New Wikileaks Dump is Unconscionable

The Nation responds to wikileaks debate in video footage:

"Mitchell, who has been closely covering the WikiLeaks controversy, argues that Assange may actually be saving lives by drawing public attention to underreported aspects of the wars we're currently involved in, and questions the real motives behind the cries for blood (literally) being leveled at Assange from the right."
yeah but no one likes a rat. like someone told me a lon time ago "were all dirty".

Wikileaks is a media organization not the actual whistleblower who provided the information. Its a sad day when media reporting the truth are considered 'rats'.
yeah but no one likes a rat. like someone told me a lon time ago "were all dirty".

The real rats are the unelected b'stards that do this crap in our name, who the hell do they think they are? Why shouldn't they be outed?
Wikileaks is a media organization not the actual whistleblower who provided the information. Its a sad day when media reporting the truth are considered 'rats'.

hey thats just the way it is. one day they'll be ratting on you. cant trust them.
hey thats just the way it is. one day they'll be ratting on you. cant trust them.

The aim of Wikileaks is to keep government transparent not the average everyday citizen. Spying on the individual without due cause is what the government does.
The aim of Wikileaks is to keep government transparent not the average everyday citizen. Spying on the individual without due cause is what the government does.

Here in the UK we are the most spied on in the "free world" and they still ain't satisfied with that..
Not satisfied with spying on us, the government now evesdroppes on public conversations, triangulates mobile phone signals (GCHQ also intercepts telephone, radio and mobile-phone and internet traffic "in the name of security" and has number-plate recognition cameras in police cars. Even the Stazi never went that far..What are they so afraid of?
Here in the UK we are the most spied on in the "free world" and they still ain't satisfied with that..

I know, I'm well aware of that. Its used under the guise of 'security' and anti-terrorism but really its a national surveillance apparatus. You might find this interesting on the very subject in hand:

Attacks on wikileaks is just an attempt to carry these repressions further by clamping down on dissident voices and any challenges to the power elite.
The aim of Wikileaks is to keep government transparent not the average everyday citizen. Spying on the individual without due cause is what the government does.

like i said 'everyone is dirty' he rolled the dice and it came up snake eyes.
I know, I'm well aware of that. Its used under the guise of 'security' and anti-terrorism but really its a national surveillance apparatus. You might find this interesting on the very subject in hand:

Attacks on wikileaks is just an attempt to carry these repressions further by clamping down on dissident voices and any challenges to the power elite.

Lucy, you have an informed and correct grasp of the situation. Maybe best not to push our luck on an open forum. I have an open M165 file as it is! Wouldnt want anyone to be "spooked" into silence if you get my drift.
I know, I'm well aware of that. Its used under the guise of 'security' and anti-terrorism but really its a national surveillance apparatus. You might find this interesting on the very subject in hand:

Attacks on wikileaks is just an attempt to carry these repressions further by clamping down on dissident voices and any challenges to the power elite.

theres always gonna be a power elite. only worse.
theres always gonna be a power elite. only worse.

Only If you accept it. There are things you can do as a person, group, nation or whatever. You just need the balls to say "No, I'm not having this, it's unconstitutional, evil and wrong" They say we have no written constitution in the UK, but we have the Magna Carta signed by king John.
Only If you accept it. There are things you can do as a person, group, nation or whatever. You just need the balls to say "No, I'm not having this, it's unconstitutional, evil and wrong" They say we have no written constitution in the UK, but we have the Magna Carta signed by king John.

accept what? some mf'er cutting off his nose to spite his face? fuck him.
accept what? some mf'er cutting off his nose to spite his face? fuck him.

No, some muttha selling your future and your kids for a crummy under-the -table deal. Never heard of the Love Canal debarcle? Highly toxic waste was dumped in a canal in residential America causing deformities and birth defects and deaths. For YEARS, Want all that to go unreported?
Just sharing some links and impressions-

Spiegel Online has been doing excellent coverage of the WikiLeaks story, and that's where I mostly turn to keep up:



Speigel\War Logs

I haven't rummaged much at the source, but here is one portal that may be useful as the url hide-and-seek goes on: Mirrors & Links

And ever more rarely can I bring myself to read items headlining Julian Assange, Assange, Assange, Assange, Assange:

Julian Assange said:
I am the heart and soul of this organization, its founder, philosopher, original coder, organizer, financier and all the rest. If you have a problem with me, piss off.

As I've opined before, Assange really should just get to Stockholm, and behave as accountably as he would insist of other public figures. Until he does so, I've heard about enough from him for now. Too much self-promotion in a cause like this, with apparent cold feet about personal accountability and self-sacrifice doesn't impress me all that much. So I find this story more inspiring than Assange:

Spiegel: Former WikiLeaks Activists to Launch New Whistleblowing Site