New Bigfoot Thermal Video Impresses Researchers


Bicho Voador & Bicho Sugador
Valued Senior Member
New Bigfoot Thermal Video Impresses Researchers. It impressed me too. Looks like a bigfoot bedding down for the night with another one coming up from behind to have a look. What do you reckon?

A video of a Sasquatch taken with a thermal imager by eminently qualified 20 year Bigfoot researcher Michael Greene was lauded as “The most important footage since the Paterson/Gimlin film taken over 40 years ago”. With an explanation and website references of his 2 decade search and final success in North Carolina in 2009. Includes a 30 second excerpt of the video.
[ What do you reckon?

Well shit I'm convinced, Bigfoot is real after all.

Did anybody think to sneak up a little closer and take a photograph, know with a high ISO rating and a decent flash? No? No-one thought of that! Bugger me. You Bigfoot chasin' folk just won't use the technology freely available at your disposal will you? Some kind of guilt associated self flagellation going on here.

Well shit I'm convinced, Bigfoot is real after all.

Did anybody think to sneak up a little closer and take a photograph, know with a high ISO rating and a decent flash? No? No-one thought of that! Bugger me. You Bigfoot chasin' folk just won't use the technology freely available at your disposal will you? Some kind of guilt associated self flagellation going on here.

You joking or what? It's a trail cam footage of course, nobody would stand a chance of taking a photo on foot. Maybe he can get a good quality IR video image some day, but I'm more than sure he knows what he's doing. It's even possible they can 'see' the IR spot from the camera for example.
Haven't you seen the photo of my cat Lucky?



This is me on holiday in County Mayo.
The one on the left is Brian O'Mulligan the postman.


I don't know what the big post on the right is.
It wasn't there when I took the picture.
It's sumthin' Figgin' Mishterius, so it is.
So, the Great bigfoot researcher didn't then go and get some footprint samples, maybe look for some hair samples to get some DNA, didn't find a steaming pile of Sasquatch turds in the bush???
Techniques. Somebody teach these guys some STANDARD techniques!!
Bigfoot? Sasquatch? All are hairy yes? So how come the thermal image looks pretty even all over the bodymass, and there isn't a hotter signature coming from areas where there is less hair, like hands and face? Hair is designed to insulate after all.

Also, knowing where these creatures bedded down, he didn't think to go there once they had left, and gather some of that body hair for analysis? No, he just walked away.

Why are these vids also just excerpts? Because the before and after footage exposes the fakers donning the costumes, or being directed etc?

It's fake, end of story. No supporting evidence, and a staged shot.

You will believe in everything, other than the fact that you are suffering from a mental illness CSS.
And why is your cat wearing sunglasses at night,..think he's Cory Hart or summit'?
(I'm just shaking my head right now). I've got to check my own trail cam footage which is currently set to video The Beast Of Lelant (a black panther which has been spotted in daylight).
OK Doubters.
See if you can explain this:


Sasquatch silhouetted against giant shopping bag in backwoods
"Mike Greene's Squeaky thermal video is now avalible for download in the .WMV format. Each download costs $2.00 US dollars"

Ah, so the 'full' version costs $2. Woo woos queue up and pay this crank your money please.

This guy clearly thinks he's PT Barnum or something.
My new career path is clear; I'll don the flippers, carry a sack of potatoes over my shoulder, flap around in the bush (pissed as a parrot) take some SHIThouse video and sit back and rake in the bucks. I've had it all wrong till now.
My new career path is clear; I'll don the flippers, carry a sack of potatoes over my shoulder, flap around in the bush (pissed as a parrot) take some SHIThouse video and sit back and rake in the bucks. I've had it all wrong till now.
The Patterson's did that trick 40 years ago. Things move on - like jokes and humour too..
I bet you people don't even believe in unicorns.
At least me and you know the truth CSS.


Hughie the Unicorn pictured in Sherwood Forest

Hughie: Mooooh!, I mean eerie whinny.
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