New Bible Discovery


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It was observed with the Dermatron a few years ago that the Bible intrinsically exerts a subtle energy field with potential therapeutic medical benefits. It is assumed that this energy field is generated by the composite text of the Bible and is of divine origin.

Method: The Dermatron (EAV: Electroacupuncture according to Voll) is a diagnostic electroacupuncture instrument used by acupuncture clinicians to measure electrical skin resistance on acupuncture points. In the system used by Voll, many of the classical acupuncture points and those he discovered have energetic connections to various parts of the body. The instrument measures on a scale from zero to one hundred, where fifty is considered normal, below is degenerative (yin), and above is inflammatory (yang), the healthy disposition of the acupuncture point. Also all medications, vitamins, herb, foods, and any other energetic influences can impact the measurement readings in a negative, neutral, or positive manner. Investigations were done routinely by first selecting acupuncture points for control measurement readings. Then an agent was then added to the circuitry if it is usually swallowed, or just exposed from the environment such as sound or light, and subsequent test measurement readings were taken to observe any changes.

DISCOVERY: There has been interest initially to observe any beneficial measurements with Christian prayer. A small intestine duodenum point was selected that often show mild inflammatory readings due to food additives. Usually these correct in a few hours for the healthy person as the irritants are naturally cleared out of there. Several church members who profess to be ardent believers usually can improve reading with their prayers. But results usually last for about one to one and a half minutes before initial inflammatory reading returns. This amounts to no practical clinical benefit. Professional faith healers can correct much more severe inflammatory readings that last for days and this usually results in significant temporary, partial or complete cure of the illness, in which case the reading acts like that of a normal healthy one.
After it was established that prayer can impact measurement readings in a positive way, there was a curiosity to see if the Bible could do the same. A plain King James Version Bible like the Gideon Bible was chosen for testing. The same small intestine duodenum points were control measured and found to be about sixty inflammatory. Next the Bible was open to John 3:16 and read. The follow-up test measurement reading was done quickly and found to be fifty. Repeated measurement at 10 second intervals held at fifty until it return to sixty in thirty seconds. This was repeated several time and found to have the same results. Next the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6:9-13 was tested and found to last a little over a minute. Other historical verses had very little or no effect compared to those of more profound content. It was fortunate that this Bible was initially investigated. Other Bibles with copious commentaries, maps, etc were not able to change measurement readings. Using these Bibles first could have thwarted continued investigations.
Since then, there have been follow-up investigations on how the individual components of the Bible assemblage as a book and the reading conditions affect the measurement readings. The results has given insight into how the Bible Field was hypothesized. A later follow-up article will discuss this topic depending on the response to this article.

Andrew Cheng, Editor
March 24,2008
Does the bible sharpen razor blades ? I imagine not as hardly anyone shaved in those days.

Have you considered the Koran field. It's newer and more potent.
Have you done so?

Sure, after reading it I burned two copies that I had of that book. One of the most worthless books out there. Maybe only Koran is worse.

If you want something more primeval I advise "Ritual and Cult at Ugarit". It's a bit hard to read though, but many moving sacrifice rituals.
Well I am a bit surprised (I assume you are an atheist) that you would have the patience to sit through and read a whole Bible.

Well, you've got to read the thing to understand what's all that Christian gig is about. Qute funny that anybody takes the book literaly.

Oh, and I'm not an atheist, I have many, many gods.
Sure, after reading it I burned two copies that I had of that book. One of the most worthless books out there. Maybe only Koran is worse.

If you want something more primeval I advise "Ritual and Cult at Ugarit". It's a bit hard to read though, but many moving sacrifice rituals.

I recycle mine. When the JWs and Mormons are standing at my front door I nip upstairs, open a window and drop bibles on them. They don't hang about.
I find family bibles are very effective.
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I think this image speaks a lot about the bible. Although I don't agree that the bible IS a work of fiction, because there's always a chance it's not.

there's bestiality in the bible??? where?:confused:

Sodom and Gomorrah, the term 'Sodomy' has a few interpretions, the most modern is anal sex, but there are lesser uses which imply bestiality.

Also, if God was not human, and he impregnated Mary, that is a kind of bestiality, surely, as it's sex between different races.
Would it make a difference if the Bible under going the test, was brand new, or much used?
Sodom and Gomorrah, the term 'Sodomy' has a few interpretions, the most modern is anal sex, but there are lesser uses which imply bestiality.

Also, if God was not human, and he impregnated Mary, that is a kind of bestiality, surely, as it's sex between different races.

Sodom meant burning. It's actually quite amusing that the Bible claims god burnt a city named Sodom that meant burning city, Just another problem with the bible..
Sodom and Gomorrah, the term 'Sodomy' has a few interpretions, the most modern is anal sex, but there are lesser uses which imply bestiality.
M*W: No, it does not. I've said this a thousand times already, but once again, "sodomy" refers to man's inhumanity to his fellow man. Also, Sodom and Gomorrah may never have existed as twin cities. If they existed, it was to the southwest of the Dead Sea which is predominantly a place of high "sodium" content. The story of Lot's wife being turned into a pillar of salt is actually a salty peak on a mountain in the desert of the same location. It's also a myth.

Also, if God was not human, and he impregnated Mary, that is a kind of bestiality, surely, as it's sex between different races.
M*W: That, too, is a myth, and it had absolutely nothing to do with a sexual union or bestiality!
Whether or the not the site is biased is moot. Strong isn't biased and the the interpretation is from Strongs. Though I find it odd that you would call netbible biased....It is a Christian website.
I think this image speaks a lot about the bible. Although I don't agree that the bible IS a work of fiction, because there's always a chance it's not.


The Wizard of Oz could be based on actual events, not to mention War and Peace and thousands of other books, What makes the bible different ?