New Moderator

We worship thee no more

Now get off your high horse and muck in with the rest of us common folk or they'll be an uprising you hear!!! :p

There, now you can delete the thread!!
Don't delete it. Just unstick it and let it sink naturally into obsurity.
You can always visit it late at night and indulge in a bit of self-adulation!

:m: Peace.
....but keep your pants on boy!!

Unstickying it would be a good idea too, that way you can look back on it and be really embarrassed :eek:

if resignation is not an option, you can always try the example given below.

"Deliberately, with a steady hand, he took the dirk that lay before him; he looked at it wistfully, almost affectionately; for a moment, he seemed to collect his thoughts for the last time, and then, stabbing himself deeply below the waist on the left-hand side, he drew the dirk slowly across to the right side, and, turning it in the wound, gave a slight cut upwards. During this sickeningly painful operation, he never moved a muscle of his face. When he drew out the dirk, he leaned forward, stretched out his neck... at that moment, the kaishaku, who, still crouching by his side, had been keenly watching his every movement, sprang to his feet, poised his sword for a second in the air; there was a flash, a heavy, ugly thud, a crashing fall; with one blow the head had been severed from the body."

ps: will you cook your own last meal? what would it be?

yes boss:p

B\W i didnt think i DID restick this thread

im sorry i wa playing around with the other 2 while half asleep last night and must have done it by mestake:(

my bad:(
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We personally prefer firm caucasian females in their early twenties. (Butchering the Human Carcass for Human Consumption)

love it!