Necessary requirements for not believing in God

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The requirements for believe God doesn't exist or disbelieving in God:

- Believing that something is false until proven true
"You can't prove God exists, so God doesn't exist"

- Believing that the existence of God depends on the existence of a Flying Spaghetti Monster, Thor, Zeus, orbiting teapots, etc...
"I don't believe in a Flying Spaghetti Monster, Zeus, Thor, orbiting teapots, God must not exist either"

- Believing that if something doesn't sound true, it must be false
"It sounds like God is made up, fictional, a myth, a fairy tale, it just sounds like it, an invisible man in the sky"

- Believing that if God existed then only good things would happen in this world
"If God existed there should be no more suffering in the world, even though absolutely NO religion says since God exists only good things should happen on Earth"

- Believing that what the current evidence shows at the present time is the absolute truth
"Since there's no evidence at the present time that God exists, and nothing can be considered evidence, it indicates that God does not exist"

- Believing that religion is man-made, just a way primitive fools had to explain things
"Its just a way primitive people had to explain things, they looked up to sky, and made up fairy tales"

- Believing that there is nothing more to life that what we currently know
"The many-minds interpretation, space-time consciousness theory, or any theory that puts the mind existing independently of the brain cannot be true making the afterlife a possibility, only what we know right now must be true"

- Believing in naturalism or that there is no other cause besides nature
"There cannot be anything outside of nature, we don't need magic to explain anything, even if a naturalistic model never fits who cares, it just means that the naturalistic cause is unknown"

So basically if you're irrational, illogical, delusional, etc...then you should have a firm disbelief in God

Can you think of any other requirements?
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There's nothing really there to address. How about some evidence to back up what amounts to a list of unsubstantiated accusations first?
There's nothing really there to address. How about some evidence to back up what amounts to a list of unsubstantiated accusations first?

Evidence? What do you mean by evidence? You mean evidence that atheists believe these things?

PS When you say atheists do you mean all atheists... or only some? If only some, how meaningful is it to address the accusations to atheists as an homogenous group?
Honestly, I do not see anything unreasonable with VitalOne's original post. Everything he said seems completely logical.

And yes, this is the FIRST time I actually agree with him on something.
So basically if you're irrational, illogical, delusional, ignorant, etc...then you should have a firm disbelief in God

I retract my previous statement. The quote above is something I do not agree with, mainly due to the way he approached it.

As I've always told you, if you want to attempt to make a point in this forum, insults will only hinder your agenda.

I'm not an atheist so, frankly, don't have the energy or the inclination to respond to this crap.

1. I don't believe it's possible, on current evidence (ie none), to prove the existence of God.
2. I don't believe it's possible to disprove it, full stop.
3. I don't believe it's possible, on current evidence (ie none), to prove that the sun is orbited by microscopic teapots.
4. See point 2.

Go and troll somewhere else.
The problem with the opening post is that he's quoting imaginary cretins.
Some Imaginary Cretin said:
God hasn't been disprooved so he exits LOL!!!1!!
Anyone can summon imaginary cretins in order to support any flimsy proposition. It's not evidence of anything.
My point is this: it is impossible to prove that something - any fucking thing - doesn't exist.

It is also that, in view of the above, the onus lies rather with those who believe it does exist to convince the rest of us.

My point is this: it is impossible to prove that something - any fucking thing - doesn't exist.

It is also that, in view of the above, the onus lies rather with those who believe it does exist to convince the rest of us.

Go.'re using an argument from ignorance

It is possible to prove that something does not exist, is incorrect and wrong, or unlikely to exist

Regardless of if the burden on proof is on us, it doesn't change anything I listed
It is possible to prove that something does not exist, is incorrect and wrong, or unlikely to exist
Let's ignore what's "incorrect and wrong" - I don't even know what you mean by that. And let's ignore the unlikelys - they're not proof.

Prove that solar teapots don't exist.

Where did you get the idea that there are a list of "requirements" for (not) believing in something?
We know that infinity and zero exist, right? We use these two "quantities" all the time in math equations, and zero is used as a placeholder.
But zero, by definition, has no value. Does it exist? Can it be added to a set of (real) numbers? Is it even a number (can "nothing" be a value)? Infinity is also something we can never "know", we can only "approach" it. Does this mean it is something forever beyond us? If so, can we really use it like we do with math, and philosophical discussion?
It is possible to prove that something does not exist
Except that you could 'count' the grains of sand on a beach and not find a single identical grain to any other (they all look different). Does this mean that an identical grain (to any of the ones you have looked at so far) cannot exist on some beach somewhere? It cannot be proved that no such exists without, in fact, counting them all.
This turns out to be a bit of a problem with an infinity of 'things' (grains of sand, galaxies, thoughts, numbers, ...).
Let's ignore what's "incorrect and wrong" - I don't even know what you mean by that. And let's ignore the unlikelys - they're not proof.

Prove that solar teapots don't exist.

Solar teapots? Exist where around the Sun?

That's easy just put a satellite can see fine details in space...then you can verify if it's true or not....

Again this has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with the existence or non-existence of God...a typical atheistic tactic
Where did you get the idea that there are a list of "requirements" for (not) believing in something?
We know that infinity and zero exist, right? We use these two "quantities" all the time in math equations, and zero is used as a placeholder.
But zero, by definition, has no value. Does it exist? Can it be added to a set of (real) numbers? Is it even a number (can "nothing" be a value)? Infinity is also something we can never "know", we can only "approach" it. Does this mean it is something forever beyond us? If so, can we really use it like we do with math, and philosophical discussion?

Except that you could 'count' the grains of sand on a beach and not find a single identical grain to any other (they all look different). Does this mean that an identical grain (to any of the ones you have looked at so far) cannot exist on some beach somewhere? It cannot be proved that no such exists without, in fact, counting them all.
This turns out to be a bit of a problem with an infinity of 'things' (grains of sand, galaxies, thoughts, numbers, ...).
Sure you can prove it cannot exist by proving that it cannot have an identical

Again, you're dodging out of the argument (typical atheist) this has nothing to do with the existence or non-existence of God and is not at ALL analogous
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