I don't trust isotope dating because it contradicts the Bible age of the earth.
No, you don't trust it because you don't understand it. You are rejecting more than radiometrics. You're rejecting everything you don't understand from history to archaeology to physics. You do not understand these and literary analysis and thus you unwittingly reject even key elements of the Bible you don't understand. You are replacing all of what you don't understand with the ideas invented for you by Fundamentalism.
Nothing about radiometrics contradicts the Bible. It merely contradicts Fundamentalism.
If you were to rely on your Fundamentalism to inform you about the earth, then you would have to believe that it is flat.
If you were to rely on Biblical genealogy (Ussher's method) to inform you about the age of the earth, you would have to believe there were two Josephs who each married a Mary and fathered two different Jesuses (Heli v Jacob).
Great Bible scholars over the ages have taken it upon themselves to learn about the world, to engage in scientific study and try to use their "God-given faculty of reason" "for the honor and glory of God". They demonstrate that there can be belief in the teachings of the Bible while at the same time appreciating science as "divine revelation".
You may feel certain you are within the confines of truth, but you began outside the margins and will remain there as a matter of willful ignorance (not meaning stupid, meaning ignoring facts). You have disengaged your internal error-checking nature in favor of Fundamentalism, and allowed yourself to reject a wide spectrum of interlocking truths, merely to hold blindly onto a narrow, shallow definition of the world around you.
Meanwhile knowledge marches on. Great discoveries have been made in your lifetime that would have revolutionized the world had they been found 100 or 200 years ago. The world will move forward and continue to unravel the mysteries of nature. You will live inside a bubble, cynical, distrustful and deprived of the benefits of knowledge.
This is a picture I'm sure you've seen before. The nearly horizontal striations extending west of North America, particularly the Aleutians, and the jigsaw-puzzle curvature matching the Americas and Africa, and the parallel contour of the Atlantic trench, demonstrate the lateral movement of the plates, generally East-West, at least in the latest episode of continental drift.