New study links belief in punative God to emotional problems

The situation is far stickier when you're talking the God of the Bible, who watches over your every thought and feeling like the thought police. Jesus said to be angry with your brother without cause is equivalent to murder. To call him a fool is to risk being burned in hellfire. To lust after a woman in your heart equals adultery. To divorce and remarry is adultery. To doubt and not have enough faith is a sin. Then Paul tops it off with an impressive list of goodies: gossiping, getting drunk, fornication, wrath, revelry, coveting, idol worshipping, contention, gluttony, blasphemy, sowing discord, being gay, laziness, pride, vanity, lying, backbiting, malice, uncleanness, envy, greed, hypocrisy, etc and etc. And if that isn't enough, there's always sins of omission: James 4:17 declares, "Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins."

Not a single person back then could live up to this ridiculously stringent moral code and none can to this day.

Correct...what else does it say? "no one will be justified by keeping the Law because through the Law is the knowledge of sin"...You're so've arrived at the point of understanding these simply lack the honesty to apply it all to yourself...if you would do that, He might enable you to discern His Remedy for your plight.
Correct...what else does it say? "no one will be justified by keeping the Law because through the Law is the knowledge of sin"...You're so've arrived at the point of understanding these simply lack the honesty to apply it all to yourself...if you would do that, He might enable you to discern His Remedy for your plight.

The remedy was and is quite simple. Realize that this system of religion you've been brought up to believe in without question is nothing but a bunch of lies and myths that has no relevance to your life at all. Hence the freedom that results when you realize there is no such thing as sin at all and no God waiting to punish you for simply being human. It couldn't get any simpler than that.
God will punish you for bad spelling.
The word is "punitive".

Added later.
I see you are spelling it correctly now.
I must have a word with God.

What, God? .........Very bad spelling mistake? .........Deserved eternal torment?
Very forgiving?.......................

Sin forgiven.
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Most people in China don't believe in God as well as those living in India so what makes them think the way they do?
Most people in China don't believe in God as well as those living in India so what makes them think the way they do?

Do you mean "don't believe in Christianity"?

According to the 2012 WIN-Gallup Global Index of Religion and Atheism report, 81% of Indians were religious, 13% were not religious, 3% were convinced atheists, and 3% were unsure or did not respond.
The real problem does not reduce to one's belief in a punitive God, but a belief in God, in the context of a godless culture, since the two don't overlap and therefore inner conflict is created. The same brain dynamics would be true of any situation where a minority view, is pushed against by a majority view, that contradicts it, such that conformity to the majority, creates inner conflicts due to differing needs.

If you were the only scientist and atheist, on an island with only religious people, human connections important to emotional and mental health will require one learn to coexist with the religious majority. To avoid isolation, you would need to compromise certain bigoted things, which if you were also trying to stay true to your original belief, will cause conflict. It is not the atheist god of chaos doing this but the polarization isolation due to a different majority view.

In America culture, the media is more conducive to godless liberalism, with conformity by religious minorities, to be more peacefully accepted, creating inner conflict with respect to their base belief.

The alternative of nonconformity to remove the inner conflict, is to be constantly beat from outside by those who expect you to conform. It occurs in these forums. To get them to stop the harassment, you need to conform which then creates inner conflict. It is not so much the connection to a punitive God, but also a punitive culture, who beats you into conformity. Either way one will take a beating if you stay apart one not just merge with the majority.

In American culture, liberalism believes in diversity, which is secretly designed to keep people in conflict with themselves and with each other, since they will have to confront the main stream, who sort of expects conformity with respect to language and traditions. The inner conflict can create fear which cause the divided culture to cling tighter so the dynamics perpetuates.

The democratic party which supported slavery before the civil war and segregation after the slavery was abolished, figured out a way to keep the races, separate; called diversity. The source of the predictable inner conflict is then blamed on those who have always wanted one culture of humans (all created equal), since seeking conformity to all equal, will cause conflict for diversity.

The trick of democratic segregation, in spite of law, was to divide people via diversity, so there is there is inner conflict with the white majority and then blame the white guy for trying to conform all people into a culture that is known for success; the haves.
The real problem does not reduce to one's belief in a punitive God, but a belief in God, in the context of a godless culture, since the two don't overlap and therefore inner conflict is created. The same brain dynamics would be true of any situation where a minority view, is pushed against by a majority view, that contradicts it, such that conformity to the majority, creates inner conflicts due to differing needs.

compromise certain bigoted things
This is a direct statement that atheism in and of itself is bigoted.
All you're doing here is displaying your own.

which if you were also trying to stay true to your original belief, will cause conflict
Atheism, by definition, is not a belief.

