New Religion for Civilization

Chi, care to actually comment on the topic of this thread, or are you here just to try and beat down the evil atheists?

Outside of the fact that humanism doesn't mention your Mohammed, do you have anything critical or praise worthy about it? You do realize don't you that you can have secular codes of conduct, and still be religious, right?
Chi, care to actually comment on the topic of this thread, or are you here just to try and beat down the evil atheists?

Outside of the fact that humanism doesn't mention your Mohammed, do you have anything critical or praise worthy about it? You do realize don't you that you can have secular codes of conduct, and still be religious, right?

I'm sure the statistical sample was valid enough to draw an objective conclusion. *cough*

Well as far as I can see it is a request for a new religion for mankind, my opinion is that we already have enough religion we don't need another one. Scientology is a prime example of my point.

Im just waiting to see if the Allied Atheist Alliance is victorious over the other sects/cults, were the otters right? it is the logical name because it has three A's.
No the national database for religions consider Scientology a reigion, and scientology is "The church of scientology" if they are not a religion why do they get a tax exempt status.

They are a religion Chi . It is kind of like L.D.S. in nature were as they are considered Vodue or something like that by a narrow minded populace with tunnel vision. Wash away your engrams buddy . Sorry bout the shaking . I didn't want it to go thet far . You know I like Bro . I just want you to keep an open mind . There are lots of different People with different cultures and for the most part they all want the same thing . To be safe and for there families to be safe . So this thread ? New Religions pop up all the time . Yeah. Lets see if I can remember one of the newer ones besides Scientology. Ugaritic ! No I think that is an old form similar to the one I am thinking . Oh I hate that ! The one I am thinking was an air-force pilot that would go into a trance and write scripture in the 50s I think , I got to see if I can find it and get the right spelling
They are a religion Chi . It is kind of like L.D.S. in nature were as they are considered Vodue or something like that by a narrow minded populace with tunnel vision. Wash away your engrams buddy . Sorry bout the shaking . I didn't want it to go thet far . You know I like Bro . I just want you to keep an open mind . There are lots of different People with different cultures and for the most part they all want the same thing . To be safe and for there families to be safe . So this thread ? New Religions pop up all the time . Yeah. Lets see if I can remember one of the newer ones besides Scientology. Ugaritic ! No I think that is an old form similar to the one I am thinking . Oh I hate that ! The one I am thinking was an air-force pilot that would go into a trance and write scripture in the 50s I think , I got to see if I can find it and get the right spelling

Lol for some reason I have Rainman stuck in my head now, hey what about the church of Oprah winfrey, that seems like a new religion to me. she even gives out a new bible every week I think.

Or the Obama Cult we can call it, YesWeCanism.

Peace and blessings.
Got Milk !! Urantia Religion . I like em . They are Christ- Micheal ers blatantly so. Me likes that . Go Go gofers go
Church of the Living Squirrel!

but seriously..

its not about creating a new club to join,
its not about finding someone to tell you what to do..
its all about sharing..(food,resources,knowledge,wisdom,etc)

IF everyone shared , how many laws would not be needed?
do we need a new religion to tell ppl to share?
making a law to tell ppl to share would defeat the benefits of such a thing.(can't force ppl to care)
feeling cared about drastically reduces crime..
Lol for some reason I have Rainman stuck in my head now, hey what about the church of Oprah winfrey, that seems like a new religion to me. she even gives out a new bible every week I think.

Or the Obama Cult we can call it, YesWeCanism.

Peace and blessings.

Know the Tin Man chi. He is the same as the Time Monk. It is the spirit that does not die . Comes from Atlantes. He fights for the Mother . Man just keeps cutting him up into little pieces when ever he reaches a pivotal point in history. Oh can't be having people with a heart controlling things . Lets cut him up and feed him to the fishes . You know when one of the new religions declared in 1957 Micheal is Here ! Micheal is Here! it didn't take the pope but 3 years to take away the May day celebration after that. That would be tomorrow . It is still practiced in Mexico though . Yeah buddy they are celebrating Me and Lori 7's birthday tomorrow . Can you dig it . I still can't get past her being 10 years younger than Me to the day . That is to freaky
What's with all these Arch angel worshipping people??.

