No Beggining

Can there be a beggining

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why does science assume the laws of the universe started at the big bang.
Because we know that the "closer in time" we get to the Big Bang the less those laws apply/ work. It's simple.
By "some" you mean "everyone but you"?

No, the distinction is in the religious threads, too, not just here. Also see Stenger's work. He necessarily and purposefully leaves out the 'Deity' in one of his proofs showing that the God who is supposed to be everywhere is found nowhere (since the Deity would not be around).

Rare to get one over on you.
No, the distinction is in the religious threads, too, not just here.
A distinction made by you... Only 20 hits for "theity". 19 in posts by you and the last in a post where it's a quote of you. :shrug:

Also see Stenger's work. He necessarily and purposefully leaves out the 'Deity' in one of his proofs showing that the God who is supposed to be everywhere is found nowhere (since the Deity would not be around).
In one of his proofs? Okay.
But, as we have seen, movement does not require a mover, and modern quantum mechanics has shown that not all effects require a cause. And even if they did, why would the Prime Mover need to be a supernatural anthropomorphic deity such as the Judaeo-Christian God? Why could it not just as well be the material universe itself?
Stenger, Physics and Psychics (1990) p. 88
And, yet again, because I can predict the line of criticism that this book will generate, I need to make it clear up-front that I am not claiming that the absence of evidence eliminates all possibilities for a god to exist in every conceivable form. And, I am not evaluating all the theological and philosophical arguments for or against God. I am simply evaluating the scientific arguments and claimed scientific evidence for a deity according to the same criteria that science applies to any extraordinary claim. I conclude that, so far, they fail to meet the test.
Stenger, Has Science Found God? (draft: 2001)

Rare to get one over on you.
So, at best, you've got you, and Stenger who "leaves out" deity. In one of his publications.
So, at best, you've got you, and Stenger who "leaves out" deity. In one of his publications.

Some of us on Stenger's AVOID e-mail list work with him on editing his books before they come out, the next one to be 'The Folly of Faith'.

New words come out all the time; however, I may be charging a royalty for the word 'Theity', as it has certainly become a necessary word for distinction among gods. It will be in the next dictionary. It is related to 'theism' and 'theist'.

Did you check out those founding fathers?
Some of us on Stenger's AVOID e-mail list work with him on editing his books before they come out, the next one to be 'The Folly of Faith'.
And? Will that bring the count up to two occasions where he doesn't use the word?

New words come out all the time; however, I may be charging a royalty for the word 'Theity', as it has certainly become a necessary word for distinction among gods. It will be in the next dictionary.
yeah right. And a redefinition of deity besides adding anew word.

Did you check out those founding fathers?
What's a "founding father"?
You made the claim...
What's a "founding father"?

George Washington and the others, such as Jefferson.

Shall we go around saying 'The God who micro-manages everything and is ever concerned with his creatures' versus 'The God who just started everything going and then went away'?

'Theity' is to 'theist' and 'theism' (which do make a distinction in the dictionary) as 'Deity' is to 'Deist' and 'Deism'.

Also, a bonnet is a hood over here, and a lift is an elevator.

If an English lady in a hotel here in the U.S. asked for a lift and I picked her up, I might get in trouble.
That's cool!! This is how words are created. What was the meaning again?

Theity: The invisible Guy who is everywhere and doing everything, managing ever leaf that falls and every atom in your french fires…

As opposed to a Deity who just started everything going, either not caring or fully knowing what it would amount to, and then went off on a permanent vacation.
You stated:

Please provide a link to the founding fathers using the word theity.

They didn't use 'theity', for I hadn't invented it yet. They had to explain the distinction by using more words.

Good, then I will begin inventing more useful words, Dywyddyr, and I do have a hard time spelling your name.

I'll go see what spell-check calls out in my writings…
In other words you were waffling.

'Waffling' is a good and useful word that someone once made up.

You owe me two cents for using 'theity'.

Every word began somewhere before it gained common usage and that place is here. Everyone is referring to it now.

A Theity walked up to a Deity and said “I’m the smartest, for I do everything, even controlling a trillion-trillion atoms in every piece of dust.”

“Ha.” replied the Deity, “That’s nothing, for I am the smartest scientist ever, one who was even able to perfectly foresee everything, not even having to attend to it thereafter.”

(I sent my 'Theory of Nothing' to Victor Stenger today, although he is on vacation.)
which page and line show that he is wrong?

Well, we are merely on page #2, most of which being very brief (and non-productive dialogue). So, using deductive reasoning, I would assume it safe to say that it would be somewhere on page #1.

(Sorry, I had just to chime in and be a smart ass.) :D