Need help refuting this argument against evolutionary biology.


Registered Senior Member
I have this guy on another forum arguing with me about evolution. I know a fair bit about it, but once it gets into Biology etc... I'm at a bit of a loss. I study psychology so we cover very little biology. I know his arguments are just copy and pasted creationist arguments, and from the little I know about it all the arguments seem pretty flawed. If you guys could please help me out with an explanation for these things he brings up I'd really appreciate it.

Thanks heaps.


He writes:

"Genetics disproves evolution, Animals vary based on coded genetic information that is ALREADY there.
First, natural selection can only work with pre-existing genes, So to expect this process alone to create new information is hilarious.

Second, survival of the fittest describes the fittest as those who will leave the most offspring, so since we are left with only the most fit, natural selection as an explanation becomes a tautology.

Evolution is dead with the advance in DNA technology, Experiments have proven that just a .00000003% change in just one of the proteins always proves fatal, If something tried to change into something else it would be deadly and impossible. The simplest chemical step for the origin of life, The gathering of amino acids that are all left handed and right handed, Cannot be achieved under inorganic conditions, Cells arising in primordial soup or on a mineral substrate would leave behind some inorganic kerogen tars marked by certain Carbon-13 to Carbon-14 ratio, No such kerogen is found anywhere on the geological column that is a nailed on fact.

Dont take my word for it :

"No one has ever produced a species by mechanisms of natural selection. No one has ever gotten near it and most of the current argument in neo-Darwinism is about this question." - Dr. Colin Patterson, senior paleontologist at the British Museum of Natural History"

I can see errors in what he is saying, but I'm sure you guys could explain it all a lot better than I can.

Thanks again.
You are wasting you rtime trying to argue with anti-evolutionists.

Their views are religious faith-based beliefs. They believe in a diety & some dogma which is associated with such a belief.

No argument will convince them that their beliefs are faulty.
Yeah I know exactly what you mean. My aim isn't really to change this guys beliefs, I'm more so just really interested in the answers to these questions.
Hi. You can do a bit of research on the web and find that actual speciation has been observed in nature and the lab.

As for his genetic ramblings, they're simple cut/paste crap from some creationist site (I assume). The elements now understood to be the the things that evolve are called 'alleles'. These are regions on the gene with fixed locations and similar function but that are altered by 'shuffling' during meiosis. There are good descriptions of this all over the web. Changes in these groups of genes are what survive and pass on (if the changes are successful).

His claim that .0000003% (or whatever) change in a protein is fatal, is meaningless babble. Genes code for proteins, which build structure. If a protein (or group of them) that codes for eye color and is 'changed' somehow, I might end up with green, blue, brown, or no color eyes. It could even conceivably cause a defect such that it would impair my vision. But fatal? Call bullshit on him on that one.

But otherwise, debating the details of genetic evolutionary mechanisms is impossible because you or I will never have the knowledge that a geneticist has (and neither will he) and you will just end up throwing 'expert' quotes at each other.

Ultimately, as a laymen, you can gain enough knowledge to refute his more obvious absurdities (like his protein-change-fatality claim) but like all of us, you rely more on an understanding of the scientific method and how it ensures, in the long run, knowledge you can rely on.

Ask him what epistemological model he follows and see what happens. :rolleyes:
"Genetics disproves evolution, Animals vary based on coded genetic information that is ALREADY there.

I think you can knock down his entire argument with this one line. Information that is already there?!! Does that infer all animals were...CREATED by a CREATOR?
I can see errors in what he is saying, but I'm sure you guys could explain it all a lot better than I can.

Okay. You're right about it being regurgiposted creationist drivel.

Genetics disproves evolution, Animals vary based on coded genetic information that is ALREADY there. First, natural selection can only work with pre-existing genes, So to expect this process alone to create new information is hilarious.

Yes, I see this regurgiposted creationist drivel often. It demonstrates perfectly a total lack of understanding of the subject they are supposedly refuting.

