New Years Resolution

The meaning is the meaning... how one responds to an action is how the action is experienced? Perhaps. But how one chooses to see the world is how the world appears? Not really. At least, in my opinion this sounds like free will (an illusion) when in fact we see the world in the only way we can. Not to be argumentative, but I think brain activity is much more complicated than is dreamt of in your philosophy.
What a smurfy response!

Yes I do know I control my orifices, thanks for asking.

Not sure how to proceed from here. Mold is fluffy. In fact when one uses a word like good by saying do good, it is even less clear what they mean than if someone says good music. How many ways can you imagine someone doing good or doing something that they could consider good. The answer must be infinite.

I'm glad you want to do good etc. I just don't know exactly what that means, but then again it doesn't really matter.
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"Mold is fluffy"... Understand the deep meaning of my avatar? :D

But seeing the world the only way we can? The thought of being limited by hardwired perception does not rhyme well with a statement saying brain activity is much more complex than dreamt of by yours truly.

I´ll shut up now. It is beyond me to enforce anything upon thee, my fellow travellers.
I´ll be good :)
I hadn't noticed ... a love for mold. Very interesting. Although all organism are amazing and worthy of respect and love, mold is not my first choice.

I'm not sure what you're saying and I'm curious though I don't want to flood this thread with discussing it. If you feel like explaining it to me, maybe we should start a thread on people's view of good or whatever you are trying to say.

I certainly didn't say that the brain is more complex than you can dream of. It's definitely pretty complex and I know I don't understand it, but I didn't make any statement about anyone dreaming or understanding brain activity ... at least not on this thread.

I do think that it is very important for everyone to develop a sense of what is good both ethically and functionally for the world and to work on achieving those standards. It was a good resolution. I just agree that we really have no idea what your resolution means without more information.
Scilosopher, I think MuliBoy was referring to an earlier comment of mine, in which I mentioned complex brain activity and stated that we, individually, see the world the only way we can. This includes, in my opinion, our perception of what is good and what is bad. For example, based on all facets of your personal history, you might value something as "good", whereas a wild tribesman in the desert, such as myself, would consider the same thing as "bad". In other words, I believe there's no such thing as a universal moral code.

As for MuliBoy's promise to be good, again, I don't know what this means. Help, I'm drowning in my own verbiage!
Gibber.. :bugeye:

Well since the resolutions aren´t dropping in anymore we might as well gabber on right here.. although I cannot think of anything to add at this point..
I´ll just try to explain what "being good" is to me then.
Being loving, caring, unselfish (when selfishness is uncalled for).
Try to uplift the spirit of my fellow beings. Be in the moment and appreciate the diversity of the human experience without being lost in the material maya...

Oooh.. that sounds all so pretentious I´m cringing at myself :D

(no cult leader material no, not me)
Ah yes well that clears that up. Then again I couldn't sum up my definition of good very easily without getting into ways of measuring efficiency and my evolutionary theories (I would never ignore emotions, but I think they can be trained around certain things and quantitated [that sounds very scary ... I mean it in a more warm and fuzzy way {talk about cultish brainwashing comments ... but that isn't what I mean at all}]).
Well yeah. Emotions are often just a selfish reaction aren´t they?
I think one should learn not to always follow them and at the same time respect the ego that clings to them.... ? Did that make sense?
As well as respecting the emotions of others while making the judgement whether the other partys emotions respect your own emotions and thereby deciding whether this other party is a person of such character that he/she is worth interacting with... Did that make any sense either?

Same goes with evolutionary theories for me... I like evolution. But at the same time I harbor the vision of space/time being a entity of its own. The timeline and its moments just slices of this superdude and thus making evolution complete within its hulk.

Levels, levels... Every morning I check which one I´m on :)

(apologies for wasting time)
I hear you this time. Loud and clear ... made sense and I basically agree.

In regard to selfish emotions: It makes sense for emotions to be selfish as biology has arisen with a hereditary mechanism that requires survival of the individual to pass on the order it embodies. Specifically order constituted in programs of response and control environment as well as the individual itself. The most important program being that of copying. The fact that the copying process isn't perfect and a there is selection device for improvements essentially allows genetic learning. In terms of thought and civilization we learn through our experiences, learning from our mistakes and initially flawed attempts at things. By thinking about our interactions with people, we can use our cerebral type of learning to try and improve our society, by changing our beliefs about what is good we can change how we feel about things. This let's our emotions learn to give up selfish behaviors that are inefficient at getting us what we really want. Or in otherwords are in the way of better selfish emotions. The unfortunate part of society is that sometimes people haven't gotten to where you are or it is difficult for various reaons.

In regard to how evolution and the order of the universe: evolution seems to work towards efficient utilization of all available resources of material and energy. New niches open up and things move in. Sure there are parasites, but they are similar to the person who hasn't progressed or the bad idea that is hard to shake. A certain amount of them will always be around, but they can never take over too much because they don't contribute and things would just collapse. Opening a new niche for other approaches to explore.

Another new years resolution. try not to stray so far off topic ...

Yeah. Affirmative. Thunderbirds are go!
I´m with you.
I´ve even used the parasite term as in "controlled by a souleating parasite".
Meant it as a illustration of the consumer ego devouring the persona.
After all, a consumer is only a eater and not a producer.... selfish.

Ok, glad to see such a productive mind at work.
I can rest easy now :)
As a matter of fact, Scilosopher...

yes, I am that don't know about the dirty part.....I bathe daily...that's all I'm gonna say on that.

Well, I'm updating. I am exercising 3x a week and lowered my caloric intake, eating Oatbran to lower my cholesterol.....however, I still haven't lost any pounds. I am looking into possible weight gain side-effects of prescription medicines I'm currently taking. We'll see. For now, I'm packing lunches so I'm not tempted to go to fast food restaurants.

I also went on a music music (ha-ha)....but it didn't last long:) and I'm glad it didn't....I'm so addicted.:cool: