Nessie Is An Elephant?

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Elephant theory in Nessie search

Unexplained Nessie sightings could have been elephants swimming
Unexplained sightings of the Loch Ness monster could have been elephants enjoying a swim, a scientist has said.
Neil Clark, curator of palaeontology at Glasgow University's Hunterian Museum, spent two years researching Nessie.

He said they could have been circus elephants, as fairs visiting Inverness would often stop on the banks of Loch Ness to give the animals a rest.

The trunk and humps in the water would bear similarities to some of the most famous Nessie photographs.

There have been reporting sightings of "something" in Loch Ness dating back to the 6th Century and it has grown into one of the world's most enduring myths.

Hazy photographs and eyewitness accounts have sprung up over the past 100 years, without offering conclusive evidence that Nessie exists.

I do believe there is something alive in Loch Ness

Neil Clark

Dr Clark said most sightings of Nessie could be explained by floating logs or waves.

But he is promoting the elephant theory because his research showed circuses were a common occurrence in the area, particularly from the early 1930s.

"The circuses used to take the road up to Inverness and allow their animals to have a rest, swim about in the loch and refresh themselves," he said.

"It's quite possible that the people around Loch Ness saw some of these animals.

"When their elephants were allowed to swim in the loch, only the trunk and two humps could be seen - the first hump being the top of the head and the second being the back of the animal.

"The elephant theory would not explain some of the later sightings. I don't know when the last circus to Inverness was, but I'm presuming there were some after 1933."

Asked whether he believed in the Loch Ness monster, Dr Clark said: "I do believe there is something alive in Loch Ness."

Dr Clark's findings are published in the Open University Geological Society journal this month.
I would like to be able to say something positive, but it sounds as if Herr Doktor has had a couple drinks. And perhaps, he may also be a bit bored.

Do they also have traveling circuses at Lake Champlain?
Er, well 'Nellie' was definitely an elephant!

As for 'Nessie', ... well, one picture claiming to be of the 'monster' was actually of an elephant bathing, but IIRC, not actually taken at Loch Ness, it's scam potential being realised after whoever took it returned back to England.

I don't really buy the explanation, as people tend to notice when a Circus comes to town, so a lone Elephant being taken out of context is a bit of a leap. If someone said 'I saw the Loch Ness monster, a Lion, and some juggling dwarves', I might buy it, however.
phlogistician said:
If someone said 'I saw the Loch Ness monster, a Lion, and some juggling dwarves', I might buy it, however.
There is reasonable evidence that the dwarves were abducted by aliens, I have no idea what happened to the lion.

I spent two years adjacent to the Hunterian, separated by a single door. In addition to an excellent collection of geological specimens it has a large (possibly the largest) collection of Whistler's on the planet. This isn't especially relevant: its just that I don't get a lot of opportunity to talk about it.
I love this thread, a 'nessie' thread has been long due!:)

I personaly would like to believe that 'Nessie' is some sort of dragon or giant lizard, makes thing slightly more exciting.

Can anyone post any links specifically on nessie, with pictures and stuff? I've google imaged it but nothing spectacular has been found... :bugeye:
Well, the famous early 20th centry photo of Nessie was recently proved to be a fake. Another nail in the coffin, this would seem.

Along similar lines, I wonder what "Bloop" could have been if it wasn't a technical error?
Elephants tend to live in asia and africa,


don't you think that elephants would be seen on land if they did live there
Not sure what nessie is but click the link then click nessie you will see a clip of footage i took in 2002 then i took the head shots frame by frame then you get the best head shots of nessie that has ever been seen and they are not fake may be this is nessie and this is what eveyone sees.
lsufos said:
Not sure what nessie is but click the link then click nessie you will see a clip of footage i took in 2002 then i took the head shots frame by frame then you get the best head shots of nessie that has ever been seen and they are not fake may be this is nessie and this is what eveyone sees.
Well,,, I'm convinced. Those pictures certainly appear to be real :rolleyes:
They must be true, because they look similar to photos of an alien spaceship I saw yesterday. I apologise to all the people I unfairly called "w00 w00s", I just never imagined something like this could happen!

Here is the UFO that I saw:-

Pictures are real footage too was at lochness last week and took footage of object moving in the bay will add footage from 4 april 2006 soon pictures not great from footage but the footage of object is great you can view them at
The whole Lochness Monster thing has been proven countless of times to be fraudulant.

