New Burmuda Triangle Therory

Know the truth

I know what the "burmuda Triangle" is. It is a gateway from this world and to others. The government knows what it is. This is an artificial wormhole, and it has been here for a long long time. Its not a rip in time and space, just a hole punched into space. It gives other worldly travelrs access to jump from place to place quickly, travel faster than light is hard to do so why not create a jump station to get around the universe. This planet is just a stop, its actually one of many in the universe. They come here for our resources, other planets in our solar system are another reason why they stop. About 90% of extraterrestrial life that visit our planet come from the artificial wormhole. The ships and planes that vanished are ether destroyed or they traveled into the hole and ended up on another planet through another gateway. The key to the travel is the frequency you use at the time of the holes collapse. Its like a password or ticket, every gateway has one. Once you enter the gateway if you don't have the right frequency there is no telling where you will end up. I have more about it, and I know if anyone from the right part of the government is reading they will know what im talking about. Im not a crackpot or someone that likes to play jokes. Just know knowledge is power and they are always comming in and out of the gateway. We are under watch, but we don't pose a threat now but when the time comes when we do just look out becaulse our planet and our way of life is going to be over.
I know what the "burmuda Triangle" is. It is a gateway from this world and to others. The government knows what it is.

And how do you know what the government knows? Are you in the government?

This is an artificial wormhole, and it has been here for a long long time. Its not a rip in time and space, just a hole punched into space. It gives other worldly travelrs access to jump from place to place quickly, travel faster than light is hard to do so why not create a jump station to get around the universe. This planet is just a stop, its actually one of many in the universe.

Got any evidence for any of this?

They come here for our resources, other planets in our solar system are another reason why they stop.

Who is "they"?

About 90% of extraterrestrial life that visit our planet come from the artificial wormhole.

Extraterrestrials visit Earth? Got any evidence for that?

The ships and planes that vanished are ether destroyed or they traveled into the hole and ended up on another planet through another gateway.

Very few ships or planes have ever "vanished" in the Bermuda Triangle. Most which have had problems have been found later, and their problems have been explained.

I have more about it, and I know if anyone from the right part of the government is reading they will know what im talking about.

Are you allowed to talk about this? Better watch out, or the government might come for you! Hey, I might even be an FBI agent!

Im not a crackpot or someone that likes to play jokes.

I can tell.

Just know knowledge is power and they are always comming in and out of the gateway. We are under watch, but we don't pose a threat now but when the time comes when we do just look out becaulse our planet and our way of life is going to be over.

Got any evidence of that?
You need evidence

I have first hand evidence, been there. I have seen it, I have witnessed the effects of the gate. When the gate opens it sends out a series of electro magnetic pulses, this can throw off a magnetic compass and cancell most unshielded electronic devices. Most eyewitnesses have reported the same effects and the same funnel shaped formation. Eyewitness accounts have been made sence columbus crossed the atlantic. Look it up there have been many ships and planes that have vanished without a trace, with no debris in sight. I have lists of known dissapearences and ones that have not made the sunday paper. The government has proformed many experiments regarding the gate. There is a secret naval base at Autec on Andros Island in the Bahamas that knows more about the triangle than anyone. I have met with people that were former naval employees, that when you get them drunk they will tell you there life story and anything else that they have seen in there life. Happy hunting, there are others that agree with me and know the truth.
Acidbrn391: The following paraphrases a statement by a wise man (Perhaps Carl Sagan or Isaac Asimov)
  • I have never seen evidence supporting belief in Strange Bermuda Triangle phenomena. There is much evidence supporting the belief that people mistinterpret what they see, that they have hallucinations, that they make up stories (This is usually called lying).

    You can substitue many word or phrases for Bermuda Triange phenomena, examples: ESP, OBE, Alien abductions, et cetera.
Which of the above categories describes you?

Your name and your post suggest that you might have had some interesting LSD trips.

Hey dino, what do u have to hide? Looks like you try to hide behind some curtain of intelligence and skepticism. You need to try to open your mind to new ideas. You beleave that if you just throw out everyone elses ideas and comments about the world, that you will sleep better thinking that you live a safe and fluffy world. Your wrong I have read your other comments and threads, you might be smart but you dont have a clue about most stuff. Must be nice to live in ignorant bliss.
Acidbrn391: Might you have some examples of most stuff?
you might be smart but you dont have a clue about most stuff. Must be nice to live in ignorant bliss.
When a rmind is as open as yours. brains fall ouit and people put crap into it.
The "crap" in my head as you say, makes me 6 figure salary. A bit more than a retired hardware engineer. Anyway this is the last of my comments, have better things to do. I hope you enjoy your life behind your screen, while Im doing something better with my life. :)

P.S Voltaire

Sleep easy and dream of your perfect safe world.
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Acidbrn391: So long! It has been interesting. I am happy that you make a six figure salary. Your claim about the salary is as likely to be true as your claim about having had some far out experiences relating to non-existent Bermuda Triangle nonsense.
I have first hand evidence, been there. I have seen it, I have witnessed the effects of the gate. When the gate opens it sends out a series of electro magnetic pulses, this can throw off a magnetic compass and cancell most unshielded electronic devices. Most eyewitnesses have reported the same effects and the same funnel shaped formation. Eyewitness accounts have been made sence columbus crossed the atlantic.
Does acid result in such experiences?

