NEWS: Gang found guilty of sex with schoolgirls charges

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§Þ@ç€ MØnk€¥
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Gang found guilty of sex with schoolgirls charges

Four men have been convicted at the Old Bailey for their roles in press-ganging schoolgirls into sex sessions.

They chatted up the teenagers in Ilford town centre, east London, before sexually assaulting them.

Girls as young as 14 and 15 became their victims, the court was told.

The four were remanded for pre-sentence reports until September 13.

Tunde Akinselure, 19, was convicted of one rape and four indecent assaults.

Nester Soverall, 19, was found guilty of one rape, two indecent assaults and one theft.

Sood Ahmed, 19, was convicted of three indecent assaults.

Ramon Markins, 26, was convicted of one indecent assault and one charge of indecency with a child.

The four, all from east London, had denied the charges.

Story filed: 13:39 Tuesday 6th August 2002

Originally posted by spookz
wish you were there?


What the fuck????:mad:

I don't think rape is a funny matter, please get a life!
Awww okay.

Zero, put down the tar and feathers. Static, put the rail back - what the hell are you doing with a rail anyway? :p

Okay. *Sniffles* I'm all disappointed now. I ripped up a perfectly good pillow for nothing.

Oh well - hey look at those ships just laden with tea. :p
Originally posted by Squid Vicious
He may or may not have been joking, but Spookz certainly did have a point.

What point is that :rolleyes:,....*reloads his shotgun* please explain.
Look to your dark side static... everyone has one.

Are you going to try to deny that a tiny part of the anger you feel towards these guys is because they were getting a nice piece of girl and you weren't? The "how" they were getting becomes a side issue. It's a natural reaction... speaking from an evolutionary point of view, you'd be abnormal NOT feeling any jealousy.

So, when you get pissed off at people like these it's for two different reasons... firstly, because rapists are scum, and secondly on a more subconscious (?) basis, because they got some and you didn't.
you sick basted

evertime i read something like that i think "what if it was my sister or my daughter"
Well duh! So does everyone else. Dont read very carefully do you?

You want to go through life in self denial Asguard, then go ahead, and enjoy yourself.

Me, I prefer to try and find truth in everything, even if it does have an unpleasant flavour, and believe me, a lot of things I've discovered have a very bad taste indeed. But still, I find that taste preferable than lying to myself about how saintly i am.
Originally posted by Squid Vicious
Are you going to try to deny that a tiny part of the anger you feel towards these guys is because they were getting a nice piece of girl and you weren't?
Interesing POV, but what if you're a completely straight woman? Or a totally gay guy?
i am DISCOUSDED by the fact that ANY rapist is of my gender


murder is only bringing something that will happen anyway

but rape...
NO ONE should have to put up with the emotional hurt that rape causes
I dunno


Personally, if I had to choose between getting raped and getting murdered, I'm all for rape. All the way, baby! Yay, rape!

I think people tend to overreact to rape. Adam is one. You are another. Personally, I regard it as nothing more or less than aggravated assault. I mean, is it really any worse than just getting pounded into pulp? Same thing, really -- both physically and psychologically. Same assault on your health/life, same feelings of helplessness and violation. I mean even though you may not necessarily be physically damaged a great deal, there's the STDs and possible pregnancies involved. Which is what makes the assault aggravated.

'Course I'm male, so I do not have a very nuanced understanding of female mindset. I understand some are so distressed at having been raped that they get clinically depressed to the point of suicide or become catatonic or something. I think this is at least in part cultural, though. In some cultures women are second-class people and rape is common, and as far as I'm aware girls/women there are not as traumatized by it as those raised under the more Puritanical sexual notions.
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