New genetic material comes from a couple of difference sources. The primary source is the accidental duplication of DNA. Sometimes cells make mistakes when copying their DNA during cell division, and sometimes these mistakes happen during early embryonic development resulting in an organism carrying the mistake in all its cells. There can be duplications of portions of genes, whole gene duplication, partial chromosome duplication, whole chromosome duplication, partial genome duplication, or whole genome duplication. All these events create new DNA on which mutation and natural selection can act.

When whole genes and chromosomes are duplicated they are not functionally constrained and are free to accumulate mutations that, over time, turn them into new genes with new functions. As you can probably imagine, when whole genomes are duplicated there is a tremendous amount of new material that is created. Much of it is lost over time, but the remaining duplicated material is re-shaped into new genes. This has happened in many plant and animal lineages at various times over the course of the evolution of life on this planet.

This duplication in genetic material is demonstrated by the fact that more complex multicellular organisms (eg. humans) have gene families. In other words, “simpler” organisms (such as the extensively-studied fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster and round worm Caenorhabditis elegans) have single copies of genes, whereas those same genes are present in complex organisms as gene families – several related genes with similar overall features but also with differences that impart differing functions that are applied in different cells/tissues at different stages of development.

There are other sources of new genetic material. DNA repair mechanisms sometimes make mistakes that result in insertions of new DNA at the site of repair. Transposable elements have had a large impact in the shaping of plant and animal genomes. They move around the genome and sometimes copy and insert host DNA in the process of moving around between chromosomes.

Second, survival of the fittest describes the fittest as those who will leave the most offspring, so since we are left with only the most fit, natural selection as an explanation becomes a tautology.

No. Environmental conditions, and hence selection pressures, change over time – ice ages, plate tectonics, global warmings and coolings, asteroid/meteor impacts, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and so on. Organisms migrate to different areas with different selection pressures. Predators move into and out of regions. These changes in selection pressures alter what constitutes “the fittest”. Why does he/she think species become extinct? Even someone without knowledge of evolution should have enough intelligence to recognise that the Earth is not a static system. Unless they’re being wilfully ignorant, of course.

Evolution is dead with the advance in DNA technology, Experiments have proven that just a .00000003% change in just one of the proteins always proves fatal,

Total rubbish. Wrong. Just plain wrong. Ask the fool to provide a single scientific reference to substantiate this ridiculous assertion. Ask them to go away and find out what an “allele” is, then report back to you. If changes to amino acid sequences are “always fatal”, how does he/she scientifically explain the natural amino acid sequence variation that exists amongst ALL members of ALL species on Earth?

If something tried to change into something else it would be deadly and impossible.

I have no idea what is being referred to here; it sure isn’t the theory of evolution which says no such thing.

The simplest chemical step for the origin of life, The gathering of amino acids that are all left handed and right handed, Cannot be achieved under inorganic conditions,

Just as well it occurred under organic conditions, then.

Cells arising in primordial soup or on a mineral substrate would leave behind some inorganic kerogen tars marked by certain Carbon-13 to Carbon-14 ratio, No such kerogen is found anywhere on the geological column that is a nailed on fact.

Wrong. Just plain wrong. Again.
Nice reply thanks

I've just started reading talkorigins which I found a link to in the sticky in this forum, so many answers to so many questions, its really good
"Genetics disproves evolution, Animals vary based on coded genetic information that is ALREADY there.
He doesn't seem to understand the concept of mutation. The first individual in a new genetic line has a mutated gene that was NOT already there.
First, natural selection can only work with pre-existing genes, So to expect this process alone to create new information is hilarious.
Same misunderstanding. Natural selection does not create new information. Natural selection occurs once the new information has been created.

Furthermore, evolution operates on combinations of genes, not just individual genes. Many genes affect the same area of the organism's physiology or behavior, so if they gang up by sheer chance, they can give that individual an advantage or a disadvantage. This does not even require mutation.
Second, survival of the fittest describes the fittest as those who will leave the most offspring, so since we are left with only the most fit, natural selection as an explanation becomes a tautology.
Ask him if he can spell PALEONTOLOGY.
Evolution is dead with the advance in DNA technology, Experiments have proven that just a .00000003% change in just one of the proteins always proves fatal . .. .
"Always" is a word used in mathematics, not science, so this guy's sources are dubious, which is typical of the creation "science" movement. They scour the thesis libraries in third-rate universities looking for pure crap that appears to support their position.
The simplest chemical step for the origin of life, The gathering of amino acids that are all left handed and right handed, Cannot be achieved under inorganic conditions, Cells arising in primordial soup or on a mineral substrate would leave behind some inorganic kerogen tars marked by certain Carbon-13 to Carbon-14 ratio, No such kerogen is found anywhere on the geological column that is a nailed on fact.
This is the cornerstone of creation "science"--the fraudulent inclusion of abiogenesis in the Theory of Evolution. We know "beyond a reasonable doubt" that all lifeforms are derived from simpler lifeforms that existed a couple of billion years ago--so simple that to call them "cells" is a bit of an exaggeration. But we DO NOT KNOW how those first living things arose.

Evolution is a canonical scientific theory. To doubt it is unreasonable and to express this doubt is an extraordinary assertion. An extraordinary assertion must be supported by extraordinary evidence before anyone is obliged to treat it with respect--the Rule of Laplace, a cornerstone of the scientific method. To continue to repeat this assertion after it has been challenged, but before the requested evidence has been provided, is intellectual dishonesty. On SciForums it will get you permabanned. In the real world it might get you elected to Congress.

But abiogenesis is merely a hypothesis that is currently being tested. We have made progress but there are still big issues that have not been resolved. To doubt abiogenesis is not unreasonable, although nobody has come up with a better explanation so we're still putting our resources into testing this one.
No one has ever produced a species by mechanisms of natural selection.
If we create a species then it is not natural. Duh? We have to wait for nature to work and nature is rather slow. The bald eagle speciated about ten thousand years ago. There were actually people around when it happened, but none of them were scientists. It probably happens with bacteria, but defining speciation with bacteria is a little complicated.

Again, this Religious Redneck Retard appears to have no respect for paleontology. The fossil record abounds with evidence he's ignoring.
No one has ever gotten near it and most of the current argument in neo-Darwinism is about this question." - Dr. Colin Patterson, senior paleontologist at the British Museum of Natural History"
Crackpots occasionally slip through the loopholes in the promotional system of civil service institutions. Google Dr. Patterson and you'll see that his assertions have not escaped the attention of the community of paleontologists. They have been peer-reviewed and some of them have been dismissed as crackpottery.

Again, this is the trademark of the evolution denialists. It's a big planet and there are millions of scientists. It's not hard to find one who's wrong. They find him and present him as respectable.

My wife and I used to be members of the L.A. chapter of CSICOP and we attended the debate they hosted in 1983 between a real scientist and a spokesman selected by the local Religious Redneck Retard Revivalists. The hallmarks of his methodology, which typify his movement, were various types of intellectual dishonesty:
  • Using papers from third-rate universities as source material.
  • Selecting a small subset of fossils which, in isolation, appear to support his assertions.
  • Finding mistakes made by real scientists and presenting them without the peer reviews that falsified their work.
  • Being much better at public speaking than real scientists, who tend to not be enormously social creatures and therefore not top-notch communicators.
  • Fraudulent commingling of abiogenesis with evolution; this misrepresents science.
The realization we came out of this debate with was frightening. These people actually KNOW that they are lying!

It's quite possible that the guy you're up against knows he's lying too. If he's a skillful communicator with a streak of intellectual dishonesty, you'll have a hard time slapping him down.
Yeah I know exactly what you mean. My aim isn't really to change this guys beliefs, I'm more so just really interested in the answers to these questions.
Do you have an institution near you from which you can access PubMed? If you can access PubMed, you will find a great wealth of information, regarding genetics.