It is not the atheist god of chaos
Also, by definition, there is, and can be, no "atheist god".

Blah blah blah
And all you're doing here is attempting - unsuccessfully I might add - to divert the actual topic (as stated in the thread title) away from any examination of your precious beliefs, toward a strawman argument.
Do you mean "don't believe in Christianity"?

According to the 2012 WIN-Gallup Global Index of Religion and Atheism report, 81% of Indians were religious, 13% were not religious, 3% were convinced atheists, and 3% were unsure or did not respond.

Their "beliefs" are with many entities as do Hindus for they too believe in many deities but not one God. As for Chinese they don't believe in anything but the Emperor .
And all you're doing here is attempting - unsuccessfully I might add - to divert the actual topic (as stated in the thread title) away from any examination of your precious beliefs, toward a strawman argument.

It does not matter what one believes. If one is among others of the same belief, exclusively, there is less inner doubt since each will help the other maintain their beliefs. The feelings remain positive and full of conviction. Inner doubt and emotional over compensation is more likely to appear when confronted by those of the opposite belief. Emotional problems is the topic implies activating emotions of the negative side. I push that button all the time, by taking a different path to the same problems, solved by consensus rituals. The peer pressure is designed to make me stop so the doubt can go away and the emotional sea will calm.

I am not saying one is right or wrong, but objectivity to all the ideas should cause one to drift, center, which then can induce social opposition to the most bigoted to the original POV. The God head is one bookend that sets an extreme standard, because the God POV is in writing and God can't be question to see if the middle might be better so the emotions can change.

I use the term the God of Chaos, as the atheist god, because chaos and chance is a swiss army knife of their belief system. Atheism does not believe in a deterministic universe, but rather a random universe. The gods of the ancient religions were fickle and therefore not predictable in terms of causal factors. They assumed a random nature to their gods and their impact on nature. This is not new.

The only real difference is a language game, that states we do not believe in any god but do the same actions as those who once believed in fickle gods. As an example of this word game, if I say I am an independent voter, but I always vote democrats and believe in all democratic principles, it is not what I say that defines me but what I do that counts. This game is very common to liberal leaders, for example, where the richest democratic members of congress, preach about the evil rich, but somehow their wealth does not count in terms of being connected to those evil 1%. Maybe one cannot see the game when you are too close to the game. My mentioning this should trigger an emotional reaction of the negative type due to overcompensation.

If anything a deterministic god POV is closer to logic and reason since it implies a logical connection in space and time that traces back to primary causes. The age of enlightenment was a movement away from a random universe where the fickle gods threw monkey wrenches into logical order of determinism. Doctors educated by the church were the main source of science in the beginning, fighting random gods for logical solutions. The word game preaches that random is not retro but modern. Whereas history shows that modern science came to help get rid of the random gods of fickle (spontaneous generation) in favor of logical determinism.
It does not matter what one believes. If one is among others of the same belief, exclusively, there is less inner doubt since each will help the other maintain their beliefs. The feelings remain positive and full of conviction. Inner doubt and emotional over compensation is more likely to appear when confronted by those of the opposite belief. Emotional problems is the topic implies activating emotions of the negative side. I push that button all the time, by taking a different path to the same problems, solved by consensus rituals. The peer pressure is designed to make me stop so the doubt can go away and the emotional sea will calm.
Another strawman.
And, as shown in the OP, wrong.
The particular belief under discussion HAS been shown to matter.

I use the term the God of Chaos, as the atheist god, because chaos and chance is a swiss army knife of their belief system. Atheism does not believe in a deterministic universe, but rather a random universe.
What utter, unmitigated nonsense.
You're obviously highly (and, given the number of times it's been spelled out on this forum, wilfully) ignorant of what atheism actually is.

My mentioning this should trigger an emotional reaction of the negative type due to overcompensation
Any "negative reaction" you get is entirely predicated on the fact that you're talking crap.

If anything a deterministic god POV is closer to logic and reason
Not shown to be the case.
This is your belief, not logic or reason.
Another strawman.
And, as shown in the OP, wrong.
The particular belief under discussion HAS been shown to matter.

Your point would be clearer, if you developed your ideas with a line of logic, rather than just cover your eyes and ears and makes noises to avoid hearing what I say. Convince me of your POV logically, without emotional defensiveness and offensiveness.

