New Bigfoot Thermal Video Impresses Researchers

Aaahhh! A Sasquatch pooper scooper bag.
It's good to keep the woods clean.

you realize with in the last 2 decades i believe it was we found the asian gorrilla right? WIAT THAT CANT BE POSSIBLE!! weather you realize it or not there are things out there that we dont know that have evaded our sight for quite a long time and im positive there are others out there. am i saying bigfoot is real for sure? no but there is a lot of evidence that suggest it may be.

Just like the giant squid for years that was a myth it was fake right? nothing that big could exsist the bodies that washed ashore were called whale fat but stupid ass skeptics that have lost touch with reality. guess what within the last decade SUPRISE there is video footage of one estimated to be 60 feet long

and in the ocean were finding new species along wtih on land every year. were also finding speicies deemed exstinct
you realize with in the last 2 decades i believe it was we found the asian gorrilla right?

What has that got to do with fake bigfoot footage where the lazy dumbass guy failed to get a footprint, or fur specimen?

Asian Gorillas documented by scientists. Bigfoot sightings made by assholes. See the difference?
What has that got to do with fake bigfoot footage where the lazy dumbass guy failed to get a footprint, or fur specimen?

Asian Gorillas documented by scientists. Bigfoot sightings made by assholes. See the difference?

whats the point? if you read my post you would figure it out there are still large animals 2-300lbs+ that still could be evading our sight just like the gorrillas did.. i bet if a person who first say the gorrila said he say them he would be called a crazy or full of shit like people who say they saw bigfoot or ufos..

skeptics will never be satisfied get me a photo.. got one give me a video.. got one give me a footprint/ hair sample.. we got it and it came back close to human but not an exact match for any species in the DNA library.. still not good enough only thing that will satisfy skeptics will be one taking a piss on them
i bet if a person who first say the gorrila said he say them he would be called a crazy or full of shit like people who say they saw bigfoot or ufos..

Except, somehow, they were discovered, and documented, and we accept they exist.

Why was that. Oh, because they USED SCIENCE.

Bigfoot followers, like this guy, are however, selling their shit for $2 a scoop. And it's not even genuine Bigfoot shit either. He didn't think to look for any.

Listen kid, until you understand some science, just quite posting here, you make yourself look really foolish with each dumb post you make.
Except, somehow, they were discovered, and documented, and we accept they exist.

Why was that. Oh, because they USED SCIENCE.

Bigfoot followers, like this guy, are however, selling their shit for $2 a scoop. And it's not even genuine Bigfoot shit either. He didn't think to look for any.

Listen kid, until you understand some science, just quite posting here, you make yourself look really foolish with each dumb post you make.

before that when they were first seen they werent they also were told to get a life and people who said they saw one had there credability ruined..
and i do understand science. but what does that have anything at all to do with this? anything what so ever ?
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before that when they were first seen they werent they also were told to get a life and people who said they saw one had there credability ruined..

Really? And your source for this claim is? Or did you just make that shit up?

and i do understand science. but what does that have anything at all to do with this? anything what so ever ?

You do not demonstrate any grasp of science at all. Science relies on evidence. This guy is selling fake video for $2 a slice. Real scientists don't do that.
Really? And your source for this claim is? Or did you just make that shit up?

source? word of mouth the first person who said they saw a gorrilla was toremented and called a cook just like alot of you are calling the OP ther iz video of it? so instead of attacking him why not attack the source who posted it?

its quite funny that you want me to source that. you know its true as well as i do the fact that when someone says they saw a huge hary animal in the mountains was called a kook. but you want that person to tell a publisher or news station and have them air or print it for it to be credible right? well every news station/publisher can reword things ant twist things to the way they like most of them arnt even themselves credable

You do not demonstrate any grasp of science at all. Science relies on evidence. This guy is selling fake video for $2 a slice. Real scientists don't do that.

again. How does this at all relate to me stating what i said before? if i said i saw a 60 foot squid 10 years ago what would happen? i would be called a kook you would call me a kook.. then a scientiest went wayy out of his way to actually find evidence of one and if you would have called me a kook 10 eyars ago 2 years ago you would have ate your words

the first bigfoot video that got aired
Was reviewed and studied by scientists.. guess what they found out somewhat recently that the camera lense people were using to find out the height of the animal was wrong actually making it around 7 foot tall.. scientists ALSO did studies with a human to recreate the walk that was also found to be impossible for humans to do.. they ALSO found that u can se facial features in move in the face that would have been impossible to do at the time of release ontop of that the shape of the head would make a mask of thoes dementions impossible to to see out of.

but all that was done by scientists on a show and since that show was aired on the historychannel i believe then its not good source back at square one
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source? word of mouth the first person who said they saw a gorrilla was toremented and called a cook just like alot of you are calling the OP ther iz video of it? so instead of attacking him why not attack the source who posted it?

I asked you for a source, and all you gave me was rhetoric. Published source for your claim please.
I asked you for a source, and all you gave me was rhetoric. Published source for your claim please.

no not going to give you a source because i be no one published it.. so no.. someone said they saw a ufo one time it wasnt published so that must mean it wasnt said right?

i saw a ufo last night.. no one published it so i must not have said that right?
u can fake/hoax a normal video cam but when it comes to thermal cameras its much harder damn near impossible to do
u can fake/hoax a normal video cam but when it comes to thermal cameras its much harder damn near impossible to do

It's not a fake, It's just not bloody Sasquatch you imbecile. That image, you know the indistinguishable one from too far way to tell if it's a dog, a bear, a moose or old mate from next door having a crap behind the bush and then running away when he see an obvious psycho with a bloody camera pointed at him.
Get a grip!
u can fake/hoax a normal video cam but when it comes to thermal cameras its much harder damn near impossible to do
Wait until the bigfoot filmmaker upgrades to an H-series..
I know all about them. My Ratheon 250 is doing fine right now,though.
I love the size and convenience of the H series and will get one ASAP.
Mike Greene
no not going to give you a source because i be no one published it.. so no.. someone said they saw a ufo one time it wasnt published so that must mean it wasnt said right?

i saw a ufo last night.. no one published it so i must not have said that right?

For fuck's sake. Can you please try and write a correctly capitalised and punctuated sentence? And put some thought into he meaning, and stay on topic?

All you have blurted out is a load of unsubstantiated claims. No facts, no evidence, no discussion of the merits, of lack thereof, of the video. you just blurt BS.

Substantiate your claims, or GTFO.