new worlds with different mathematics

Captain Kremmen

All aboard, me Hearties!
Valued Senior Member
If we assume for the purpose of argument that God made this world. Could He/she make another world where 1+1=3? Or are some things impossible even for God? :eek:
It is obvious for me that mathematics is the only universal language. Although this is my limited perspective from this world´s boundaries, I´m inclined to think this theory is just true.
Chris Cremin: Why would God create an imperfect universe?
I don't think that a universe where 1+1=3 would necessarily be imperfect. If it were true in that universe, then it would have equal truth and validity to 1+1=2 in ours. In any case the question was not "would" but "could".
Good point. I suppose if God is all-knowing, omniscient, infallible, etc, and is infinitely smarter than humans, then I guess we are to believe that God is capable of creating a universe where 1 + 1 = 3.
Thanks Qa', I agree with you. His/her Omnipotence is in question if anything is impossible. And if this impossibility cannot be made possible, then how can any other impossibility be made possible. We would have to dismiss any possibility of miracles.
Good point. I suppose if God is all-knowing, omniscient, infallible, etc, and is infinitely smarter than humans, then I guess we are to believe that God is capable of creating a universe where 1 + 1 = 3.

Although this rises the question, in this weird universe, isn´t their "3" just a translation of our "2"?
After all, we have had different origins for numbers, in many cultures, different variations, althought it have always been the same after translation.
Although this rises the question, in this weird universe, isn´t their "3" just a translation of our "2"?
After all, we have had different origins for numbers, in many cultures, different variations, althought it have always been the same after translation.
No, in this weird universe 1 is the same as our 1 and 3 is the same as our 3, but 1+1=3.
No, in this weird universe 1 is the same as our 1 and 3 is the same as our 3, but 1+1=3.

Then I am inclined to say that it is impossible.

1 and 1 equal 2.

1 + 1 = 2

. + . = ..

Saying 1 + 1 = 3, or . + . = ... would be incorrect, no matter where you are.
I can make a computer program that always summing 1 + 1 to be 3.
What so difficult for a God designer of the system to create a system which apply 1+1=3? What's the explanation of water not frozen at -4 celcius degrees?
It would be a universe without logic. In this universe you would put two apples together and they would be three. The two of them, you see ;)
System dictates logic.
In an arbitrary universe, with system that let such living organisms live, which those among them having capability of manipulating / analyzing data (as response to the surrounding envirorment), their logic will be totally different with logic dictates by the earth.

Had one ever learn other language not mother tongue, mother-tongue-language logic will be a barrier to be able to master such other language.

I am learning chinese language, the first one year I got stucked, when then I realized my built-in language logic couldn't accept many aspects of chinese language. I put aside my built-in language logic, it's not become easy, but definitely I am progressing a lot compared to the first one year of logic rebels.
Originally posted by LiveInFaith
Had one ever learn other language not mother tongue, mother-tongue-language logic will be a barrier to be able to master such other language.

Master of one or student of many. Although mastering one language is likely to increase an understanding of others.
Master of one or student of many. Although mastering one language is likely to increase an understanding of others.

Mastering one mathematical system of an arbitrary universe is likely to increase an understanding of other universe.
I can make a computer program that always summing 1 + 1 to be 3.
No - you can't.
You can write a program that will take certain user-inputs and add in hidden ones to get a different response than the user-inputs would expect - but you would not then be adding "1 + 1" to get to your answer.

What so difficult for a God designer of the system to create a system which apply 1+1=3?
Feel free to explain how. :)

What's the explanation of water not frozen at -4 celcius degrees?
That would be physics / chemistry.
No - you can't.
You can write a program that will take certain user-inputs and add in hidden ones to get a different response than the user-inputs would expect - but you would not then be adding "1 + 1" to get to your answer.

Feel free to explain how. :)

That would be physics / chemistry.

Allright, you're right.
As programmer, I had in mind a 'precondition' to the equation, when such condition reached, the equation applied.
Bad analogy I made to water, when normally frozen at zero, under some condition it could reach -40. Sure, math is not physics/chem, but math is used to make models from physical existence which has to follow nature of physical characteristics. I imagine there is a dynamic expanding universe, when any arbitrary two things put together, will be giving birth to a new one, and the condition could be modelled in that math equation.

Anyway, assuming I were God (creator) of the computer program, in my 'small universe (ie. the program)", I could do anything I want, i.e setting precoditions, when triggered, will come to various results. All 'creatures' in the program should follow suit.
Live in Faith said

"Anyway, assuming I were God (creator) of the computer program, in my 'small universe (ie. the program)", I could do anything I want, i.e setting precoditions, when triggered, will come to various results. All 'creatures' in the program should follow suit."

This is a valid point. and the computer analogy is good. Following on from what Sarkus said, I think that what it means is that God could make a world where it seemed to the beings of that world that 1+1=3, but he would be fooling them with his programming. It still leaves the question of whether he could create a world in which 1+1 really equalled 3.