Nobody goes to heaven.


You just got served.
Registered Senior Member
I've heard it said that when you go to heaven, your reunited with your loved ones.

If this is so, then what about the ones not already dead?

Maybe theres a queue until the whole of humanity is whipped out. Then everyone gets reunited. That or just the bible followers ;)
First of all your conclusion that nobody goes to heaven is wrong based on your arguments (since it's more like a public saying than an actual truth).

Next, your loved ones might not get to the same place as you...but then I think either you will guide them if they are lost, or they will guide you if you are lost.

Further, that you will be reunited with your loved ones may be true even though your loved ones is still alive, cause then it's them that is reuniting with you, you gotta wait like everyone else :), so you are still being reunited, from both's perspective.
Well, you are reunited with your dead loved ones. Also, as a soul, you don't really leave your loved ones on earth, you are still with them.

I'm curious about this part: what if you have a loved one in Hell, and you yourself reside in Heaven?
Originally posted by whitewolf
I'm curious about this part: what if you have a loved one in Hell, and you yourself reside in Heaven?

Send postcards:D or take day trips or holidays to see your loved one. You go to see them for a while and get a tan and they come to see you for a while to escape the heat...

the idea of a big family reunion party is rediculous.

think about people who were married, the spouse died and then several years later remarried. (didn't want to use divorce here).

suddenly you have one woman with two husbands. now what happens when all three of them end up at the big cloud party?
im not seeing eternal perfection here.
using space/time concepts to desccribe heaven is like using space/time concepts to describe heaven.

And I would like to add: it is probably right that no body goes to heaven. If anything, it would be a soul thingie or something.

No one is in heven!!

Assuming (big assumtion) real big!! that "heaven existed" there would be no one there!

We are all born in sin. so they say!.

Quote: suddenly you have one woman with two husbands. now what happens when all three of them end up at the big cloud party?

A threesome? LOL.

Sorry that one was just too tempting!!


It is against my beliefs that such a place could exist.

To believe that another reality exists such as (Heaven & Hell) exists is to deny this reality!!.

These are just ploys of control, the picture of heaven is eternal bliss, while the picture of heaven is total damnation. Be good, you will end up in heaven, be bad, well you know!.

Originally posted by whitewolf
Well, you are reunited with your dead loved ones. Also, as a soul, you don't really leave your loved ones on earth, you are still with them.

Exactly, don't limit your soul, it is much larger than we think it is.

Originally posted by Godless
To believe that another reality exists such as (Heaven & Hell) exists is to deny this reality!!.
You don't have to denie something to believe something else exists. You won't denie that say chocolate icecream exists to believe strawberry icecream exists. All you do is to except there is more, there's no reaon why two things of a similar kind can't exists simultaneously. Therefore there is no need to denie heaven because we live in a world of relativity.
But I think hell does not exist. Like Godless said,
These are just ploys of control, the picture of heaven is eternal bliss, while the picture of heaven is total damnation. Be good, you will end up in heaven, be bad, well you know!.
Hell is made up to limit our behaviours. But heaven is there, a world of the absolute where there is only love, that's what god is. But why would god create hell when he gave us the free will to do anything we want to do but then to punish us not to do what he wanted us to do??? Why would he want us to do anything in the first place. God is everything, has everything, god doesn't need anything.
Well what do you think happens to souls when the body dies Fafnir665??

I would say trees etc go to heaven, because they have no choice in life, so they just pass through without any understanding of their existence, and therefore paradise is very much like Earth in that way; i.e. there will be trees and plants etc around.

I would therefore also say soul either go to heaven or hell.

However one must understand that if God judges each person, can he judge them on what they were taught in life and how they were brought up?? For example if we take a small child who was born within the western hemisphere of the Earth and who lives there, and he was raised to beleive certain things, should he go to hell (or be punished) for living as he had been taught to live by the environment he was in? If everyone around him lives the same way, can he really be punished fairly for being born (without choice) in the position he was in. I would say so because God has given each and every one of us a mind so that each and every one of us knows the way to heaven; people inherently know how to live, it is just a matter of bringing it into the consciousness. Therefore life may be harder for those who are born in immoral societies, and who appear to be 'fighting the system', but I beleive the rewards are there for us at the end.
If everyone around him lives the same way, can he really be punished fairly for being born (without choice) in the position he was in.

God has no mercy for the pygmys, native americans, hindus, or eskimos?
I guess not. They are doomed, heaven is reserved for US not THEM. What a bastard.
MY church, punch the gut, the jaw's still smarting from the "why do Christians think Jesus is the Messiah?" thread.,8672,1144-1,00.html

That should answer the questions, I'm not a real big General Authority-type expert, they can explain it much better than I could.

can he judge them on what they were taught in life and how they were brought up??
If they weren't taught the truth, then their sins are on thier fathers, so to speak. Anotherwards, if you don't tell someone they're going the wrong way, it's your fault they got to the wrong place, and your in trouble instead of them. Some people who lived a long time ago will be very unhappy in eternity.
God has no mercy for the pygmys, native americans, hindus, or eskimos?
I guess not. They are doomed, heaven is reserved for US not THEM. What a bastard.
I didn't say that?! Why would God have no mercy for those societies?? Reserved for us as in the rightous (and they know who they are). :) He is not a bastard. :)
I didn't say that?! Why would God have no mercy for those societies?? Reserved for us as in the rightous (and they know who they are). He is not a bastard.

According to christian dogma, God would have no mercy for societies that defined righteousness in ways contradictory to the bible. For instance if the incas practiced ritual sacrifice of virgins, they would all go to hell, not even knowing what was "wrong" with it. Or if the pymies worship the forest. If there is really mercy for those people, then why do missionaries try so hard to convert native cultures? There is little mercy in the bible, the biblical God is rather demanding, don't you think?
The bible and many other holy scriptures are written by people who wanted to impose fear onto the society and many things contained within those writings are just inaccurate. God is mercy, but because some humans are not, they think God is not. Humans had created a god in the image and likeness of human beings.
This might be helpful

Marriage at the Resurrection

23That same day the Sadducees, who say there is no resurrection, came to him with a question. 24"Teacher," they said, "Moses told us that if a man dies without having children, his brother must marry the widow and have children for him. 25Now there were seven brothers among us. The first one married and died, and since he had no children, he left his wife to his brother. 26The same thing happened to the second and third brother, right on down to the seventh. 27Finally, the woman died. 28Now then, at the resurrection, whose wife will she be of the seven, since all of them were married to her?"
29Jesus replied, "You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God. 30At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven. 31But about the resurrection of the dead--have you not read what God said to you, 32'I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob'? He is not the God of the dead but of the living."

The mistake some of you make is tying your chronological perspective to eternal consequences.
looked more like someone trying to get out of s sticky situation to me. in otherwords..

"um.. that's not my job.. so i don't have the answer."
The answer points to a different kind of relationship between people in heaven. It will defintely be a different kind of relationship with God, so strife won't exist. People will be content with who they are and with having the most significant relationship possible between living creatures.

Think for a moment what "being married" even means on earth. It has almost ceased to be a religious ceremony and has become more of a ceremonial celebration of a contract (the movie Intolerable Cruelty comes to mind). Even as a promise in front of God it has lost most of its significance to many people. Why shouldn't God restore the separation between men and women when we get to heaven? Just a thought...
There was never a separation between men and women, therefore God need not to restore them. It is for us to remember, ie. to re-member with God.