Noah's ark


I just read a bit of the chapter on Noah's ark. I now have a question for the rigid believers amongst us.

I saw no mention of plants. Just creatures of flesh. How do you suppose plants survived a global flood.
spuriousmonkey said:
I just read a bit of the chapter on Noah's ark. I now have a question for the rigid believers amongst us.

I saw no mention of plants. Just creatures of flesh. How do you suppose plants survived a global flood.

you know what i thought was funny is that the flood was apparently caused by 40 days and 40 nights of rain or whatever, yet in 1953 Seatlle had 33 consecutive days of rain with no cataclysmic flood, and just this past fall seatlle had 27 consecutive days of rainfall with similar results. is it that last week of rain that makes all the difference or what? maybe they should start crowding animals into big boats in the pacific northwest?
spuriousmonkey said:
I just read a bit of the chapter on Noah's ark. I now have a question for the rigid believers amongst us.

I saw no mention of plants. Just creatures of flesh. How do you suppose plants survived a global flood.
Seaweed - followed by an acceptable 6,000 years of evolution :D
There is a great little book called Inummeracy by mathematician John Allen Paulos. The term inummeracy is the mathematical equivalent of illiteracy, and in the book Paulos discusses how many people have a poor grasp of mathematics and how this affects us as a culture.

Anyway I recall it because he mentions a calculation as to what the rainfall rates must have been in order for such a volume of water to swell up in such a time, as described in the bible, and finds that the pressure exerted by the rain would far exceed that which would sink any type of aircraft carrier or sea vessel ever built. :p
spuriousmonkey said:
I just read a bit of the chapter on Noah's ark. I now have a question for the rigid believers amongst us.

I saw no mention of plants. Just creatures of flesh. How do you suppose plants survived a global flood.

They supposedly came back from seeds.
SnakeLord said:
Not only the plants.. what about the herbivores?

They supposedly lived off of plant debris that was scattered everywhere. Many plant cuttings will take root under the right conditions -- some much easier than others. It's real easy to start geraniums from a cutting.
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fadingCaptain said:
Funny toon! I dig natty p also.

Some guy thinks he found noah's ark by looking at satelite photos:

a clip from your web-site:

El-Baz recounted his conversations with former Apollo 15 moonwalker James Irwin. The astronaut, now deceased, mounted six expeditions to Mt. Ararat in a search for the ark. Those treks were done through his High Flight Foundation, a non-profit evangelical organization based in Colorado Springs.

"Irwin told me he saw something. He felt it was an imprint on the land of the boat that was turned upside downperhaps with some soil on top. So there was something there in his mind," El-Baz said.

I wonder why CIA photos of MT. Ararat are classified:

Meanwhile, Taylor anticipates that when QuickBird does produce the imagery goods, he'll have more leverage to convince U.S. President Bush and his administration to declassify those earlier Keyhole satellite shots.

Taylor may not have to wait too long.

Next month, the National Imagery and Mapping Agency unveils a load of vintage Keyhole-7 and Keyhole-9 pictures, declassifying the images and making them available for public scrutiny. He hopes Mt. Ararat photos are among those being released.

What's the big secret about a glacier covered mountain top?
Woody said:
They supposedly lived off of plant debris that was scattered everywhere. Many plant cuttings will take root under the right conditions -- some much easier than others. It's real easy to start geraniums from a cutting.

But salt water would surely kill many plants. Not to mention the amount of mud and silt which must have been making the waters turbid due to all that rain washing over the land.

Which also prompts me to ask: how did all the fish survive the flood? Especially the fresh-water fish which normally live in fresh-water lakes or rivers. What happened when the salt water flooded in, and they were all washed out to sea?
The Green Lantern "supposedly" charged his ring each day, but only if he recited an incantation.
They supposedly lived off of plant debris that was scattered everywhere. Many plant cuttings will take root under the right conditions -- some much easier than others. It's real easy to start geraniums from a cutting.

I meant while they were on the boat.
Woody said:
They supposedly came back from seeds.

1. I do not recall that it said Noah collected seed
2. if he didn't collect seed then only a limited percentage of plants is capable of regrowing from seed after flooding. Those are plants that are adapted to floodings or other harsh conditions.
3. If the whole world was flooded they would have covered the earth with salt water. This leaves the soil unusable for 99% of all plant life.
4. What did the animals eat when the plants were regrowing?

I think these 4 points refute the whole Noah's ark concept in a satisfactory manner. Not to mention all the other points raised before.
Woody said:
a clip from your web-site:

I wonder why CIA photos of MT. Ararat are classified:

What's the big secret about a glacier covered mountain top?

well, first of all, i bet CIA photos of MT. Ararat were classified more for the means by which they were taken then the content of the photos themselves.

also, in addition to that, didnt you just say they are declassifying a bunch of the photos? why would they be doing that if there was anything important in them. you think they had pictures of the ark and kept them classified all these years for some incomprehensible reason but now they are going to let them out and sing joy to the world with everybody when they see the ark in the photos...unlikely.
not only that, but what would the current US administration have to gain from keeping photos that in effect "prove" a bible story classified? dont you think they would want those out there for propoganda purposes, like say to persuade the muslims that our god is more real than theirs so our holy oil war against them is likely to succeed?
good government conspiracy theory though. can we do the JFK assassination next?
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If all the water in all the clouds was suddenly on the ground, what would be the effects? How much water is that? Just curious.
noahfor said:
If all the water in all the clouds was suddenly on the ground, what would be the effects? How much water is that? Just curious.

The bible said it had never rained - the world was watered like a terarium.
The mist came up from the ground and fell like dew in the night.
The world's atmosphere was saturated, and the axis to the sun was straight upright...perpendicular, parallel, whatever...
It was knocked of it's axis to it's current angle to the sun of 33 1/3 degrees.
That change in axis tilt caused the water in the atmosphere to cool and congeal into rain, all over the world at the same time for 40 days, covering the tallest mountains for one years.
At that time the new axis was established, the new poles began to acumulate snow and the water level went down as it was redistibuted again.
TheVisitor said:
The bible said it had never rained - the world was watered like a terarium.

[4] For yet seven days, and I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights; and every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth.

are you questioning God's word now???
spuriousmonkey said:
I just read a bit of the chapter on Noah's ark. I now have a question for the rigid believers amongst us.

I saw no mention of plants. Just creatures of flesh. How do you suppose plants survived a global flood.

It was not a Global Flood thats why duhhh! it just most of the humans lived in the region that was flooded at the time, one humans lived outside that area. When it says Global it means more on a hypothetical term. Why are you trying to convert everyone to Atheism? why do you come and force this crap down everyone? why are you Atheist intolerant?