News: civilised life found on Mars!!

Quantum Quack

Life's a tease...
Valued Senior Member
Just say for a moment that the thread heading was true. How would this affect our religious views?

Maybe they would have their own religion, how does our religion cope with this hyperthetical?

Does religion demand that sentient civilised life only exists on this planet?

How would Christianity or Islam adapt to such news?
Originally posted by Quantum Quack
Just say for a moment that the thread heading was true. How would this affect our religious views?
Define civilized? Ant colonies are civilized - everyone knows their roles and things are carried out with deadly efficeincy....that is civilized...maybe the sentinent civilization acts on the premise....a giant hive.


...I doubt many would deter from their already established views.

Maybe they would have their own religion, how does our religion cope with this hyperthetical?

Maybe they won't. Maybe they base their "beliefs" and "values" on facts and science...whos to say they even have the same defintion as ours

Does religion demand that sentient civilised life only exists on this planet?

Not too sure on this one.

How would Christianity or Islam adapt to such news?

Something tells me they would react to it just as they react to any other religion....they would simply see it as another religion or a threat against humanity sent by the devil....who knows those christians and muslims are crazy, wacky people.
I guess the question I'm posing is how religion tends to arrogantly assume that God exists only for mankind and that the universe is somehow just there for us to look at.

It is this arrogancy that I wish to explore.
That's the problem with religion, it's so self-centered and un-changed for hundreds of years. Written by people with incomplete knowledge, it nolonger serves the society and need to expand to include new understandings.
Oh yeah, most people won't allow religion to change, they believe no new understanding is possible. It is this arrogancy that is destroying the society.
religion is not a toy. it can be used as one. (ex: divine right)

those that question it will get their answer in the afterlife.
Originally posted by Eng Grez
religion is not a toy. it can be used as one. (ex: divine right)

those that question it will get their answer in the afterlife.

M*W: So, if God created us and gave us a mind and intelligence, but said "don't question anything, or you'll regret it in the afterlife I created for you...". This is one disgustingly sick fornicating God, I'd say.
Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
M*W: So, if God created us and gave us a mind and intelligence, but said "don't question anything, or you'll regret it in the afterlife I created for you...". This is one disgustingly sick fornicating God, I'd say.

what i mean to say is that those who question is god real or not wil find out in the afterlife if he exists or not. that is, if there is a afterlife.
Originally posted by Eng Grez
what i mean to say is that those who question is god real or not wil find out in the afterlife if he exists or not. that is, if there is a afterlife.
M*W: Maybe they will, and maybe they won't. I personally believe in afterlife of the spirit, but more correctly, I don't believe there is death to the spirit. The body, yes, for now at least. I believe humankind will eventually be able to cure all dis-eases and death of the mortal body. Questioning is a God-given right. It's unfortunate that humanity would need to "wait" to see if God exists or not. If we cannot see that God exists in humanity, the greatest creation, we miss the whole point of our existence. So what if we find out the truth when we shed our body? What good will that have done us in this life? Nothing, but prolong our perfection. Religions teach how worthless we humans are to prove that God is so much greater than us. I don't see the point in that. If that's the case, why are we here? We're here to glorify our creator's creation--God and humanity are One.

For those who have the desire to learn about other religions, I would say this: Look no further than your own heart to find the truth. It was not just a lonesome few who were inspired to know the word of God, it was all of us. We need look no further than our own creation.
Look for what works and what doesn't. Change the ones that doesn't work and that includes religion.
okay, so we find another thing contradicting earthly religion; the same thing will happen here as with, say, the theory of evolution. Some folks will converge science and religion to account and explain everything. They'll pretend that this recent discovery does not, in any way, debunk their religion--they'll preach this, rather. malleable minds and religions aren't too difficult to temper :p
Originally posted by Quantum Quack

How would Christianity or Islam adapt to such news?

Islam doesn't adapt. Islam means submission to the creator of the universe. It's not a monopoly over what the creator can or can't do. Such news wouldn't affect an individual submittion to a creator at all.

As a person though, I have to adapt to such news from a survival stand point...Not from a religious stand point. For instance, are these Mars people friendly?
Re: Re: News: civilised life found on Mars!!

Originally posted by Flores
Islam doesn't adapt. Islam means submission to the creator of the universe. It's not a monopoly over what the creator can or can't do. Such news wouldn't affect an individual submittion to a creator at all.
M*W: Yes, I believe you are right. How much more "submissive" could one be to one's creator than through the totality of one's body, one's mind, one's spirit, and one's life? As I see it, that is the ONLY purpose we exist. If one is not busy being submissive to his creator and therefore growing his spirit, then one is busy being submissive to one's own ego which devours the spirit. (Paraphrased from an earlier quote).
As a person though, I have to adapt to such news from a survival stand point...Not from a religious stand point. For instance, are these Mars people friendly?
M*W: I would assume that God created them, too. Maybe the lesson they would teach us is how to be more submissive to our mutual creator! After all, wherever they may stem from, that's where God put them. I just don't see their mission as being an evil one. I believe they will teach us how to survive in a world we still have not championed.
Re: Re: Re: News: civilised life found on Mars!!

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
M*W: I would assume that God created them, too. Maybe the lesson they would teach us is how to be more submissive to our mutual creator! After all, wherever they may stem from, that's where God put them. I just don't see their mission as being an evil one. I believe they will teach us how to survive in a world we
still have not championed.

I agree with you MW.
I for one, would be happy at any news that other intelligent life exist in this universe. It's no threat at all to my believes...perhaps we can get our heads together and keep each others company.
Re: Re: Re: Re: News: civilised life found on Mars!!

Originally posted by Flores
I agree with you MW.
I for one, would be happy at any news that other intelligent life exist in this universe. It's no threat at all to my believes...perhaps we can get our heads together and keep each others company.
M*W: It appears we've been doing that all along since we both submit to Allah! I like this name so much better than "God!" Submitting to Allah makes it so much easier and believeable than submitting to a stand-in.