Necessary requirement for believing in God

No, it's not a double thread. The other one is a referential list of requirements, this one is a discussion on the topic of necessary requirements. Two connected, but different things. I first thought to keep it all in one thread, but then saw that the topic is too broad. I like to be as systematic as possible. :cool:
No, it's not a double thread. The other one is a referential list of requirements, this one is a discussion on the topic of necessary requirements. Two connected, but different things. I first thought to keep it all in one thread, but then saw that the topic is too broad. I like to be as systematic as possible. :cool:

I see! :)
That's part of the problem. If there were a one and only true God (like various religions claim there is), it should be possible to name the necessary requirements for believing in this God - a finite number of necessary requirements.

If there is a one and only true God, then why are these requirements so elusive to list, or so general that all religions fit in?

I really don't see any more options but these two:
There either
- are no necessary requirements for believing in God and belief in God is an open-ended matter,
- or all theisms are about the same God.

There is also a third and much more believable possibility...that all theisms were created or even derived to control the masses of the countries that they originated. Hence religions' various dissimilarities, but their consistant match to their own origin country.
Case in question.

There are people who have love of truth, but who have not arrived at believing in God.

Possibly--but then, that's not what I'm talking about...I said THE Truth:

Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice...But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out. And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice. And a stranger they will not follow.

Love of THE Truth is fundamental to faith in God.
Possibly--but then, that's not what I'm talking about...I said THE Truth:....

...Love of THE Truth is fundamental to faith in God.

Of course, because in your eyes, there is only one way. And if its not your way, it's wrong. Puh-leeze! :wallbang::wallbang:
Of course, because in your eyes, there is only one way. And if its not your way, it's wrong. Puh-leeze! :wallbang::wallbang:

There is only one way, but it's not my way--it's His Way.

Ignore that to your peril.
There is only one way, but it's not my way--it's His Way.

Ignore that to your peril.

Please answer this... if one believes in a higher power (God) but not in Jesus, does that mean they will go to hell, in your personal opinion.
Please answer this... if one believes in a higher power (God) but not in Jesus, does that mean they will go to hell, in your personal opinion.

My personal opinion in matters such as these is of no consequence. A personal opinion might amount to belief in a higher power being sufficent for salvation...but which higher power? Higher powers are a dime a dozen. What, precisely, does belief in some generic higher power accomplish? Possibly a fleeting experience of the bliss of ignorance lulling oneself into a false sense of security.

Eventually, our state of ignorance begins to gnaw at us and so one's personal opinion must be re-enforced with whatever support one can garner from whatever sources...ultimately it's a no win situation.

On the other hand, there is the option of yeilding/deferring to The Word of God Who declared Himself to Be The Way, The Truth, and The Life.
My personal opinion in matters such as these is of no consequence. A personal opinion might amount to belief in a higher power being sufficent for salvation...but which higher power? Higher powers are a dime a dozen. What, precisely, does belief in some generic higher power what accomplish? Possibly a fleeting experience of the bliss of ignorance while lulling oneself into a false sense of security.

Eventually, our state of ignorance begins to gnaw at us and so one's personal opinion must be re-enforced with whatever support one can garner from whatever sources...ultimately it's a no win situation.

On the other hand, there is the option of yeilding/deferring to The Word of God Who declared Himself to Be The Way, The Truth, and The Life.

Ok, well can you answer my question in accordance with your interpretation of your religion? In other words (the question revised...)

if one believes in a higher power (God) but not in Jesus, does that mean they will go to hell, according to your religion?
Ok, well can you answer my question in accordance with your interpretation of your religion? In other words (the question revised...)

if one believes in a higher power (God) but not in Jesus, does that mean they will go to hell, according to your religion?

Religions are a dime a dozen just like higher powers. What matters is what God says through His Son Jesus Christ:

...all men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father. He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which hath sent Him...he who rejects Me rejects the One who sent Me.

Jesus states unequivically that what He says comes directly from the Father Himself:

For I have not spoken of myself; but the Father which sent me, he gave me a commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak...the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me.

So, there you have your answer.
Religions are a dime a dozen just like higher powers. What matters is what God says through His Son Jesus Christ:

...all men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father. He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which hath sent Him...he who rejects Me rejects the One who sent Me.

Jesus states unequivically that what He says comes directly from the Father Himself:

For I have not spoken of myself; but the Father which sent me, he gave me a commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak...the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me.

So, there you have your answer.

A simple yes or no would have worked, but thanks nevertheless lol.
You're welcome.

One last question if you don't mind. I apologize if I am bugging you. It is not my intention, but rather to get some answers from a different point of view. To be honest, these are questions that I've never been able to recieve a firm answer from a devout Christian such as yourself.

If one lives a completely honorable life, travels the world and spreads teachings of loving kindness, promotes peace and equality, helps the helpless, feeds the hungry, gives with no intention of recieving, and who holds good intentions in all they do, however does not hold a belief in Jesus Christ, are they still destined for Hell?
If one lives a completely honorable life, travels the world and spreads teachings of loving kindness, promotes peace and equality, helps the helpless, feeds the hungry, gives with no intention of recieving, and who holds good intentions in all they do, however does not hold a belief in Jesus Christ, are they still destined for Hell?

Simple. A complete suspension of disbelief and lack of education.

certainly doesn't explain why there are numerous theistically inclined scientists and philosophers in the past and present - also doesn't explain why teh great achievements of culture in terms of architecture, literature (greece, India, china, Italy etc) and other social structures have been achieved by cultures that have a prominent focus on transcendental values
There is only one way, but it's not my way--it's His Way.

That's calling upon some external authority which we do not have access to.
It's a convenient way to relieve yourself of the responsibility for what you say.

Ignore that to your peril.

I'm going to say the same to you as I said to Sandy elsewhere:

And we should take for granted that you know better than we do, right?

Can't you see how manipulatively you communicate? You speak in a manner where you create a situation where the audience simply has to take for granted that you know better than them. If they don't, they receive your scorn.
certainly doesn't explain why there are numerous theistically inclined scientists and philosophers in the past and present - also doesn't explain why teh great achievements of culture in terms of architecture, literature (greece, India, china, Italy etc) and other social structures have been achieved by cultures that have a prominent focus on transcendental values

Who said it does?
That's calling upon some external authority which we do not have access to.
It's a convenient way to relieve yourself of the responsibility for what you say.

You're projecting...speaking out of your ignorance...desperately trying to make sense of something you just don't understand. That said, what you call "some external authority" has an open door policy--therefore, all have access to Him.

I'm going to say the same to you as I said to Sandy elsewhere:

And we should take for granted that you know better than we do, right?

Take for granted? No, but... the fact remains we know something you don't...knowledge of a sort that far surpasses anything you 'know'.

Can't you see how manipulatively you communicate? You speak in a manner where you create a situation where the audience simply has to take for granted that you know better than them. If they don't, they receive your scorn.

I'm here to impart knowledge...knowledge that has been gained through years of studying God's Word...knowledge that you would otherwise not have access to. Do with it what you will.

I rarely show "scorn"...but I don't mince words either. Your souls are at stake, so there are times when I might come across as harsh but...ultimately the motivation behind the time I spend here is your (plural) welfare.
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