No Gandhian philosophy for muslims.

The U.S government seems to think that people in groups become dangerous so they watch them. I agree with that, there is always aleader and before you know it your like a prostitute for them and their narcissism and then they splinter off and fight amongst eachother. Then you have haver to start calling them general, then they really start to go mad. There are all kinds of fanatics but it is good practice to not become infected.
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No. If i needed Stanford University to tell me that i may as well get a lobotomy. The prisoner 'abuse' and putting panties on prisoners heads is a whole lot better than what the extremists do but god it is far too gruesome to even think about. During WW2 the saying was 'if your gonna get caught (POW) get captured by the Italians' same can be said for the Americans now...i guess.

Well, you managed to change the subject....clever. Back on topic;)
Apparently secularism is defined by attacking countries that ask for evidence and have no WMDs.

That's as much politics as a nondescript mufti in a war torn region talking against the perceived enemy.
Yes it always looks hypocritical from the other side of the fence.
Is the Grand Mufti mistaken?? What is problematic with adopting Gandhian philosophy for muslims?
The Grand Mufti seems to be suggesting that Gandhian philosophy and Mohammadism is incompatible with one another.

Seems like a fair call to me - especially if one were to consider Gandhian as a passivist's philosophy and Mohammadism an aggressive philosophy. Mohammadism has been used to motivate and mobilize people to kill in the name of God and (more importantly) for Mohammad.

Can the same be true of Gandhian philosophy? Can Gandhian philosophy be used to motive and mobilize people to kill?

No authority is a very convenient catch phrase but anyone who has a title such as imam, or mufti and can speak and spread thier opinion to an audience I think qualifies as an authority. Naybe if islam hadn't latched onto this no authority idea the ranks of the folks who can make decrees or speak to an audience would be abit more kosher..or in this case halal.
To me it seems that most Muslims are predisposed to accepting an authority figure. Mohammad certainly was not elected. He was revered as more than just another human. Even though in reality he could have been a talking Large Fig. (Supposedly the message with no novelty was the meat-and-potatoes of Islam). I think the various Caliphs and the myths that surround them testify to the fact that Muslims have been listening to Religious "Authorities" from day dot.


It's very human to follow the leader isn't it? Something we must always guard against. We do the same with our president. He's more than just a public servant to most Americans. He's our "Leader". Dear Leader Bush. How in the world did we humans give the potential to destroy most of civilization in 15 minutes to a just one or two other humans is beyond me - very irrational.
Praising Gandhi earns Kashmir CM a fatwa,


Is the Grand Mufti mistaken?? What is problematic with adopting Gandhian philosophy for muslims?


Easy. To islam ghandi is an infidel and like all infidels should submit themselves to islam or be killed. For islam muhammed is the one to be followed. Not a Kafir like ghandi.

I am amazed you needed to ask such a question.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I understand that but just the fact that one of the highest religious authoritys in the region considers even the suggestion as anti-islamic just boggles the mind. :bugeye:

Makes perfect sense to me. Gandhi was influenced by Hindu principles of non-violence, which runs contrary to the militaristic approach of Islam...whose prophet was a military leader as well as mystic.
I appreciate and agree that this fellow is wrong, but what is being done about him? Nothing?