Non - linear time beginning from 2001 in Quito, Ecuador?

If the Creator is ultimately a Scientist would the Creator tend to be Universalist?

  • No

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Yes

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • That is a rather intriguing idea I have to admit?????

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
The ash and soot and dust from industry are thought to increase Global Dimming.....
which slows down a general global warming trend.
No it doesn't. Pretending that global warming is slowing down, by citing false causalities, is like sticking your head in the sand.
These are the people who establish the official scientific record. They have the budget and the opportunity to make large scale measurements over long periods of time, ok?

Climate Change: Global Temperature

Author: Rebecca Lindsey and LuAnn Dahlman
March 15, 2021
Given the size and tremendous heat capacity of the global oceans, it takes a massive amount of heat energy to raise Earth’s average yearly surface temperature even a small amount. The 2-degree increase in global average surface temperature that has occurred since the pre-industrial era (1880-1900) might seem small, but it means a significant increase in accumulated heat. That extra heat is driving regional and seasonal temperature extremes, reducing snow cover and sea ice, intensifying heavy rainfall, and changing habitat ranges for plants and animals—expanding some and shrinking others.
History of global surface temperature since 1880
Explore this interactive graph: Click and drag to display different parts of the graph. To squeeze or stretch the graph in either direction, hold your Shift key down, then click and drag. The graph shows average annual global temperatures since 1880 (source data) compared to the long-term average (1901-2000). The zero line represents the long-term average temperature for the whole planet; blue and red bars show the difference above or below average for each year. (Goto site to engage the variable graph)

Conditions in 2020
According to the 2020 Global Climate Report from NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information, every month of 2020 except December was in the top four warmest on record for that month. In December, the presence of a moderately strong La Niña event cooled the tropical Pacific Ocean and dampened the global average warmth. The month turned out as "only" the eighth warmest December on record.
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No it doesn't. Pretending that global warming is slowing down, by citing false causalities, is like sticking your head in the sand.
These are the people who establish the official scientific record. They have the budget and the opportunity to make large scale measurements over long periods of time, ok?

Climate Change: Global Temperature

Author: Rebecca Lindsey and LuAnn Dahlman
March 15, 2021
History of global surface temperature since 1880
View attachment 4270
Explore this interactive graph: Click and drag to display different parts of the graph. To squeeze or stretch the graph in either direction, hold your Shift key down, then click and drag. The graph shows average annual global temperatures since 1880 (source data) compared to the long-term average (1901-2000). The zero line represents the long-term average temperature for the whole planet; blue and red bars show the difference above or below average for each year. (Goto site to engage the variable graph)

Conditions in 2020

All that I know is that the theory looked good to me........

... but it leads to some very serious cognitive dissonance.......

it leads to the conclusion that President Bush and P. M. Stephen Harper by essentially ignoring climate change........

and continuing to allow lots of ash and soot and dust to be put out from industry in North America........

may have kept the Global Dimming Effect going strong.......

... which in theory might tend to slow down a general Global Warming trend????????
and continuing to allow lots of ash and soot and dust to be put out from industry in North America........may have kept the Global Dimming Effect going strong.......
... which in theory might tend to slow down a general Global Warming trend?
No, I think the opposite is true.
Global warming is not from the sun striking the surface at day, its from heat being trapped and prevented from escaping from the surface at night when the sun is gone.

Causes | Facts – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet
Scientists attribute the global warming trend observed since the mid-20th century to the human expansion of the "greenhouse effect"1 — warming that results when the atmosphere traps heat radiating from Earth toward space. Certain gases in the atmosphere block heat from escaping.

So, the more particulate matter in the air, the denser the cover preventing warm air from escaping.
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No, I think the opposite is true.
Global warming is not from the sun striking the surface at day, its from heat being trapped and prevented from escaping from the surface at night when the sun is gone.

Causes | Facts – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet

So, the more particulate matter in the air, the denser the cover preventing warm air from escaping.

To some degree would you basically agree with the idea that a significant percentage of atmospheric heat goes into the atmosphere from the world's deserts?

I ask this due to the sand on much of the Sahara Desert being well over a hundred degrees from two pm to four pm every afternoon but........

.. that same sand is rather cool or even cold by the next morning.

I assume that those details indicate that the heat from the surface of the world's desert goes into the atmosphere making the world's deserts somewhat like a furnace....... for the atmosphere?
I assume that those details indicate that the heat from the surface of the world's desert goes into the atmosphere making the world's deserts somewhat like a furnace....... for the atmosphere?
Right, the heat radiates back into the atmosphere but due to the "greenhouse" effect it cannot radiate out to space and remains trapped in the atmosphere where it heats that particulate matter.
Right, the heat radiates back into the atmosphere but due to the "greenhouse" effect it cannot radiate out to space and remains trapped in the atmosphere where it heats that particulate matter.

