News flash! Drugs win drug war!

Originally posted by wet1
It was implied above that bootleggers don't exist anymore. News flash.... Yes they do.

The intended effect was to bypass those counties still being "dry". They voted not to sell liquor within their county. Those places still exist. There is a county right next to the one I live in that is dry.

The effect is that when I was a teenager (and seriously underage) I could go and buy any beer or liquor I desired. No id, no parents, no one saying no no. (At that time I lived in a dry county)

*stRgrL* makes mention of drunk pilots and guess what? There was a pilot last week stopped at the security checkpoint and they refused to let him board. He was drunk...

The war on drugs has done nothing but increase our tax burden, increase the amounts of those we would call criminals, and increased the size of law enforcement and the amount of lawyers and judges necessary to deal with it. When you make bad laws the citizens develop an attitude against all laws and those responsible for enforcing them. If it is all right to break one then it is all right to break others. It should be obvious to anyone with half a brain that it is not working. All you have to do is look around and it is everywhere. In schools, in the public, or almost certainly at any public gathering of size.

I argue this, not because I am a drug user, but because it is contrary to what the "people" want. (Otherwise there would be no drug problem) That once again morality can not be legislated. If people would have it then someone will sell it. Far better it would be to legalize and obtain some benefits from the sales. It would shut down the illegal drug market here in the states and go a long way towards reducing the size and scope of it elsewhere in the world, simply by us no longer supporting the trade. Government would be able to receive funds at all levels, through license permits and taxes. New jobs would be created through the support and infrastructure of allowing this to be a managed business. The tax burden would go down by not having to support so many prisoners or having to build many more new prisons. I would think that we probably have enough prisons already built if we remove the non-violent drug offender from the ranks.

Some thoughts I wished to add...

Great points!
Originally posted by wet1

Hmmm, that is not what this is about anymore than the legalizing of alcohol was. It is that if we legalize the drug dealers are taken out of the market and as such they lose; war won. There is no longer any reason to sell, as there would be no money in it for the dealer.

All the more reason to remove the profit that drives the behavior behind such acts. Many other countries in Europe have tried the legalization route and it seems successful for them. They do not have the shooting and killing that go on with the protecting of turf for drug sales. Further, those users "in trouble" with drugs are readily spotted and help is present without stigma. (It must be said that no one here or there can help one who does not want help.)

You assume we are going to legalize drugs soon, but it's not going to happen. I will believe it when I see it. If drug is not gonna be legalized, you might as well step up the war effort. People keep saying legalizing it would mean no profit. That is true, but we can also identify and confiscate their profit. That is not something we have done before until 9/11. We will then fund the operation using drug dealer's money. That way both drugs and bad guys are gone. If we legalize drugs, both drugs and bad guys are still there.
Legalization -- fast or slow -- what will you "do with" people who take drugs and commit horrendous acts under their influence?

Tyler - you say you have absolutely no authority over anyone else's body. So, when someone on drugs causes the death of someone, is that considered exercising authority over their body? Will you propose some sort of punishment?
No, I do not say this because I expect it to be legalized or even soon. I am but one voice in the midst of all this crap crying for reason.

There have been many inroads towards the legalizing of pot to show the way. Many states are making the Federal courts take them to court to change local laws that were changed to reflect the populaces' wants and wishes. Not to mention that it clogs the courts with what many consider as a minor offense. Far better it would be to allow these courts to focus on more serious matters. as it is a large percentage of cases involve the use, not the sales or more serious matters. Further, our penalties are really squewed when it comes to drug use. They are so bent out of shape that if one looks at the penalties involved for the offenses it is more serious to have drugs than to rape. What is wrong with this picture?

The confiscation of property has long been a weapon within the legal realms when dealing with drugs. It didn't just start lately. Look for government auctions involving homes, cars, and other property. It has been going on for years. The same with any cash that is confiscated. It goes to the state coffers with some of the percentage going to the law enforcement agencies responcile for the successful prosecution of the defendant.

If we legalize the drugs, then we take control of them. No longer are people dead because of money deals gone wrong. Nor are people ripped off because it is easy to do so.

As far as the drug dealers go, if there is no market for their product then they have nothing to sell and are no longer a drug dealer. Of necessity they must find a new occupation. The drugs that are on the streets now will be there anyway. That in no way affects the status of changing law. Whether it is done tomarrow or 20 years hence drugs will still be there.

One of the reasons drug dealers are doing so well is that the drug lords that the product originates from have plenty of money to throw at the problem of getting their shipments through. Because of this their equipment rivals if it is not better than our government uses. Without the steady drain of this second, underground economy which funnels the money out of the country, you would find everything from our inflation to the cost of intrest would fall. Why do you think the government wants this to end so badly? It is not just the illegality of it. The borders or porous, the economy has a tremondous drain on it, and nothing is really slowing down the influx of drugs. It is one of the reasons that your money has far less value than it did years ago. More money is printed to replace that which left the country thereby decreasing it's value.

Far better to eliminate the problem by legalizition. Because it is everywhere throughout our society we long ago lost the war on drugs.
"Tyler - you say you have absolutely no authority over anyone else's body. So, when someone on drugs causes the death of someone, is that considered exercising authority over their body? Will you propose some sort of punishment?"

I do not have authority over what another person does to themselves. However, our society has deemed it beneficial (and I agree) that we have authority over someone who exercises an act over another, unwilling, human.
john stuart mill 1859 'on justice'

"The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not a sufficient warrant."

for the love of god, think about the children and decriminalize now!

Originally posted by static76
Great points!

Very good ideas and points in this, many people do feel this way, it shows it in how far this has gotten in recent legislations such as the one that got into committee in Nevada. It is true that there is a large drug war going on, and I, as well, feel that if marijuana was made legal then many issues could be helped, if not solved, such as some of the points made previously. ;)