New Scientist: Religion - a product of our evolved brains

Thats what the study says. I assume they found a correlation which the nonreligious lacked.
Thats what the study says. I assume they found a correlation which the nonreligious lacked.

Wrong assumption. It doesn't say non-religious people don't have these structures.

Edit: My connection is dying plus it's 2:30 AM here, so I think I'll call it a day ;)
Well if they cause religion in theists, they must malfunction in atheists. So why assume only religiosity would be afflicted?
Hello Najeeb,

welcome to Sciforms :)

OMG, I can't believe that SAM and I have been bullshitting like this for suc a long time. The same crap over and over and over. Jesus, it's sick. I'd say, compared with back then, I have little patience. Then I used to attempt to have a rational conversation - I realize now that for the most part that's a huge waste of time. Also, I was more considerate. I should remember that. SAM was more soft back then. Now she's become hardened. We've all, Enmos, all of us, we've all been here for far too long.

Why? That's probably the better question.

Perhaps for the most part a person's gene's dictate their behavior? I'm not saying SAM or you were genetically programed to be Muslims, but that if you were born in Ancient Japan, you'd be devout Shinto; where you Tom Cruse's kid's you be devote Scientologist. It's just the way you interact in environments such as these. Just as I am the way I am and Enmos is as he is.

OK, some quick questions. Let's get this out of the way.

RE: Oldest Qur'an in Turkey.

1) What year was this oldest Qur'an completed?
2) In what month was the oldest Qur'an completed?
3) Could you say which day? Surely this must have been a great day huh?
4) Who wrote it? (what I mean is, what are the names of the people who wrote which parts?

5) From your readings of the Qur'an - is there something that you find to be completely new and enlightening to you? I mean something that The Buddha didn't write about, not something the Xian's wrote about, just something unique about the Qur'an (something new) that you found to be VERY enlightening (taught you something new about humanity that no one had ever thought of before).

6) Do you beleive that God can do anything?
7) Does God know everything?
8) Is there something YOU can do that God can not do?

Why do you assume they must malfunction ?

Because if A causes B then an absence of B either means an absence of A or a malfunction of A.

Your inability to fathom this is unfortunately support for that thesis. :bugeye:
Because if A causes B then an absence of B either means an absence of A or a malfunction of A.

Your inability to fathom this is unfortunately support for that thesis. :bugeye:

No, you are making unintelligent assumptions.

The brain structures are there in everyone. How else can you explain atheists that convert to religion and the other way around ?
Religion, if the article is right, is just the expression of an ability.