Thank you for that.......

... I asked the question due to a theory put forward by a New Mexico biologist who got me thinking in a new way about stabilization of the climate back around 2005.

"So how is our problem of continental drying causing global warming? It all has to do with vegetation and sunlight. When sun light hits a plant, it causes a process which we call photosynthesis where the energy from the sun light creates oxygen for us to breathe, water for us to drink, and is stored as sugar for plants and animals to use. When the same sun light hits the soil, all of its energy turns into heat and is radiated back into the atmosphere.. ."

"Therefore, the less vegetation you have on the planet, the more sunlight is being turned into heat and the warmer the planet becomes...."

"Just take a look at any satellite picture of the earth showing heat and you will see that our deserts are the warmest spots on the planet by far. More heat is being generated by just one of the top four or five deserts than by all of our cities combined.... "

"The truth is that you can do more to decrease global warming by just reducing the average temperature for the Sahara Desert by one or two degrees than if we humans completely quit using fossil fuels and returned to the cave…."

"So, how would you start working to resolve this problem? Easy, cool the deserts and get some vegetation growing on them as soon as possible. But the method is much more complex than that. You have to use the prevailing trade winds in relation to the deserts to get the best results as quickly as possible and it will be extremely expensive…."

"Then we build desalination plants along the coast near these water sheds and pipe water to the tops or ridges of the water sheds…"

"We need to start working on this as soon as possible because, if the planet reaches a point to where it is warming faster than our technology can possibly stop or reverse this warming trend, then our planet is lost and all life will cease to exist on this planet within a relatively short period of time. We will need to start with the largest and hottest deserts because cooling them will have the greatest benefit in the least time (Global Warming II by biologist Carl Cantrell)."

I quoted Mr. Carl Cantrell in my 2008 campaign for Municipal Councilor which led to my giving an apology to Green Party Leader Ms. Elizabeth May that year........ and I also ended up voting for her in that election, (because she campaigned in my area, Central Nova , N. S., Canada in 2008).

"Ignorance shown in my 2008 campaign, my apology to Ms. Elizabeth May!"

What I specifically apologized to Ms. May for was my total ignorance of the fact that atmospheric CO2 seems to be causing the world's oceans to become significantly more acidic.

If I had known about that fact I would have worded my 2008 campaign writing very differently.

Ocean acidification is the ongoing decrease in the pH of the Earth's oceans, caused by the uptake of carbon dioxide (CO
2) from the atmosphere.[2] An estimated 30–40% of the carbon dioxide released by humans into the atmosphere dissolves into oceans, rivers and lakes.[3][4] To achieve chemical equilibrium, some of it reacts with the water to form carbonic acid. Some of these extra carbonic acid molecules react with a water molecule to give a bicarbonate ion and a hydronium ion, thus increasing ocean "acidity" (H+ ion concentration). Between 1751 and 1994 surface ocean pH is estimated to have decreased from approximately 8.25 to 8.14,[5] representing an increase of almost 30% in H+ ion concentration in the world's oceans.[6][7] Earth System Models project that within the last decade ocean acidity exceeded historical analogs[8] and in combination with other ocean biogeochemical changes could undermine the functioning of marine ecosystems and disrupt the provision of many goods and services associated with the ocean.[9]

Increasing acidity is thought to have a range of possibly harmful consequences, such as depressing metabolic rates and immune responses in some organisms, and causing coral bleaching. This also causes decreasing oxygen levels as it kills off algae.

Other chemical reactions are triggered which result in a net decrease in the amount of carbonate ions available. This makes it more difficult for marine calcifying organisms, such as coral and some plankton, to form biogenic calcium carbonate, and such structures become vulnerable to dissolution.[10] Ongoing acidification of the oceans threatens food chains connected with the oceans.[11][12] As members of the InterAcademy Panel, 105 science academies have issued a statement on ocean acidification recommending that by 2050, global CO
2 emissions be reduced by at least 50% compared to the 1990 level.[
(Wikipedia February 5, 2015)
CO2 appears to have an impact on ocean acidification which itself is devastating to marine life. And I'm sure that it also has an effect on ocean temperature, which in turn also contributes to Global warming.

Ocean acidification
Carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere has increased due to human actions. During this time, the pH of surface ocean waters has fallen by 0.1 pH units. This might not sound like much, but the pH scale is logarithmic, so this change represents approximately a 30 percent increase in acidity.

It is clear that warmer ocean waters contribute to strength of hurricanes and that is evident by the increase in numbers and damage from hurricanes in the recent past.

