New Religion for Civilization


Registered Senior Member
It is time to write a new code to guide future civilizations.

Human knowledge has evolved in the past 50 years. The lessons of history do not begin to describe or guide current and future conditions.

Civilization is bound by human agreements.
The purity of the laws of states have been made corrupt.
The only answer to the current miserable conditions facing the majority of people on the planet is a new code.

Who should formulate the new code? What should the code accomplish? What are the problems of transition?

I have a basic belief that people can make a better world if they act upon their good nature, and silence their bad nature. I believe that the ladder of desired activity requires codification.

The transition would involve the mandate of humans helping humans.
The transformation would result in people enjoying the miracle of the life to the highest degree that can be afforded to them.

I'm sure this is not a new idea. Could you point to similar ideas in the current dialog?
M*W: Well, since we are the "intelligent community," I think a new code of ethics for humanity should start right here. Let me begin...

"In the end of man-made religions, there was atheism. And it was good."
Who was talking about "Humanism" ? quote me please.

Well, let's see. The OP describes a set of codes where people can peacefully relate to each other. Several of us comment that it sounds like Humanism. One even says "if you want something religion-ish..."

And then you bring up atheism. Which is the lack of belief in gods...has nothing to do with the topic. So the rest of us were talking about humanistic rules. Thanks for playing.
Well, let's see. The OP describes a set of codes where people can peacefully relate to each other. Several of us comment that it sounds like Humanism. One even says "if you want something religion-ish..."

And then you bring up atheism. Which is the lack of belief in gods...has nothing to do with the topic. So the rest of us were talking about humanistic rules. Thanks for playing.

Ok so let's count how many of you are theists, ok none, Looks like Atheism is the undertone for your unity.
I bet you have the Mug and Poster too.

I did get a funny look from this supermarket checkout lady who in the past would go on about her church trip to Kenya. But, the t-shirt was cheap and the triangle faded to pink... and well, that's not the intention I wanted to convey.
I did get a funny look from this supermarket checkout lady who in the past would go on about her church trip to Kenya. But, the t-shirt was cheap and the triangle faded to pink... and well, that's not the intention I wanted to convey.

I don't understand what intention you are talking about.:shrug:
You're right. Being nice to fellow humans is a big conspiracy. :rolleyes:

Funny you mention that, upon some of the social studies research I did on sciforums members Atheists turned out to be in general the least "Nice to fellow humans" they scored Highest in anti-social conduct and personal insults.