Noah's Ark - implications

I started a page on the story a while back: Here but i haven't found the time to finish it yet :)

Also on one of the other posts floating around here i left some info regarding babylonian astronomical beliefs that are openely witnessed during the noah story/beginnings of genesis.

Here's a very interesting book:


Which talks about the story of Ziusudra and the evidence showing it to be the original noah story.
Very scholarly work, indeed.

There are ways for accounting the animals on the ark that you have not taken into account. If the flood was not global, less animals would be needed to fill it than you suppose.

Korean naval architects have confirmed that a barge with the Ark’s dimensions would have optimal stability. They concluded that if the wood were only 30 cm thick, it could have navigated sea conditions with waves higher than 30 m (S.W. Hong et al., “Safety investigation of Noah’s Ark in a Seaway”, CEN Technical Journal 8(1):26–36, 1994.

Do you believe that book is accurate, Snakelord? Have they taken the Von Bora finding into account?
If the flood was not global, less animals would be needed to fill it than you suppose

That's a bit of a pointless statement. The page was done to dispute possibility of a global flood. That's the belief of a huge amount of people and I am merely disputing their claims.

Furthermore, it's all down to personal belief again but the typical creationist belief is that things do not evolve and you cant get one animal from another, (i.e you can't get a giraffe from a tiger), and such other bunch of nonsense as told to me by creationists. As such ALL animals that exist today must have been present at that time for Noah to fit on the ark. Discounting everything except mammals and birds, that's still a massive minimum of 78,000+ animals.

God said he was going to wipe out all animals/man on the earth. If it had have been a local flood then all life must have been in that area on the planet. If you go to the zoo you'll probably find out why that's impossible.

Korean naval architects have confirmed that a barge with the Ark’s dimensions would have optimal stability. They concluded that if the wood were only 30 cm thick, it could have navigated sea conditions with waves higher than 30 m (S.W. Hong et al., “Safety investigation of Noah’s Ark in a Seaway”, CEN Technical Journal 8(1):26–36, 1994.

Ok, question: Did they test it? Did they put 78,000 animals on it, food for 78,000 animals etc etc etc? I'm just curious of course...

Do you believe that book is accurate, Snakelord? Have they taken the Von Bora finding into account?

Well there's many archaeologists and many different accounts of stories. In both these cases the results have been Sumerian of origin- vastly predating the biblical texts. Ziusudra is very close to the genesis account, (without it being global). The anunnaki, (nephilim), are also present- watching the flood from the hilltops.

In the von bora case *something* has been found- but it is far from being proven as being the ark. While it is definitely of Sumerian historical significance it holds no weight as to proof of Noah, or even Ziusudra for that matter. The problem is the von bora project site hasn't been updated in fuck knows how long- so it's impossible to know what it's current condition is.

I suppose if they want to get together with von bora for their next book they're more than welcome :D

Either way there's no definite ark. If there was we'd all know and most would be happy.
Originally posted by Jenyar
Just as I can't believe that any person can look at world-wide flood myths and not wonder where they came from that they are so similar (involving more than two or three similarities, see this very interesting comparison of flood myths) or why they seemed so important.
I checked the Chinese flooding story because that's what I most familiar with. And I see the web site is making up shits out of no where. One of the major flaws is that there was no boat or what so ever boat alike mentioned in the orginal Chinese flood legend. Also, the Chinese flood story was about a man who spent years of his life and led the locals to stop the massive flood caused by a war between the fire god and the water god.
I'm jumping in here late, but oh well.

I'm just wondering, are there any christians who don't believe it ever happened?

I am... Christianesque. I think it is a 100% safe bet to say there was a local flood. As to all land on earth being covered with water at the same time... that is really doubtful. Like you, I don't see how it could have happened.