No prophecies beyond Mayan:12/2012

So nine spirits have returned for 2012 to usher in the end of the world? Maybe they never left, but now they are back on their "feet?" Maybe nine men will plant their feet in the ground and become the foot tree, and they will grow to the heavens?
Well you are telling the story. :)
Well that is what I was saying a "foot tree" is a reincarnation of a leader, "foot" as in standing on their feet; no longer asleep. Re-standing on the Earth.
Just like a tree,
standing on the water side,
I shall not be moved.

[ Lyrics from: ]

We shall not be moved
We shall not be moved
Just like a tree standing by the water side
Oh, we shall not be moved

Well I said we shall not be moved
Well I said we shall not be moved

Just like a tree standing by the water side
Oh, we shall not be moved

We shall not be moved
We shall not be moved
We shall not be moved
We shall not be moved

Just like a tree standing by the water side
Oh, we shall not be moved

Goodnight :)
I like that Robbity. Nine foot trees to place their feet in the gound and ascend to Heaven. All on earth will see them, and touch them, but they will be in heaven. Foot trees... sons of God? Nine of them; Faith, Hope, Science, Valor, Confidence, Hate, etc.
I like that Robbity. Nine foot trees to place their feet in the gound and ascend to Heaven. All on earth will see them, and touch them, but they will be in heaven. Foot trees... sons of God? Nine of them; Faith, Hope, Science, Valor, Confidence, Hate, etc.
Numbers won't be real number. :)
the Nine were the extraterrestrial intelligence that Andrija Puharich contacted while high on mushrooms
Perhaps the nine stars/races of the Pleiades cluster
The nine brightest stars of the Pleiades are named for the Seven Sisters of Greek mythology: Sterope, Merope, Electra, Maia, Taygeta, Celaeno, and Alcyone, along with their parents Atlas and Pleione. As daughters of Atlas, the Hyades were sisters of the Pleiades. The English name of the cluster itself is of Greek origin, though of uncertain etymology. Suggested derivations include: from πλεîν pleîn, to sail, making the Pleiades the "sailing ones"; from pleos, full or many; or from peleiades, flock of doves.
now before we get all bent out of shape about this mushroom thing

the Nine are mentioned on the Mayan site of Tortuguero , in the Mexican state of Tobasco monument 6 , inscription
It can't just be any thing numbered by nine, what is a foot tree? I think it is something to have to do with the "tree of life."
If everything in the world has a common ancestor that makes us part of the same "tree," if God is all, then he is the tree alone. Who are the foot tree's who make war?
RedRabbit goes to his cupboard and takes out a bottle of Heinz Tomato Ketchup. Reads best before date: 1/1/2013. could this be ponders RedRabbit. Well..."Heinz Tomato Ketchup" has more letters in it than "Mayan calander" => Heinz tomato ketchup must be correct and mayan calander is wrong. Oh, but wait...letters aren't really letters in prophecy, they're symbols for sounds and sounds are waves travelling in a medium. Oh! Medium you say....medium =...Uri Geller!!!! Uri Geller spoke to the Nine Gods!! "Nine Gods" has eight letters...that's right 8 letters and "8", (because numbers aren't really numbers) is the Egyptian hieroglyphic interpretation of the symbol guessed it...Infinity!! Infinity is a concept that refers to something that has no a God!! OMG!! My bottle of Heinz tomato ketchup was right! (or wrong, depending on how you look at it). :shrug:

RedRabbit calls his local GP and goes to lie down.
If everything in the world has a common ancestor that makes us part of the same "tree," if God is all, then he is the tree alone. Who are the foot tree's who make war?

I am the nine. Haiti is the foot and the worm wood of the northwest is the tree that goes to the foot .

I thought I told you fuckers the Boiling Yokel Is right here talking to you . Well you will know soon enough I am not speaking falsely now.

See the plan is to lift Haiti out of its 3rd world status and there by creating a catapult effect creating chain reactions . So you take the lowest of the low and elevate the underdog there by providing a bench marker for the rest of the world to follow by example. All basic stuff when it comes to changing world opinions. Success breads success. Why ? Cause humans copy humans and when they see something better they copy as to be better . All part of the competitive nature of the human race. " Race"

Anyway fuckers God Does and the rest follow.
If you want to save the world get on with it lazy asses

So today the eagle of the north falls to the south. That should create quite the ripple in the fabric of time .