The answer to his question, if you are interested in demonstating to him that he is mistaken, is simple: our genome contains a considerable amount of information that serves no actual purpose at all. It doesn't code. However, it does serve as raw material. If a protein does not directly harm the organism, it is apt to remain unless it is removed again from the lineage by a chance mishap. From there, the strength which which any new gene is expressed depends heavily on promoter sequences.
I have access to all the science databases online because I'm a student at the University of Queensland. My gf is in her final year of studying Molecular Biology, so she has 3 years worth of biology text books that I'm going to attempt to start reading. I covered some stuff when I studied Psychological Neuroscience, but there is just so much to learn it's crazy. Right now I'm studying Evolutionary Approaches to Psychology, it's an amazing subject. I'm starting on a paper arguing that morals are not uniquely human, and there's actual scientific experiments done showing a sense of morality in some great apes. It's all very cool stuff.
Well, think of every protein that is coded by our genome as if it were an independent organism, and they are really more like a millipede consisting of different types of amino acid. However, survival depends on the survival of the host. The subject is more interesting when you think of it this way. Also, it would be advisable to learn how big molecular structures can be divided into various groups, such as various types of carboxylic acid and so forth.
I have this guy on another forum arguing with me about evolution. I know a fair bit about it, but once it gets into Biology etc... I'm at a bit of a loss. I study psychology so we cover very little biology. I know his arguments are just copy and pasted creationist arguments, and from the little I know about it all the arguments seem pretty flawed. If you guys could please help me out with an explanation for these things he brings up I'd really appreciate it.

Thanks heaps.


He writes:

"Genetics disproves evolution, Animals vary based on coded genetic information that is ALREADY there.

First, natural selection can only work with pre-existing genes, So to expect this process alone to create new information is hilarious.

That is without doubt, one of the stupidest things I've ever seen written by a purportedly sentient primate. Mutations occur all the time. Ask him what happened at Cherynobyl. Long Island. They have been generated any number of times.

Second, survival of the fittest describes the fittest as those who will leave the most offspring, so since we are left with only the most fit, natural selection as an explanation becomes a tautology.

Dumb. Fitness also has key relationships with phenotype. Ask him if he knows who the hell Sewall Wright is.

[quote[Evolution is dead with the advance in DNA technology, Experiments have proven that just a .00000003% change in just one of the proteins always proves fatal,[/quote]

Idiocy. What the hell is talking about? A single experiment? How does this rate apply to all genes, everywhere?

The gathering of amino acids that are all left handed and right handed, Cannot be achieved under inorganic conditions,

Hi. You can do a bit of research on the web and find that actual speciation has been observed in nature and the lab.

Indeed, and verified to the genetic level in both the lab and in nature.

As for his genetic ramblings, they're simple cut/paste crap from some creationist site (I assume).

That is one of the most common 'arguments' made. It's usually one of the first clubs out of the bag in fact.

The majority of Christians do not believe in such nonsense, but the vocal minority repeats the same silly things over and over. Much like Orwell's sheep they bleat it out... and like all propaganda, it works.

As to the OP, you are in a tough spot. You are dealing with someone who has such an encyclopedic ignorance of this topic, that there is likely not enough knowledge or intelligence for you to even attempt a foothold.

"It requires wisdom to understand wisdom: the music is nothing if the audience is deaf." - Walter Lippman
The guy replied and then locked the thread so I couldn't comment back.

Here are the replies:

"Well I will answer the questions first, Sam I have been involved in research and study of creation/evolution for nearly 20 years so I dont have to spend much time on it these days as I already have most of it stored in my memory.

To answer your Accusation of BS about mutations Tim :

The evidence clearly demonstrates that mutations, for practical purposes, are always useless or harmful particularly in homo-sapiens they can often be fatal that is a FACT as mutations can cause diabetes, club feet, hemophilia, Downs Syndrome, colour blindness, Turner's Syndrome, Klinefelter's Syndrome, Sickle Cell Anemia, Cystic Fibrosis, Phenylketonuria, Albinism, Metabolite as well as substitution, addition/inversion of genes and a bomb load of other such tragic afflictions. So you see it is not just plain wrong because all these
afflictions exist or are you going to tell me they are not caused mutations ?

