No National Day of Prayer Under Obama

Nothing on his schedule to honor this traditional National Day of Prayer.

Bush held celebrations in the White House every year he was POTUS. I miss him. I miss a real Christian in the White House.:(
Since prayer requires a god/religion, the government should not put forth a decree like this. It is unconstitutional!

I don't miss Bush at all! I always had the feeling he had a christian agenda driving his decisions (see: the war in Iraq, Stem Cell research...). He was anti-science whenever there was a conflict between it and his religion (see teaching creationism in school) and was able to "justify" torture and who know's what other heinous acts in the name of national security driven by his belief that America was doing god's work!

The American people are better then his leadership suggests.

For me I feel relieved that the president is not an outwardly religious person! (Personally I think he might very well be an atheist - but that is a death nail for a politician) To me it suggests that he is guided by logic and facts and not a belief in fairy tales or legends.

History has shown many times that religious belief can be, and often is, a vehicle to justify the most heinous of acts by the leaders of peoples. All in the name of this leaders god or gods.

I heard a rumour there is a group lobbying for a national Vampire Appreciation Day.

Apparently Wall St. supports the VAD lobbyists wholeheartedly.
Actually, I heard it was going to be National Blood Suckers Day...

Or, just BS for short.
Maybe they should think about changing the name to Vampire Love & Appreciation Day.

VLAD just seems to have more bite to it, somehow.
Maybe they should think about changing the name to Vampire Love & Appreciation Day.

VLAD just seems to have more bite to it, somehow.

You make a good point...

But, can you just imagine if they had a parade to celebrate it?

"Goths on parade"
BS isn't the best of acronym. Blood slide or worse still bull sh!t or back stabbers could be implied. O.K. How about an international prayer day? Not a bad idea.
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Yikes! This is the fourth time am trying to post this! I wonder why it can't seem to be taken up. Let me try for the last time. A compromise: instead of one nation under God, how about one nation under G.O.D? That is an acronym for Good Old Democrasy. Other than being factual it has a real nice ring to it. That's what I've been trying to put across for the past couple of hours.