Neutrino Speed

Sylwester: I have also toyed with the speculation that strings (if they truly exist) may be configured in composite, twisted, rope-like states (go to my EEMU webpage for a look) - perhaps mimicing your DNA helical matrix - and remember . . . . . 'Non Illegitimi Carborundum" . . . "Don't let the bastards wear you down" (<--Humor here). I appreciate your OOB speculations . . . .

To explain the physical meaning and conservation laws of the electric charge and spin, we come to conclusion that there must be torus which has internal helicity. It looks A LITTLE as a CLOSED twisted rope-like state.

In my book, I described the origin of the basic properties of DNAs i.e. the origin of the 4 'words'/basis in the DNAs i.e. the A, C, G and T, the origin of the codons in the DNAs, the origin of the double helices and I explained why there are produced the helices. All the properties of the DNAs follow from the properties of the non-rotating-spin neutrino-antineutrino pairs the ground state of the Einstein spacetime consists of.