However for those of you not from Scotland, don't by any means let that stop you visiting Scotland, as the people are of a sunny disposition even if the weather isn't and the scenery, well you really should see for yourself.

The problem with posting pictures about something thats proven to be fraudulant and then having other pictures of "UFO's" and perhaps aliens is that their falsity raises questions about the authenticity of anything else that you have "smoking gun" evidence for.

I mearly mention this so you can perhaps re-analyse what you are trying to sell at the end of the day.
lsufos said:
Not sure what nessie is but click the link then click nessie you will see a clip of footage i took in 2002 then i took the head shots frame by frame then you get the best head shots of nessie that has ever been seen and they are not fake may be this is nessie and this is what eveyone sees.

No FRAUD by me, selling nothing to anyone as for the fraudulant nessie pictures i have no comment about it, as i have never been part of the any fraudulant nessie/ufo pictures, sorry about that but thats the truth.
What i look for is the nessie and ufo Phenomenon that so many people say or do see on lochness and the ufo Phenomenon above our heads.
I seek the truth the evidence nothing more nothing less i do not need to show pictures i have the footage that shows the nessie/ufo Phenomenon none are fake.
I am sorry this may not fit in with some peoples way of life and the way they see things in our world, and they live in a world that they are told as the truth and nothing else exists i am afraid i find these people can not see anything even when the Phenomenon is sticking out like a sore thumb.
Its sad that so few dont see anything and keep coming on threads of no Interest to them what a silly game of life they play.
I'm sorry to say the Nessie is just a gimmick, originally it was good for the local tourism industry although people should really look into the other things the Loch has to offer. In recent years there is the obvious "Tourist trap" merchanise which you can also find is the case in Roswell.

Thats probably the only evidence that links UFO's/Aliens and the Nessie together, their merchandising chains.

lsufos you might think that I'm attacking you or your beliefs personally (This is the same opinion that others that "Believe" things take up) however I'm not. My concerns are that if people are guilible enough to fall for poorly documented events with equally poor evidence, it allows so many conmen to cash in on their vunerability.

You might not be selling anything however you are selling the notion of a conspiracy in which others in that circle are selling merchandise which people then buy into. Perhaps the real conspiracy is how merchandisers might manipulate such beliefs to continue just to shift their wares.

The only Phenomona that exist with any occurance of Nessie or UFO's is people believing in something thats completely bogus. So much so that such people are pretty much research subjects of Psychology.
Conspiracy to debunk everything use the ones with no belief mind control them and they do not know it they ask nothing do as they are told, Can not think for themself read it all in a book still playing with toy cars OR some thing on those lines more times than not all bad in bed could not make up there mind if that was real or not try it again.
The Study of Psychological Phenomena
Goverment Spooks tasks and missions on high pay to debunk any secert Goverment Agenda to use people for there own needs to make the ones who see and film and report UFO sightings of such crafts to make out they are not right in the head.

Research subjects of spooks
Elephants, OK, maybe, I could explain that in an African lake or river--but northern SCOTLAND? Where'd they escape from?
The circus.

"Nessie the elephant went to town/and said goodbye to the cir-cus"

Coincidence, non?

And Isufos, you are not making any sense. You use no punctuation and your sentences are jumbled. Furthermore TINC.
In so many words if you are not in to it then dont do it.
Why come on to threads that you dislike go play with your cars.
You mention of "debunking" and Secret Government agendas, well it's known that during the coldwar there was alot of fabrication and lies because of the fear of nuclear powers creating bigger nastier toys to "scare" each other with, on top of that was the whole dangerous spy game that most of those powers played which resulted in a number of agents deaths.

Would you rather know to much and be a threat back then, potentially placing your life on the line or be a humble nut job, debunked? Admittedly the way of the world is different now, there are still some that play nasty however they are rare and few between, mainly because all the worlds social systems are slowly outgrowing all this fear mongering and one day we'll all have truly democratic systems that deal with voting on policies rather than political figures, rather than the republic's many believe to be democratic.

The thing is that all this Debunk was for a completely different age and a completely different agenda, now that age has gone there is no longer need for it, however a few still deal with hidden truths that are "out of date" which means they continue a debunking trend that was started only to keep countries from knowing what the others were doing.

There is far more evidence available suggesting I'm accurate than there is to suggest what you would like to believe and that evidence hasn't been manufactured, it's been "Declassified" and collected by many reporters/writers.
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