New Burmuda Triangle Therory


Registered Member
Imagine the Earth, a north and south pole. Are they true? Imagine a magmet, the field in the middle, pushing against each other when positive and positive sides are equal. Now imagine the moon (Or our SUN) in its full gravitional stage, aligned with the Earth at the Burmuda Triangle. Could this be whats causing the erractic begavior in the Triangle? All do Not happen all the time, just sometines. This may be the cause of the effect.
David Moore
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Everybody knows the FREEMASONS did the Bermuda Triangle.

Missing planes, indeed - in groups of threes, much as the Masonic Crosses are clustered in threes. When boats vanish, they are rediscovered FOURTEEN days later, much like the steps of ascendancy in the Masonic ritual. And every ship captain who vanished had defied a Grand Mason in his hometown. There are infinite other "coincidences," but the fact is that the Masons had the power, and the money, and the government influence to make these people disappear.

this kind of reminds me of watching television
sitting there with the remote and clicking one channel after another
saying to myself "man isn't there anything good on?"
davidmoore57 said:
Imagine the Earth, a north and south pole. Are they true? Imagine a magmet, the field in the middle, pushing against each other when positive and positive sides are equal. Now imagine the moon (Or our SUN) in its full gravitional stage, aligned with the Earth at the Burmuda Triangle. Could this be whats causing the erractic begavior in the Triangle? All do Not happen all the time, just sometines. This may be the cause of the effect.
David Moore
Wow, that's even worse than most of the crackpot theories I've already heard.
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lol Welcome to SciForums. I find that since my joining SciForums on 1-08-06, SciForums has become incresingly hostile towards new members. But Davidmoore57, for the record, my first post was defending America's reputation. Enough said.
davidmoore57 said:
Imagine the Earth, a north and south pole. Are they true? Imagine a magmet, the field in the middle, pushing against each other when positive and positive sides are equal. Now imagine the moon (Or our SUN) in its full gravitional stage, aligned with the Earth at the Burmuda Triangle. Could this be whats causing the erractic begavior in the Triangle? All do Not happen all the time, just sometines. This may be the cause of the effect.
David Moore

Welcome to SciForums.

I am still much more inclined to believe that the Bermuda Triangle phenomenon was a matter of atmospheric pressure/temperature differentials and square windows to concentrate stress, not on gravity or earth's magnetism.

You can say a magnetar did it, but then the area of destruction would cover a whole swath. So no go.
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The idea that the triangle's sediment is highly saturated with gas seems to have something going for it.

Many tests have shown that bubbles erupting from the surface lowers the bouyancy of any craft in the area, and will cause it to sink.

With studies in violent Lake Overturn suggesting that similar situations can even cause lakes to explode in volcano-like gaseous releases, I'm thinking that gas is currently the most likely theory for any oddities in the triangle.
The Bermuda Triangle Is A Terible Mystery Up To Scientist Is Rally Able To Explain The Cause. But I Bellieve With Time The Upcoming Scientist Will Discover This,we Just Need To Struggle And Sure It Has Something To Do Wih The Earths Rotation And Gravitational Attraction.
1. Don't type every word beginning with a capital. It's not correct grammar, and it makes it hard to read

2. A theory has alread been put forward, check river-winds post.

3. Why would gravity have anything to do with it? It's not as if the bermuda triangle is anywhere special.
I have yet to see anything that dispels the two most likely explanations for an abnormally large number of lost ships and airplanes in the "Bermuda Triangle":
  1. An abnormally large number of ships and airplanes cross the Bermuda Triangle, and
  2. an abnormally large number of hurricanes cross the Bermuda Triangle.
If the statistics said anything but that, Lloyds of London would charge an abnormally large fee for ships and airplanes crossing the Bermuda Triangle.
Any of you heard of the dragons Triangle?

Details here:

"The Dragon's Triangle
Author : Ade Dimmick

In recent years much has been written about the Bermuda Triangle and the mysterious phenomena associated with it. Most of us are aware that the Bermuda Triangle is a triangular shaped area of ocean stretching from the Straits of Florida, north-east to Bermuda, south to Lesser Antilles and then back to Florida.

