Non-theistic religion

It's because you're not listening... or don't want to:

"...A bunch of people get together, do their little traditions, play pretend..."
I still think your definition is lacking.
It could also apply very easily to people getting together to play role playing games.
Games are competitions. It's not the same.

Role playing games are not competitions - not for most that I know.
Nobody cares if anyone wins.

People get together socially to play pretend, escape reality for a while and bond socially.

Religion necessarily implies worship and reverence.
Role playing games are not competitions - not for most that I know.
Nobody cares if anyone wins.

I disagree. Players want to up their stats, gold, weapons, etc. They are competing for resources and power.

People get together socially to play pretend, escape reality for a while and bond socially.

And to do the above.

Religion necessarily implies worship and reverence.

How about worship and reverence being replaced with deep appreciation, conceptual pleasure, and sense pleasure?
He also spoke of the realms of Hell as if he assumed they existed.

How is that really any different from a man named Jesus who acknowledging the Gods and concepts of his day and placed his philosophy within the confines of those ideas?

I see no real difference between Jesus and Siddhartha.

They are convenient metaphors. He didn't teach faith in them as a core belief. Back then, they could be considered as forces of nature, they didn't even know what lightning was, for instance. Buddhism has been described as the "religion of no-religion".