New Wikileaks Dump is Unconscionable

I'm beginning to wonder just what unpleasant surprises could be in these documents.
Possibly the newspapers are only releasing fairly safe stuff at this time.
If your theory,above, is supported by material in the leaks, it could cause unnecessary conflict.
Other stuff could cause wars.
It is "shouting fire in a crowded theatre", as the old argument goes.

No he's not a traitor, but he is guilty of espionage.
And Sweden's free speech laws have helped him to do that.

There is a difference between whistle blowing, and what has been done here.
Whistle blowing exposes corruption.
This is taking a nation's secrets, and letting anyone read them, without regard to the harm it could do.

Who do you think would go to war over the realisation that governments lie? I think these leaks could prevent wars and losses of life. Just look at the cables about Iran. All the time Obama was preaching peace love and understanding he was preparing for "other options"
I wonder what the US diplomats in Saudi Arabia have said about the Saudi leadership behind their backs?
The mutual detestation between the peoples, although papered over with treaties and alliances, is clear to anyone who has ever set foot in the country.
Who do you think would go to war over the realisation that governments lie? I think these leaks could prevent wars and losses of life. Just look at the cables about Iran. All the time Obama was preaching peace love and understanding he was preparing for "other options"

I'm falling behind on this. I must start buying a daily newspaper.
Come to think of it, Newspaper shares are probably a good buy at the moment.
I wonder what the US diplomats in Saudi Arabia have said about the Saudi leadership behind their backs?
The mutual detestation between the peoples, although papered over with treaties and alliances, is clear to anyone who has ever set foot in the country.

Heh you're really falling behind. Why would there be "mutual detestation" between like minded people? Everyone in that cabal understands perfectly well how quid pro quo works.

US was worried over Saudi prince health - WikiLeaks

WikiLeaks cables: Saudi Arabia wants military rule in Pakistan

WikiLeaks reveals Saudi efforts to thwart Iran
King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia presses US to attack Iran in cable released by WikiLeaks.

Wikileaks: Saudi King Urged Gitmo Chip Implants to Track Them 'Like Horses, Falcons'

As for the "peoples" well both peoples have little clue what their leaders cook up together.
You could have swapped Bush with a Saudi Prince, and probably no-one would have noticed. Privileged and Stupid. A bit too skinny though.
I've got my newspaper now. I'll be back, as the Governor of California used to say.
Lol, I am glad to hear that actually. How are you?

Overworked! Email me. I ran into one of your govts. higher officials.

Do you personally think it's a real leak? I am really asking to learn your opinion.

Oh, it's real.

Who do you think would go to war over the realisation that governments lie? I think these leaks could prevent wars and losses of life. Just look at the cables about Iran. All the time Obama was preaching peace love and understanding he was preparing for "other options"

Sam, Obama has never taken force off the table. So you're just wrong. And if the cables show anything, it's that it's not just the US who considers Iran a threat, which some people on this site constantly allege.

I doubt it, if that were true, Assange would have been in prison long ago. Why do you suppose they have Sweden incriminating him in a months old rape case? Why don't they just arrest him for treason?

And I'm right, [what else?]

We're talking different things, I think. I was talking about American laws, which he has undoubtedly broken and can be arrested for -- anywhere in the world. I have no idea what the law is in Sweden, don't really care.

I'm beginning to wonder just what unpleasant surprises could be in these documents.

The Media is reporting this breathlessly in America, as if it just stumbled on the proverbial smoking gun or some other incredbile scoop. It's all beginning to be a joke, if you ask me. But the Media is taking it SO seriously...

Other stuff could cause wars.

There was a report this morning that the stuff about Yemen will be used to help fuel that country's insurgency and radical Islam. Is that the moral outcome Assange wanted?
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It's amazing how quickly someone like Assange will put other people's lives on the line for their high principles.
It's amazing how quickly someone like Assange will put other people's lives on the line for their high principles.

He has no consequences. He is not a policymaker making policy or a security official. He doesn't care what happens, nor will he ever be held responsible.
It's amazing how quickly someone like Assange will put other people's lives on the line for their high principles.

How about the media for publishing those documents as well. The media didn't have to publish them but did so they are even more at fault than he is, IMO.:mad:
How about the media for publishing those documents as well. The media didn't have to publish them but did so they are even more at fault than he is, IMO.:mad:

I think, but am willing to be corrected, that the entire contents have been given to the press already. Some of the material was redacted by the press, and the site is only publishing the redacted material.

Sam will know.
Assange Q&A @ The Guardian

Nothing particularly groundbreaking there yet, but the link may be worth watching for more responses. Rather than blogging from the UK Assange might better make a deal and get to Sweden while the getting is good (safer for him there IMO). If accountability is what Assange is about, he should lead by example.
Wow. Lets silence the media. That`s a great idea. :m:

No , lets put those who are doing treasonous things in jail like anyone else who would be doing that. Not all media were publishing these Wikileaks only a few so that would leave the ones who don't break the law in place and get rid of the ones who do. We will not have any justice if that isn't done and will allow anyone to disclose top secrets about the government and not be punished. Then let all of the spies out of jails too because they have the right to free speech .:mad:
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A magnificent portrait of a WL hater is at Driftglass (an entertaining read, too):

David Brooks said:
They [The WikiLeaks] are bad for the world because they destroy trust, which isn’t in great supply to start with, and I wish the establishment still had enough self-confidence to marginalize this sort of behavior and protect the social ecology.

driftglass said:
Poor, old Establishment; a multi-trillion dollar budget, control of every major gummint and financial institution on Earth, enough weapons to blow up half the Solar System, and they still can't muster enough horsepower to put those fucking hippies in their place.

...David Brooks' World Order can be a very Nice Conservative Daddy who only wants what's best for you...

...right up until you cross it in any substantial way. At which point you can expect to have your throat ripped out, your family destroyed and your shattered body tossed into some back alley of history, where the last thing you will see in this life is David Brooks, hoisting up his 1,000 starched Centrist skirts and petticoats to take a piss on you.
No , lets put those who are doing treasonous things in jail like anyone else who would be doing that. Not all media were publishing these Wikileaks only a few so that would leave the ones who don't break the law in place and get rid of the ones who do. We will not have any justice if that isn't done and will allow anyone to disclose top secrets about the government and not be punished. Then let all of the spies out of jails too because they have the right to free speech .:mad:

Do you hold the same opinion of Daniel Ellsberg who released the Pentagon papers during the Vietnam war? How about Woodward and Bernstein in the Watergate affair? Because all of them disclosed 'secret' and 'confidential' government information in the interest of government transparency.