.
Two homosexuals. One serves in the army, has a slight drinking problem, but is very well spoken, mannerly, and clean. Most people view him as being a farily nice guy. The other is a successful business man that is generous to a large degree.He holds street parties for friends and neighbors and volunteers his time at local childrens hospitals. No one woud ever suspect that these two men liked to drug and rape their victims, and the first even ate them.

No one. Exactly.
A person is not evil/immoral etc because he is perceived to be so by society.
and simillarly:
A person is not respectable/moral etc because he is perceived to be so by society.

You're confusing what society/people perceive X to be with what X actually may or may not be.
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