NEWS FLASH: There is no such thing as a lack of belief.


Refined Reinvention
Valued Senior Member
Now that we have learned more about the term "atheism", we can move on to the next lesson.

The meme "lack of belief" was created by a bunch of idiots.

A belief in nothing is still a belief. There is no escape.

Atheists hate to be attatched to the stigma of believing in anything.
Therefore, they come up with these ludicrous ideas about claiming they lack the belief. They cry "double negative" to justify thier nonsense.
However, this is all a farce to make them 'feel' better.

Any position one takes is a belief. The claim of nonposition is a delusion. Basically people are in denial of the truth. That they "believe" soemthing. They simply do not like to be seen as "believing" in something.
Atheists are totally irrational.

Simple proof that the Atheism RELIGION is the dumbest of all religions. Face the facts. Atheism is a belief. Agnosticism is a belief. Any possible "view" that you could possibly have is a bloody belief. Stop lying to yourself. No other religion so blatantly and irrationally deceives themselves as much as atheists.

Nobody cares if you "lack the belief" or "knoooow not any God yuka yuka yuka". These are your beliefs. These are your set of beliefs. Stop faking the funk.
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There is no god(s). This has been proven to anyone with a shred of an ability to admit the truth to themselves.
I guess it depends on how one defines belief:


1. Any cognitive content held as true.

2. A religious doctrine that is proclaimed as true without proof.

3. A vague idea in which some confidence is placed.
superluminal said:
There is no god(s). This has been proven to anyone with a shred of an ability to admit the truth to themselves.
superliminal believes "There is no god(s). "
samcdkey believes:
samcdkey said:
I guess it depends on how one defines belief:


1. Any cognitive content held as true.

2. A religious doctrine that is proclaimed as true without proof.

3. A vague idea in which some confidence is placed.
I believe there is/are no god(s). Exactly. God is a fantasy of the mind. We have adequate proof of this. Time to tell it the way it really is.
superluminal said:
Spell my name right, luxlick.
You seem to not be one of those atheists that do not fool themselves into this gay mindset that most atheists place themselves into. I assumed you would have been as nutty as the rest of them.
superluminal said:
I believe there is/are no god(s). Exactly. God is a fantasy of the mind. We have adequate proof of this. Time to tell it the way it really is.
What proof?
lix/skill, obviously atheism or agnosticism is a belief. however, it is not the same as religion. I can't speak for all atheists, but as far as I am concerned, I "believe" that I should not support something for which there is insufficient evidence.

I don't "believe" in string theory, and I don't "believe" in a god. I may study these things, and I may formulate opinions about them, but I will not accept them as facts until sufficient evidence has been shown.

I guess you can call that a belief and, depending on your definition, you can even call that a religion. however, for the sake of clarity, it is best not to call it a religion because religions are usually associated with positive belief in supernatural as well as rituals... which I, an atheist, do not engage in.
Hi luke,
Do you believe that I'm wearing a blue shirt?
Do you believe that I'm not wearing a blue shirt?
Or do you not hold a belief about what I'm wearing?

luke said:
Atheists hate to be attatched to the stigma of believing in anything.
Sterotype. Some of the people that argue with you insist that they don't hold a belief, because they attach a stigma to the idea of religious faith. So. What.

Some people believe that God does not exist, and acknowledge it as a belief.
Some people believe that God does not exist, and do not acknowledge it as a belief.
Some people really don't hold a belief either way.

I think that most people who identify as atheists hold a practical belief that no Gods exist, in the same way that they hold a practical belief that there is no pot of gold buried in their back yard.

If they dug up a pot of gold one day, their belief would obviously change. Likewise for God. A simple unambiguous demonstration would be sufficient to change their belief.

I think that the reason for the stigma against belief is a backlash against theists claiming that this practical belief is identical to theistic faith... but it's not the same thing.

Oh... and absence of evidence is evidence of absence if an adequate search for evidence has found nothing: I believe that there is no pot of gold in my cupboard, because I've looked and found an absence of evidence.
I'm glad lixluke was here to tell us that there is no such thing as a lack of belief. Quite an astounding revelation, really.

From his composition we can readily identify there is no such thing as a lack of intelligence, a lack of cognitive skills or a lack of synthesis.

