Nice to see children getting a proper education!

As a kid, my fascination with dinosaurs was immense. Not only did it take the form of toys, but I would also read about new dinosaurs, and theories about how they died.

My dad's version was the best:
"Why did the dinosaurs die? I'll tell you. 65 million years of eating and pooping, and what did they do? Nothing! Those stupid animals didn't do anything. God got bored with them and sent a meteor. Look how much humans have done! Now, God watches our movies, and he even gets sequels!" :)
Notice this wonderful book for children:

Isn't it lovely to see children getting a proper education based on a well researched book? The above image is also a link to with a review.

I guess it's not such a big deal as long as it is labeled fantasy. We shouldn't be over-confident of our own understanding of things when teaching of these things, better is to show illustrations of what the Bible actually says, and let people interpret for themselves. Sure the word giants in the Bible may reffer to dinosaurs, so if someone wants to believe that, then fine. However, since many people have difficulty believing that, then we shouldn't compromise with their belief, (at least not for the sake of a childrens book (and especially not labeled "fact" - what difference does it make if dinosaurs lived with Adam and Eve or if they didn't?), this don't serve us well in that sense, speaking from my perspective.