Less known, on the other side of the world, there exists a similar area of ocean known as the Dragon’s Triangle. The Dragon’s Triangle follows a line from Western Japan, north of Tokyo, to a point in the Pacific at approximate latitude of 145 degrees east. It turns west south west, past the Bonin Islands, then down to Guam and Yap, west towards Taiwan, before heading back to Japan in a north north easterly direction.

Both areas share stories of missing maritime vessels and aircraft, reports of malfunctioning navigational and communication equipment and tales of drifting, crewless ghost ships.

The Dragon’s Triangle in particular, bears testament to an ever-changing seascape. Islands and lands masses have formed and disappeared literally overnight through volcanic activity and seaquakes. Records reveal islands charted by experienced navigators, and documented as having been visited; yet years later no trace of these places could be found!

Another common factor is the existence of agonic lines - lines of no magnetic variation, along which the magnetic needle points directly north and south. The principle agonic line in the Western Hemisphere runs directly through the Bermuda triangle, whilst the principle agonic line in the Eastern Hemisphere runs through the Dragon’s triangle. Which in both cases often leads to extreme compass deviation in the surrounding area. For over a thousand years, possibly longer, the Japanese and their neighbours have recorded strange occurrences and disappearances. Ancient records tell of restless dragons surfacing from the depths, and taking unfortunate mariners back to their underground lairs. Legends dating back to c.1000Bc tell of underwater palaces inhabited by dragons and of a great slumbering dragon which lived in the cavern beneath the sea.

However, it wasn’t until the late 1960’s that western attention was drawn to this eastern phenomenon, and connections made with the Bermuda Triangle. Despite frequent coverage in the Japanese media of disappearances, reports rarely made the international press. Language barriers and racist attitudes may have a lot to do with this. One wonders how well known the Bermuda Triangle might have been if it wasn’t situated off the coast of the United States?

In ancient times such happenings were explained by the interventions of gods, demons and mythical creatures. Today, the fate of the missing craft and crews remains a mystery; although many explanations have been suggested. These include, alien abduction, the disappearance into a “black hole” or gateway to another dimension, time or parallel universe. The destruction and disappearance without trace by extreme natural phenomena. Falling prey to covert military or scientific experimentation or abduction by “unfriendly forces”. Even elaborate insurance fraud has been suggested; whereby ships end up in breakers yards and are reported missing in the triangle!

Whatever the answer, the Dragon’s Triangle, along with it’s Bermudan equivalent, remains one of the world’s best kept secrets. Perhaps the answer lies with the great slumbering dragon. "
You are all wrong. It is obviously aquatic elves, whose elfin maidens are extremely seductive. They lure sailors to their deaths. Their hidden city is to be found in the depths upon the ruins of Atlantis...

On a serious note...The so-called "Bermuda Triangle" is one of the most heavily traveled regions in the world. If you were to compare the number of mysterious events in the triangle AS A RATIO to all of its traffic, you would find that it is about the same as any other spot on Earth.

The same is true of the "Dragon's Triangle".
This thread should be moved to some pseudo science forum.

It essentially assumes the validity of Bermuda Triangle mythology and attempts an explanation. This is not science. First you verify the data, then you look for explanations.

No cruise line or shipping company has problems recruiting crews for ships traveling thorugh the Bermuda Triangle. Does this suggest anything to thoughtful minds?

To paraphrase a remark by Asimov or Sagan or somebody similar to them.
  • I know of no evidence supporting Bermuda Triangle mythology. There is much evidence that people misinterpret data, have hallucinations, lie, write nonsense to make a fast buck, are incredibly gullible, et cetera.
Many phrases/nouns can be substituted for the phrase bolded above. suggestions are: Telepathy, Alien abductions, OBE, Astral projection, channeling, claivoyance, precognition, beginner's luck, astrology, et cetera.

None of the above should be discussed in a science forum.