Nobody goes to heaven.

Originally posted by Jenyar
Think for a moment what "being married" even means on earth. It has almost ceased to be a religious ceremony and has become more of a ceremonial celebration of a contract (the movie Intolerable Cruelty comes to mind). Even as a promise in front of God it has lost most of its significance to many people.

Marriage should not be a contract, for love is freedom expressed. A contract is a tool to create a sense a security, not love. And how can we make a promise when we don't know what's going to happen tommorow? Life is change, it is changing, a promise requires you to be costant, this is against life. Unless you can be certain of what's gonna happen tommorow, a promise is really a lie, even though it's for a good purpose, but a lie nevertheless. That's why a promise such as marriage had lost its significance, because it is not based on truth.
Originally posted by Hevene
Originally posted by Jenyar

Marriage should not be a contract, for love is freedom expressed. A contract is a tool to create a sense a security, not love. And how can we make a promise when we don't know what's going to happen tommorow? Life is change, it is changing, a promise requires you to be costant, this is against life. Unless you can be certain of what's gonna happen tommorow, a promise is really a lie, even though it's for a good purpose, but a lie nevertheless. That's why a promise such as marriage had lost its significance, because it is not based on truth.

How can you be unsure of a promise to remain faithful to your spose? That just sounds like you having a problem with commitment. People who are unsure of their feelings for another shouldn't enter into a relationship with them. Marriage, under god, as I understand it, is recognizing your love for another member of his flock, and bringing God into the relationship with you. So it is no longer Man/Woman, it is now Man/Woman/God. Then you have God's blessing/protection/whatever with you in the relationship, bringing it to another level. Yes, it is like a promise, to be kept for the rest of your life, and made sacred by the church, but such a promise shouldnt be made by someone who is so uncertain about their feelings and emotions.

In other words, only get married if you truly have feelings for the person, and recognize that. Marriage isn't for the non-commital.

(btw im a bright)

Promise does not equal faithfulness. Not promising anything does not mean uncertainty. Marriage is a choice, just like life is a choice. A promise requires you to remain the same, but people change, your feeling today would not be the same tomorrow. But we can always choose to be with someone, and we can choose this in every single moment. Ane when being with that person nolonger serves your personal growth, of which is the purpose of life, we can always choose again. Length doesn't equal quality. If a marriage doesn't serve it's purpose, what is the point to keep the marriage because of the "promise" we made?

(I'm a bright too)