And what is your point about Hfloresiensis ? Are you going to tell me it was part Human and part Chimpanzee ? Or it is a direct ancestor of man as we know it today ?

Against hard evidence, mutations are supposed to produce the changes that drive the wheels of evolution, Evolution scientists will have you beleive that these mutations would happen by the millions and in groups, Not just in individuals here and there, but waves of mutations would hit whole groups of colonies,Mutating them as colonies, Up the ladder of evolution, becoming more complex and ordered each time.
But you know or should know that it is the opposite, As scientific findings say NO.

There is a bloke in England well respected and one of the leading fellas of Science and Medicine,Sir Peter Medawar is the bloke, This is what he said "there is no genetic process that science knows of that could produce the changes required for the process of evolution."

Genetic mutation has never been observed to improve, modify or make an organism more complex. Not one convincing case exists FACT! Mutations are always detrimental to the species concerned. It has been widely accepted by mugs who just accept things without actually studying or looking into the evidence themselves that evolution is, in fact, true, So lets look to find a mechanism which demonstrates the process of evolution.
Evolution requires billions of positive mutations in millions of different species of both plants and animals. Literally trillions of positive mutations would be required and yet no one has been able to show one single,Honest, convincing case. This completely blows out of the water the belief that evolution has happened by genetic mutation, So off you go back to the drawing board and revise your theory of evolution for the 100th time.

And while you are at it explain these :

Who are the evolutionary ancestors of the insects ?

Which came first, DNA or the proteins needed by DNA which can only be produced by DNA?

Where are the billions of transitional fossils that should be there if your theory is right? Yes there should be billions ! Not a handful of questionable transitions, Why dont we see a reasonably smooth continuing pattern among all living creatures, or in the fossil record, or both ?

How did sexual reproduction evolve, You know with the sex organs of opposites Male and Female that when used "CREATE life? Are you going to tell me they evolved to create ? And when did evolution throw up its hands and say "Thats it evolution is no longer needed they know have opposite sex organs to create"
If you are would you like me to give you the odds of it happening by random chance, Selection or whatever you want to call it ?

Again explain when and where one species has evolved into a totally different species, Not within their own kind or a slight transformation a totally different species.

"Point is, Evolution shows us how things developed, how things progressed and the dynamics of composition of life. But that is it. It never proves fully why things have occurred.


"Yeah I agree X"

So if you agree with that (never proves fully why things have occurred)
You would then be open to the suggestion that things could have possibly occured with a design and with a purpose then ? Great thanks for clearing that up."

-------------- So I agree that evolution doesn't prove the reason why things have occured, because it's not a good idea to say something is proven when it is always open to investigation in science, yet the creationists latch onto this and try to jam god into any gap they can find!---------

---I'm really impressed with this reply he made to a person's claims concerning the geographic record:----

"So where you get that the earth is billions of years old ? Looking at the strata ?
Using radiometric dating ? Well we can throw that out of the discussion they are so unreliable and inaccurate its a Joke. Example, Potassium-Argon (K-Ar) radiometric dating method used to date the Earth at billions of years old also dates the 1980 Mt. St. Helens eruption to have occurred 2.8 million years ago, But of course they wont tell you that

And also you dont know how long it takes for the layers to form, Add to that, And there is evidence that suggests there was a worldwide flood and the catastrophic damage it would do to the earth would age the earth making it virtually impossible to come a sound conclusion on its age, A simple example is put your hand in a bowl of water and leave it in there for a week, Take it out see how old it looks compared to the rest of your body, Like I said thats a simple example,The damage a catastrophic flood would have is unmeasurable as you would need the data before and after to compare the effect it would have.

"Like I said geologists have fossil records that go back billions of years. My question to you is, how come if we look back five billion years ago, all we find are single celled organisms and that is all. There is nothing else that exists during that time period. Than if we look back lets say 2 or 3 billion years, we find a little more complex organisms. And nothing else. This pattern keeps continuing throughout the fossil record. And when you go back that far, it is easier to see the new additions to species. when you have A single cell, than another couple billion years you have AB with something added . etc."