I know drunks who tell me about Leprachauns and pink elephants, but I do not believe in such creatures.
There is a secret naval base at Autec on Andros Island in the Bahamas that knows more about the triangle than anyone. I have met with people that were former naval employees, that when you get them drunk they will tell you there life story and anything else that they have seen in there life.
That secret naval base should not hire drunks who talk about it.
The "crap" in my head as you say, makes me 6 figure salary.


Yeah, right.
Im not a crackpot or someone that likes to play jokes.

Whew, I'm glad you cleared that up. I totally believe every word you've said, sucked it up like a sponge and made it part of my world view beliefs.

You've got my support, sport.
Imagine the Earth, a north and south pole. Are they true? Imagine a magmet, the field in the middle, pushing against each other when positive and positive sides are equal. Now imagine the moon (Or our SUN) in its full gravitional stage, aligned with the Earth at the Burmuda Triangle. Could this be whats causing the erractic begavior in the Triangle? All do Not happen all the time, just sometines. This may be the cause of the effect.
David Moore

Instead of a 'Big Magnet' theory to explain the so-called Bermuda Triangle mystery, how about the 'Communal Reinforcement' theory for starters?
Before one spends time looking for causes, one should have some evidence of the effects.

How about some hard evidence that peculiar events occur in the Bermuda Triangle? After establishing that weird events happen, it would make sense to look for theories explaining the weird events.

I have seen some other threads with this point of view, namely proposing a theory to explain events not known to occur.

Is this due to the originator of the thread being naive? Perhaps it is due to the originator attempting to imply undeserved credibility. Attempting to explain a cause for some phenomenon implies the reality of the phenomenon. Perhaps the thread originator is attempting some smoke & mirrors justification for belief in Bermuda Triangle mythology.
Bermuda theories bout ships and aircrafts.


>Imagine the Earth, a north and south pole. Are they true? Imagine a magmet, the field in the middle, pushing against each other when positive and positive sides are equal. Now imagine the moon (Or our SUN) in its full gravitional stage, aligned with the Earth at the Burmuda Triangle. Could this be whats causing the erractic begavior in the Triangle? All do Not happen all the time, just sometines. This may be the cause of the effect.

What explanation do you give? You think that in this field, metallic objects would be expelled into outer space because attracted by the moon?
- I think, given the moon-earth mass relation. and the distance of the moon, that's impossible, the moon's attraction is far too weak for that.
- The effect you describe, should then be possible in many other places located in a circle all around the globe or at last everywhere this circle crosses an ocean. Why only in the caribean "Bermuda triangle", and not allover the atlantic and pacific ocean along that west-east line?

other theory:
the underground methane sources in the Bermuda triangle region are quite a good scientific explanation for smaller ships vanishing, because water looses it's ship carrying capability when gaz bulbs come up. But it does not explain any disappearing of aircrafts. I think any disappeared aircrafts are lost in that region due to weather incidents and/or human errors. Be aware that many vanishings happened before the era of GPS and satellites. Pilots had to rely on classical positioning methods. In case of miscalculation and drifting away due to winds, small planes do not have illimited fuel on board....
Whereas for ships, i suppose various reasons, weather, positioning and gas bulb casualities.

Anyway i think the "Bermuda vanishing problem" has more or less vanished itself due to sophisticated onboard instrumentation, and air and sea space control and positioning with satellites, implemented since the 1980ies.
There was a previous discussion on the Bermuda Triangle which lead to some interesting websites, however they really don't suggest anything spectacular about the area other than being in a region which is known to have a variety of weather patterns and the constantly shift reef's. (since coral is made by living organisms)
Well, there are alot of ideas here. Just out of curiosity, anyone ever wounder if Atlantis could have something to do with it? Could be a bit far fetched but something could rise to the surface now and then if a real city went down. (And I don't mean monters or ghosts)
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Atlantis? You mean the fictional story that Plato used in one of his dialogs that 18th and 19th century significance-junkies said was real without offering any evidence?

Atlantis never existed past the Critias and Timeas dialogs.