Therefore, we must accept the fact that we MUST believe he has no intelligence, cognitive skills or the ability to synthesize.

I must say, he certainly made a believer out of me.
Pete said:
Hi luke,
Do you believe that I'm wearing a blue shirt?
Do you believe that I'm not wearing a blue shirt?
Or do you not hold a belief about what I'm wearing?
I have no idea what color your shirt is.
Pete said:
Oh... and absence of evidence is evidence of absence if an adequate search for evidence has found nothing: I believe that there is no pot of gold in my cupboard, because I've looked and found an absence of evidence.
Not if some people consider the pot of gold to be something other than what you think it is, and they are consistently running into what they call a pot of gold but which you call a bag of cookies in your cupboard.

I have no idea what color your shirt is.
So you lack the belief that his shirt is blue. But that contradicts your opening statements that lack of belief doesn't exist.

Surely according to you - you must believe he is wearing a blue shirt or you believe he is not wearing a blue shirt. So which is it?
cato said:
lix/skill, obviously atheism or agnosticism is a belief. however, it is not the same as religion. I can't speak for all atheists, but as far as I am concerned, I "believe" that I should not support something for which there is insufficient evidence.

I don't "believe" in string theory, and I don't "believe" in a god. I may study these things, and I may formulate opinions about them, but I will not accept them as facts until sufficient evidence has been shown.

I guess you can call that a belief and, depending on your definition, you can even call that a religion. however, for the sake of clarity, it is best not to call it a religion because religions are usually associated with positive belief in supernatural as well as rituals... which I, an atheist, do not engage in.
As difficult as it may be to not view atheism as a religion, I can give credence to those that would claim it is not a religion like marxism or whateverism.

Perhaps when they stop acting like religious fanatics, and start behaving as rationally as they claim to be.
Especially the internet proliferation of these mickymouseterms.
Should atheists really expect to be taken seriously?
Even this forum includes them in their FAQ.
It's mindboggling.
Cris said:
So you lack the belief that his shirt is blue. But that contradicts your opening statements that lack of belief doesn't exist.

Surely according to you - you must believe he is wearing a blue shirt or you believe he is not wearing a blue shirt. So which is it?
It's an interesting example.
I have no idea whether or not his shirt is blue.
I don't run around yammering about how I lack the belief that he is wearing a blue shirt. Nor do I run around crying about how little I care about the color of his shirt. It's not a huge deal as many atheists seem to make their beliefs about God to be. They even make a huge deal out of acting like it's not a huge deal. Yet they obsess over it.
Well maybe not all of them which I am coming to find out, but many I have met anyway.
I guess what I am getting at is that when you ask me if I lack the belief that his shirt is blue, the first thing that comes to mind is that I simply do not know if his shirt is blue or not.
This is not the same type of respons I get from "lack of belief" atheists as described in my OP. I have not really heard them say as I have about the blue shirt. "I simply do not know whether God exists or not". Whats wrong with that? Why go fanatic about the whole "lack of belief" ideology?

Moreover, it gets absurd sometimes. You mention God to some of them.
"What?! God?! I do not acknowledge any God!! Bah!"
lixluke is actually making a good point in the end of this last post. Sometimes just mentioning the word "God" makes some professed atheists go ballistic. Some of them are right here on this forum. I won't name anyone. They'll probably make themselves known at some point.

It's an interesting example.
It is more than that, it is key to your erroneous statements.

I have no idea whether or not his shirt is blue.
That is not a belief, that is an absence of belief which according to you cannot exist. Choose or accept that your thread is fundamentally flawed.

I don't run around yammering about how I lack the belief that he is wearing a blue shirt. Nor do I run around crying about how little I care about the color of his shirt.
This is irrelevant to your assertion that you claim there is only belief. Either you believe the shirt is blue or you believe it is not. You have implied there is no position for “don’t know”. Now you need to correct yourself.

It's not a huge deal as many atheists seem to make their beliefs about God to be. They even make a huge deal out of acting like it's not a huge deal. Yet they obsess over it.
Well maybe not all of them which I am coming to find out, but many I have met anyway.
Can’t say I care. I have no idea whether gods exist or not (like you having no idea of the shirt color). How would you label me? How would you characterize my clear absence of belief? Which of course you claim doesn’t exist.
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