Again where you get these billions of years from ?

"My question for you is, How did new species come to be ? How come there once was life and it was only single cell simple organisms and that is it during the early history of the earth, and than billions of years later more and more species kept on showing up. Its obvious God did not create all living things or all animals at one time. So what is your belief about it? Do you think God created each species at different times? Cats and dogs were not wondering the earth back when the dinosaurs were around, so how did they come to be? Why have so many animals and creatures died off and also came to be throughout the history of the earth"

The animals that have become extinct found the new world to be much different than the one before the Flood, Due to competition for food that was no longer in abundance, And man killing for food and the destruction of habitats,etc, etc, Many species of animals eventually died out. Mate loads of animals become extinct each year, Extinction seems to be the rule in Earth history it is not the formation of new types of animals as you would expect from evolution, So your question would be better aimed at a Evolutionist.

Another question, Why does all living things have the same exact genetic code. like everything came from a single source? For example if you take a look at our entire DNA code, it will be over 99 percent the same as a chimp. Our genetic code contains the same information as all life before us within it. Why is that?

The tapeworm has 75% the same DNA code as humans so whats your point ? There is no way that chance or natural selection could invent the chemical code of a first cell and use it to write information instructing the cell to make just the right proteins, Fold them properly and send each one to the only place in the cell where it will fit, You said it yourself "like everything came from a single source?" Ever wondered what that source was ?

"Genetic evolution of species is a process that takes billions of years. Most mutations cause defects and would die off, others do not. We see genetic mutations happening today. When someone has twins that is a genetic mutation.
There are also animals today we have observed genetic mutations that have lived on and passed their genes. There was a shark that was newly discovered that grew a couple of extra tail fins. i forget the name of it. and that is the very very very very short term"

Again where you get your billions of years from ?
So a shark grew a couple of extra fins, Big deal its still bloody shark.

"talking about observing evolution, is like saying you want to watch a seed grow into a plant and only watch it for one hour and conclude that it will never grow into a plant and walk away"

I aint talking about observing it, If it as already happened then there would have been evidence of it so we can see it, It is you thats saying the earth is billions of years old surely over those billions of years there would be a bomb load of clear cut evidence showing a unquestionable evolution from one species to another, But there aint no matter how you try to cut it.

Mate you stick to thinking a shark growing a couple of extra fins as clear evidence of evolution, Ill stick to believing it is still a shark."

--------------This line in particular just amazed me

" there is evidence that suggests there was a worldwide flood and the catastrophic damage it would do to the earth would age the earth making it virtually impossible to come a sound conclusion on its age, A simple example is put your hand in a bowl of water and leave it in there for a week, Take it out see how old it looks compared to the rest of your body, Like I said thats a simple example,The damage a catastrophic flood would have is unmeasurable as you would need the data before and after to compare the effect it would have."

------I have never in all my life read something so amazingly stupid. I'm still in shock after reading that. I would love to see his evidence that exposure to water changes the age of rocks. And claiming that because your hand wrinkles in water and looks older, the same thing happens to rocks... is

I'm kind of glad that he locked the thread so I couldn't reply, there is just no point trying to use logic to try and change a view that is so divorced from it.
I don't think it should be so black, white, good guys, bad guys. The guy brings up some good points and he also makes some bad arguments.

So where you get that the earth is billions of years old ? Looking at the strata ?
Using radiometric dating ? Well we can throw that out of the discussion they are so unreliable and inaccurate its a Joke. Example, Potassium-Argon (K-Ar) radiometric dating method used to date the Earth at billions of years old also dates the 1980 Mt. St. Helens eruption to have occurred 2.8 million years ago, But of course they wont tell you that

I thought this was interesting. Does anyone know how accurate this is and what the cause would be, if it is true, that the prediction of that earth quake would be so far off using radiometric dating?
So I guess no one knows the validity of that radiometric dating claim... you guys are lame.