Fuel for the Storm | Ocean Today
When the surface water is warm, the storm sucks up heat energy from the water, just like a straw sucks up a liquid. ... This heat energy is the fuel for the storm. And the warmer
the water, the more moisture is in the air. And that could mean bigger and stronger hurricanes.

CO2 poses a terrible danger in so many ways. To view it's harmful impact piecemeal does not present the full picture of what we are dealing with.

The more we learn about CO2, the more we can appreciate the role our worlds forests play in converting CO2 into Oxygen, which has so many beneficial properties to animal life on earth.

Our wanton disregard for maintaining balance in Natural environmental powers which we are so casually ignoring is shameful and criminal, not only to our own species, but also to all other mammals which are totally dependent on our behavior and actions in respect to the natural balance.

The term is "criminal negligence", and if it is practiced locally, it is subject to criminal prosecution. I find it inexcusable that there are no penalties for Global "criminal negligence".

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CO2 appears to have an impact on ocean acidification which itself is devastating to marine life. And I'm sure that it also has an effect on ocean temperature, which in turn also contributes to Global warming.

Ocean acidification

It is clear that warmer ocean waters contribute to strength of hurricanes and that is evident by the increase in numbers and damage from hurricanes in the recent past.

Fuel for the Storm | Ocean Today

CO2 poses a terrible danger in so many ways. To view it's harmful impact piecemeal does not present the full picture of what we are dealing with.

The more we learn about CO2, the more we can appreciate the role our worlds forests play in converting CO2 into oxygen, which has so many beneficial properties to animal life on earth.

Our wanton disregard for maintaining balance in Natural environmental powers which we are so casually ignoring is shameful and criminal, not only to our own species, but also to all other mammals is criminal.

The term is "criminal negligence", and if it is practiced locally, it is subject to criminal prosecution. I find it inexcusable that there are no penalties for Global "criminal negligence". is the,mean bigger and stronger hurricanes.

I find this film and this alternative theory on stabilization of the climate truly encouraging.

•Streamed live on Sep 22, 2020

This is a logical way to take huge quantities of carbon out of the atmosphere and store it in the soil and the results can be healthier animals, people and planet.

GFE 2016 - Ray Archuletta "It Starts With the Soil"

•Aug 18, 2016

There is one primary CO2 scrubbing industrial crop with hundreds of commercial properties and that is HEMP.

1 acre of Hemp scrubs and sequesters as much CO2 as 20 acres of trees .

The advantages of growing Hemp is almost completely unknown in the US.
There is one primary CO2 scrubbing industrial crop with hundreds of commercial properties and that is HEMP.

1 acre of Hemp scrubs and sequesters as much CO2 as 20 acres of trees .

The advantages of growing Hemp is almost completely unknown in the US.

Very interesting indeed!

An online friend of mine named Sigmund Ivarsson had a plan to drill a nine meter wide tunnel near Tel Aviv that would go down and down and down over one thousand feet to somewhere in the Jordan River Valley.

He felt that it should be shaped like an upside down menorah with seven branches going into the Jordan Valley and that there should be at least seven hydro electric generation plants along the tunnel.

Once the salt water would come out the other end it could be desalinated and hemp could certainly be a major crop that could be grown in that area with all the extra desalinated sea water.

All that has to be done with a very basic idea like this is postulate this idea being put forward in the past...... and voila...... "art" can be used to address a number of modern world problems.
I could be wrong but I have ran into what I consider to be a lot of evidence over the past thirty or so years that has me thinking that time is not limited to being one straight line but instead branches and branches and branches.........
somewhat like Multiverse Theory........
and what is in my mind would be termed Theistic Multiverse Theory or even Applied Multiverse Theory, (applied by The G-d of Abraham who I believe EVOLVED over infinite time in the past)...... but I admit it.... .I am biased due to the number of times that I read and re-read the Christian and Jewish scriptures since I was a teenager.

I taught English as a Second Language in Quito, Ecuador from 2001 into 2002 and I admit it......
much of what I write links to my subconscious desire to grab the attention of English language students and increase their level of motivation to increase their vocabulary and actively practice English.

Philosophically I am rather rabidly "Universalist" so my reasoning is that the most ancient Intelligence is off the scale emotionally involved in the success of all of His / Her creations....... no matter what level of energy they happen to be primarily vibrating at?????

Time is based on , what form of movement , heat or cold ?
Time is based on, what form of movement, heat or cold?
Neither. It is based on the duration of existence or change of anything, including heat and cold.

The heatwave lasted 3 days. The cold spell lasted 3 weeks. The temperature drop from hot to cold occurred in just a few hours.

Measurement of duration!
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