New Years Resolution


Keeper of "good" ideas.
Valued Senior Member
At the beginning of every year, the night before it dawns... before you say "White Rabbits, White Rabbits" (approx: 11:59pm 31/12/2001) You should have decided on the New Years Resolution.

These are promises that you make, that you promise you won't break to make better of yourself, i.e. Quit smoking, drinking too much, go down the Gym, do sport... Lay off the chocolate.

(Just make sure you say Resolution for "Focusing on the new year ahead", not revolution... you activist)

I just wanted to know, who on the board is going to try and keep a New Years Resolution????? And if you keep one.. keep posting to this topic on your progress, As we will all want to know if you fail (It might help you remember or kick a habit.)

Okay, I've never made a New Year's this is a new one for me.....

I'm gonna try to exercise every other day (got an elliptical trainer for Christmas) and eat I can loose the 25 pounds and dangerously high cholesterol I put on the last 6 months (you get over your depression so you start eating because you are happy.....and then you get depressed again because you're fat....why is life so damned difficult????!).

How's that? Typical for the rest of the world....yes, completely atypical for me.....I'm used to weighing 98 pounds with my small 5'1" frame.:(

Does this resolution thing allow for set backs or are you automatically "disqualified" if you screw up?

I like New Year's resolutions, even more so after reading that 82% of people don't keep theirs either... at least not for a full year. Although very health conscious (mental and physical), I have a lotta difficulty remaining on a regular exercise routine, including weight lifting. Here in the frozen north, the baseball season doesn't start until first week of May and for the past 14 years, I've promised myself to exercise for the preceding four months... Maybe this year!
My only other Jan 1 resolution is to waste less time arguing about politics, religion, economics, sex, etc. and to transfer this energy to writing (fiction and non). Peace and goodwill.
I usually skip resolutions, but this year I have a couple: read one "classic" book every month, do at least one exercise from RA Wilson's "prometheus rising" every week, and a couple personal goals that would be too time consuming to describe.

It seems like people always make resolutions about health and cleaning. Are people really that dirty and unhealthy? (believe me I'm not calling anyone dirty and unhealthy ... just asking)

I also want to know if Stryder has any resolutions ...
I just want to quit bitting my nails......I've been trying for the last 7 or 8 years.....
Lets see my new years resolutions....

1: To get to the bottom of the rabbit hole. (This is a cryptic statement destined for those that know)

2: To read the books I've amassed, sometime this year.

3: Not to worry about the little niggly things by treating them like the end of the world.

4:To cook more.

There that should do it... or I won't be doing anything else this year. :p
I'm going to prove to myself one way or another that telepathy or anything related to it exists.
Pollux V

I could try and help you with theat, but you have to question what direction your deciding to take in life... Do you want to follow some research in Parapsychology, or learn how to recreate parapsychological events with machinery?

(If the latter you could turn the direction of those scientists that Banshee and I feel destroy the true work, The ones that abuse the equipment they have access too. Be a good guy ;) )
I have promised to dedicate the coming six months to doing only music. It´s about time and I will let nothing distract me from doing it. So feel free to nag, if I´m in here wasting yours and my time too often. :D

My new year's resolution is to not make any new year's resolutions.

Ahhh nuts.:rolleyes:
MuliBoy's resolution for life is interesting but obscure, since none of us attach the same meaning to the word "good".
I'll make the same resolution that I make every year. To make mistakes, and learn from them. To Grow wiser, to better myself, and to never let the trivial crap in life get to me.
Hello everyone :) Happy New Year to you all!!

I have had the same resolution for the past several years - to eat more chocolate. Well, I could only out-do 2001's many chocolate binges by causing injury to myself, so I had to find a new resolution for 2002. In the spirit of my intended indulgence, my friend suggested I cultivate a sense of interior design, which I gladly took on as my resolution. So, I am endeavouring to learn about interior design and draw from what I learn a genuine sense of my own design style.

Wish me luck, and the best of luck to the rest of you :D
Oh no, stryde I'm going to be a writer. I'd just like to see for myself through myself that psychic phenomena really exists, beyond the reason of a doubt. What are your suggestions?
Originally posted by John Como
MuliBoy's resolution for life is interesting but obscure, since none of us attach the same meaning to the word "good".

Only obscure if you lack intuitive cognition. Good is good. Not bad or in between. As simple as "don´t worry, be happy".
Love is not infatuation, desire or need. It is pure energy without additives or hidden agendas. Good will unto all.
Simplicity can be un-graspable when one is shrouded by the material or attached meanings imposed by third parties.
It´s very simple when you are simple :)
If two guys both think it would be good to get the same girl, what is good. When person A or person B gets them. Especially if she would like both a lot.

Or say a girl is dating some guy who she loves, but he's a bit incompetent and you think she'd be better off with you. Is it better to try and convince her to be with you? You really don't know if she's better off with you even if you are clearly more competent and could provide for her better.

My only reason for using relationship examples is they are easier to come up with than many other things (though there is always stealing to feed your kids and stuff like that).

I do agree that at a certain level when your talking about simple basic things people will typically agree on what's good. In complex situations which abound in life this is not the case at all. There were at least a handful of people who thought blowing up the WTC was a GOOD enough thing to do to sacrifice their life for it.

Maybe part of the problem with modern society is we've let it get complicated enough that it is no longer clear what exactly "good" is. (is is another tough one ... though I'm sure everyone thinks they know exactly what people mean when others say is ...)
JC is certainly simple, but not s-minded. Encountering relative words of value like "good" leads me to wonder what is meant, as in "be good, do good, live good". I'm honestly interested in others' perceptions, seriously. For example, I think everyone is already as good as he/she can be, do good to their capabilities, and live as well as possible under the circumstances. Perhaps a great deal of human woe would be avoided if we accepted self and didn't try so hard to be better. Just a cloudy thought on an overcast Jan 8 afternoon.
Bahh.. a smurf on you! :D

Good is good. Good is fluffy, nice and loving.
I´m not wielding the word in a sentence like "This is good music" or "It sure felt good to blow those satanic americans up":(

The meaning is the meaning. Be nice, do nice things, live as nice as possible.
The core of being is so Zen it seems to just cross cirquit everybody.
What you put out is what you live in. It´s so easy.
How you respond to a action is how the action is experienced.
How you choose to see the world is how the world appears.

Damn ppl, don´t you know you are in control of the bodily interface you posess? You are in control :)