See you all in nine days . That is how long my first trip to Haiti is . 9

O.K. here is something to contemplate


I call it the phone home relator

Make an X like the St.Andrew Cross

One leg of the cross is 1,5,9
the other leg is 3,5,7
It is a date. A birth date

3rd day , 5th month , 7th year
My own vanity puts it like this 5/3/1957

The day my pretty little feet popped out of my mothers Vagina in Alaska .

Kiss Kiss humans your in for a ride in my fast blue car .

I am going to fuck up the system as you know it . Already have . I am now highly skilled at the power of the air( The whisper of the wind belongs to Me . The Great leviathan has taken Me under her wing and shown me the great mystery of the deep . Fuck Jesus . He was a baby at this shit . I am a teenager at it now. Be ready fuckers cause it is going to happen fast .
RedRabbit goes to his cupboard and takes out a bottle of Heinz Tomato Ketchup. Reads best before date: 1/1/2013. could this be ponders RedRabbit. Well..."Heinz Tomato Ketchup" has more letters in it than "Mayan calander" => Heinz tomato ketchup must be correct and mayan calander is wrong. Oh, but wait...letters aren't really letters in prophecy, they're symbols for sounds and sounds are waves travelling in a medium. Oh! Medium you say....medium =...Uri Geller!!!! Uri Geller spoke to the Nine Gods!! "Nine Gods" has eight letters...that's right 8 letters and "8", (because numbers aren't really numbers) is the Egyptian hieroglyphic interpretation of the symbol guessed it...Infinity!! Infinity is a concept that refers to something that has no a God!! OMG!! My bottle of Heinz tomato ketchup was right! (or wrong, depending on how you look at it). :shrug:

RedRabbit calls his local GP and goes to lie down.

That would be heinz 57 Ketchup right . Whats with the 8 O.M.G. like a God ?
Mikey Greathouse rules the Night and the Day. Thanks for the props
That would be heinz 57 Ketchup right . Whats with the 8 O.M.G. like a God ?
Mikey Greathouse rules the Night and the Day. Thanks for the props

Heinz tomato ketchup 57 = 20 (characters)
57 = 5 + 7 = 12

20 + 12 = 2012!!! :eek:

If the infinity symbol was depicted as an Egyptian hieroglyph it would being pictured pointing up. ;)

Anyway, I forgot...I'm meant to be lying down and not trolling. (Doctor's orders).
That would be heinz 57 Ketchup right . Whats with the 8 O.M.G. like a God ?
Mikey Greathouse rules the Night and the Day. Thanks for the props

But I rule the sun and the moon, and orbit, gravity, chickens, and cows...
Heinz tomato ketchup 57 = 20 (characters)
57 = 5 + 7 = 12

20 + 12 = 2012!!! :eek:

If the infinity symbol was depicted as an Egyptian hieroglyph it would being pictured pointing up. ;)

Anyway, I forgot...I'm meant to be lying down and not trolling. (Doctor's orders).

The 8 is the 5/3. It is called the invention of the cross. It is historically significant. It is the day Constantine Mother found the Jesus Cross by pulling construction workers from there other duties to uncover the cross for her. Mexico still celebrates the Holy Rood to this day and is dedicated to the Construction worker . Yeah carpenters like Me too . The 5/3 is the nagging 8 . It is the invention of the cross. You all built the house not Me . I am just programed to receive the hand Me downs . The house is built by the by as the power of my word has become better than you all could ever expect . I hope to teach the whisper to every one . That will change human perception for ever more.
If everything in the world has a common ancestor that makes us part of the same "tree," if God is all, then he is the tree alone. Who are the foot tree's who make war?

Why is everyone straying away from 9ft trees meaning 9ft trees? It would be pretty bad if trees only grew to 9ft without adding anything paranormal to the context.
So the Mayans prayed to the war god, a nine foot tree in some garden?

Oh 9 Gods. Well you said something about trees, and Google only quotes you, so when I finally found out what you meant, it is 9 Gods who rise up. Which again goes back to Gravity change. And these temples with heavy stones similar to the Egyptians.