Although most scientists are atheist, not all atheists are scientists. The majority of atheists are not. The definition only requires one does not belief in any consciously known god. But beyond that nothing is off the table including unnatural illusions. One would expect to see a departure from science and the rules of science, by most of atheism, by default, since the rules of science are not part of the definition. Science is used like a prop for the irrational atheist.

Memorizing a party line is not the same as inferring the same thing as a scientist. The more one knows the less they realize they know, which any specialist can testify too. Knowing lots creates new questions without answers. The result of memorizing the party line, as absolute, is dogma and blind obedience. This brings emotions and irrationality into the irrational atheist equation, since one is fighting with dogma and not fighting with the calmness of reason. The opposition appears to upset the cart of dogma, which few experts believe is the final word or else they need to retire.

Having faith in science conclusions is not the same as thinking things through, yourself, to come to a logical conclusion. The dogma approach needs the support of the herd, while the second can stand on its own. Science allows for self sufficiency.

The belief in a punitive God or punitive culture causing emotional problems is common to any position accepted as dogma. Dogma does not have the lack of emotions of Mr Spock, but needs emotion for guiding and deterring. Religion may be an easier example to see but the dynamics of the mind extend much further into culture than that.

For example, the black male, is very vulnerable to emotional turbulence; depression, due to diversity and feminine sexism. They are isolated by the liberal concept of diversity, that separates them from successful white mainstream. The liberal push for women over men, adds to their isolation since the male is evil and they can't change that. The die is cast.

If I use reason to expose the dogma scams of atheism and liberalism, I threaten the polarization. I am durable to the assaults I have taken for years because it not about dogma and emotions but a search for true using logic.

A blind empirical study without logical explanation is designed to add emotion to a rational equation. The empirical god of chaos adds a monkey wrench in all points of view including logic, so there is even rational division. Chaos is for dummies because the less you know, the more everything will seem random and subject to chance; god of irrational atheism. One cannot call it that because the definition says this is not true but the action show something else which is allowable as long as the word game is upheld.
...For example, the black male, is very vulnerable to emotional turbulence; depression, due to diversity and feminine sexism. They are isolated by the liberal concept of diversity, that separates them from successful white mainstream. The liberal push for women over men, adds to their isolation since the male is evil and they can't change that. The die is cast.....
What the fuck?
Your point would be clearer, if you developed your ideas with a line of logic, rather than just cover your eyes and ears and makes noises to avoid hearing what I say. Convince me of your POV logically, without emotional defensiveness and offensiveness.
Given that you post unsupported bollocks, coupled with equally unsupported belief, I see no need to provide "logic".

Although most scientists are atheist, not all atheists are scientists.

The majority of atheists are not.
Also irrelevant.

The definition only requires one does not belief in any consciously known god. But beyond that nothing is off the table including unnatural illusions. One would expect to see a departure from science and the rules of science, by most of atheism, by default, since the rules of science are not part of the definition.
So what?

Memorizing a party line is not the same as inferring the same thing as a scientist. The more one knows the less they realize they know, which any specialist can testify too. Knowing lots creates new questions without answers. The result of memorizing the party line, as absolute, is dogma and blind obedience. This brings emotions and irrationality into the irrational atheist equation, since one is fighting with dogma and not fighting with the calmness of reason. The opposition appears to upset the cart of dogma, which few experts believe is the final word or else they need to retire.
Having faith in science conclusions is not the same as thinking things through, yourself, to come to a logical conclusion. The dogma approach needs the support of the herd, while the second can stand on its own. Science allows for self sufficiency.
This too is irrelevant to the topic.

The belief in a punitive God or punitive culture causing emotional problems is common to any position accepted as dogma.
Now you're getting back to the topic.
It's about a belief in god.
Hence nothing at all to do with atheism OR science.

For example, the black male, is very vulnerable to emotional turbulence; depression, due to diversity and feminine sexism.
Reported for stupidity (among other things.

If I use reason to expose the dogma scams of atheism and liberalism
You aren't using "reason": you're making unsupported claims.
God is made of love, happiness, and satisfaction and only good things happen to him. It's impossible for something called God to transgress and admit pain.
Oh god is punitive , right from the start , adam and eve

The consequence of Eve taking the bite of the apple of knowledge , condemnation of Humanity since then

god , at least , enlil , is a dictator , do what I say or else , immature god to say the least
Oh god is punitive , right from the start , adam and eve

The consequence of Eve taking the bite of the apple of knowledge , condemnation of Humanity since then

god , at least , enlil , is a dictator , do what I say or else , immature god to say the least

Man had to do something bad first, however. Ignorance is very bad, im pretty sure that's the evil knowledge. So YHWH punishes, or at least he's not perfect.