Nessie Is An Elephant?

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lsufos said:
In so many words if you are not in to it then dont do it.
Why come on to threads that you dislike go play with your cars.
One might reasonably ask the same of you. This thread opened with an explanation for several of the early Nessie sightings, attributing them to circus elephants. In short, a wholly natural explanation involving an animal well known to science.

You, on the other hand, are promoting the notion of something altogther more mysterious and hitherto unidentified. If anyone is out of place in this thread then, it is you. Rather than advising others to pack up and leave, why don't you consider that option for yourself?
Yes one may ask not asking them to leave but there input is just shit head stuff now lets find a thread that they like and we can go and give them shit on it.
lsufos said:
Yes one may ask not asking them to leave but there input is just shit head stuff now lets find a thread that they like and we can go and give them shit on it.
You live in Scotland. At one time we had the finest educational system in the world.
Learn to fucking write a coherent sentence you illiterate cretin. That morasse of inconsequentiality had the semantic content of the intestinal remnants of a three month deceased bactrian camel.
If you wish to have the remotest chance of your infantile fantasies being given more than a second's attention then you must, repeat must, learn at least the bare bones of the English language. (Wally.)
Would you care to give some explanations of these phenomena Isufos? Or are you going to stand there spewing foam?
Would i why you are better talking crap they like it that way never been on a message board like this before that any one can jump in and post thousands of post just full of crap trying to stop others from posting a reply to threads they may like.

I see. We have yet to see an intelligent post from you, you know. All you have done so fr is berate us for not intsantly believing in UFOs and nessie due to some blurry videos and pictures.
Perhaps I need a holiday CH. I really have become inordinately intolerant of the mindnumbing stupidity and total lack of coherent thought from the likes of lsufos. At least the racist Vincent produces a structured, if invalid argument, and writes intelligibly. This moron is an insult to the human race. I despise him for making me think eugenics might be a good idea after all.
An intelligent ass hole or so he says take a holiday your posts are full of shit you do not need to reply to this thread ass hole but you will why you have got fuck all to look forward too in your life but post on threads and think of your self as thr great intelligent post master gee grow up.
Do your have mates bet they dont go out with you anymore a sad lost silly boy spending all his free time and thats alot on threads posting trying to find a place that some one will listen about what he knows all about get off your ass hole get out and get a life silly boy.

Believing in somthing you have not got holding on to past is your down fall move on theres more to life than the internet and trying to be a intelligent post master like the side kick below sad life you lead sorry.
lsufos, did you go to school? Is English your first language? Are you on any medication? Because you seem to have an attention span that lasts about three words and your 'sentences' change direction as you type them. There has to be an explanation for that.

btw, you question if Ophiolite has friends, when it's you that spends time outside, alone, trying to get pictures of nessie and UFOs. That's rich, it really is!
No just got computer and started a site seen your own one yet gee this one is a right asshole indeed.

Many go looking some stay at home you never get out that room sorry life is to lived is that some one shouting to you to get off the computer now.

I find that there are a few like you on this great board who just try and stop others from posting what a asshole you are.
lsufos said:
Many go looking some stay at home you never get out that room sorry life is to lived is that some one shouting to you to get off the computer now.

You assume too much, child. I do 'get out' quite a bit, but you know what, when I do, it's to go running, walking in the country side, or socialising with friends. I don't waste my time chasing fantasies.

I find that there are a few like you on this great board who just try and stop others from posting what a asshole you are.

I'm not stopping you from doing anything, I'm criticising what you do. You asked for comments on your web site, and you got some, quit whining.

I asked you some questionson the other thread, I'll repeat them here. Is English your first language? Did you go to school? Are you taking any medication? Because something has to explain your really broken prose, and I'd be interested to know what it is. I find it interesting that those with less skill expressing themselves are more often believers in the mystic.
Then don't waste my time chasing fantasies then you have no need to reply ethere.

For the intelligent asshole fuch off
lsufos. Go and get an education, and then come back and see us. Stop being distracted from learning basic communication skills with all this UFO and Nessie rubbish, and learn to think, spell, and compose sentences.

Then, maybe, someone will take you seriously, but right now, you sound like a whining nine year old.
Last reply to you from me Stop being distracted and helping me with spelling you got alot of things do so get off youe ass and do them.
And learn about the rubbish thats on your site.

As i said seriously YOU GOT NOTHING IN YOUR LIFE
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