WE like to worship people . Haven't you heard . The sons of god saw the daughters of humans and liked them . We had sex . Can you believe that . Good sex . Not that old tired roll on roll off sex but the kind that conceives babies in love .
Church of the Living Squirrel!

but seriously..

its not about creating a new club to join,
its not about finding someone to tell you what to do..
its all about sharing..(food,resources,knowledge,wisdom,etc)

IF everyone shared , how many laws would not be needed?
do we need a new religion to tell ppl to share?
making a law to tell ppl to share would defeat the benefits of such a thing.(can't force ppl to care)
feeling cared about drastically reduces crime..

Now that is what I am talking about . I read a passage in the Bible and the direct meaning of the law was based on Humans inability to care , To forgive . It looked like to Me the people would not forgive each other so these laws were given to distract them from killing each other
WE like to worship people . Haven't you heard . The sons of god saw the daughters of humans and liked them . We had sex . Can you believe that . Good sex . Not that old tired roll on roll off sex but the kind that conceives babies in love .

i really don't have a problem with the Gods wanting to come down to have sex with me as long as she looks like this:

but..i would have a prob if she looked like this:
Funny you mention that, upon some of the social studies research I did on sciforums members Atheists turned out to be in general the least "Nice to fellow humans" they scored Highest in anti-social conduct and personal insults.

Out of a cloud of dust a thinking brain formed. What are the chances of that? We are miracles almost; wonderful things.

Religion: The big question is, was there a creator. Truely, there is not anything in today's world that claims the title. Then there are the secondary questions for which nearly everyone has an answer be it right, wrong, or otherwise.

I don't see the value in pursuing the question to the extent that people take it. Saul slew thousands, but David slew tens of thousands. Not great role models in my estimation. The most prolific machines on the planet are weapons. Why? Is it because we are stupid? No. It is because we allow it.

Is there or isn't there a creator? I'm more interested in helping people in my neighborhood that need help. Problem is that the resources among us are more and more limited, and I'm talking about resources in the broad sense such as intellects that have been sequestered inside their houses with very little interface with the outside world, to money, food, and so on.

The problem is not just resources. The problem is fear, control, abuse, neglect, and the whole range of things that pop out of our bad natures simply because they are allowed to manifest themselves. They are given that ability by our lack of discipline upon them, and also by our lack of focus on things born of our good nature. The problems of the world are our fault, and we can rectify the situation by addressing them properly and in a timely manner.

Its a shame. Things could be so much better for all of us if we could get our acts together and make a few important decisions. I will admit, I have a problem realizing the scope of my ravings. I once wanted to move the moon with rocket boosters. Not an easy thing to do. The moon is fairly large really.

Six billion people. We make things happen.
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I'm sure this is not a new idea. Could you point to similar ideas in the current dialog?

Most religions point to the worship of life. They just don't appreciate the here and now. Maybe that should be the focus of any new religion--the present.
to the OP,

the problem is nothing new. your proposed solution is nothing new. and it has already been confirmed that your proposed solution does not work. religion is not the answer. try again.
to the OP,

the problem is nothing new. your proposed solution is nothing new. and it has already been confirmed that your proposed solution does not work. religion is not the answer. try again.

Looking at the definition of religion I think you are correct. Supernatural power(s) that control destiny, divine power ... doesn't work for me either.

Any suggestions?
why do you have to force on people what to beleive? you are atheist, or, whatever, it's your own buisness, and also the other people's buisness...and you are representing who? the people of the earth? ;)
this is a useless thread, tell us what is it's objective if it's not about, forcing all the people to beleive, in, a new relegion that some people will make, or to be atheists, or however you want them to be?