Nearly everyone has a built in sense of God.

To use myself as an example:

I had very lenient parents, and independence of action and thought was strongly encouraged - and yes - I abhor authority of any kind. You may have a very valid point. It is interesting to note many ‘religious’ families are more structured and strict than non-religious ones (Albeit this is a casual observation of mine, which may not hold up to more scrutiny).

Good point Mystic.

Originally posted by Jeremy
Nearly everyone has a built in sense of God.
Comments or suggestions?
Even given this, what more can be said of God?

I have far less objection to the simple assertion of God than I do towards those who claim to know the nature, mind, and purpose of God. Religion is founded upon pure hubris. It not only claims the existence of that which it cannot define, let alone prove, it claims to know the essence and detail of that which is, by definition, unfathomable.

Welcome conundrum2u

Maybe instead of a sport package they could have a 'holly roller' package complete with appropriate bumper stickers.

I was really thinking more along the lines that a "sense of God" is biologically ingrained. Perhaps it is as instinctive in us as a fear of heights. A need to 'fall in' group and take orders.
Originally posted by Jeremy
Comments or suggestions?

That is because we are One with God = the human race is the face of God on Earth (i.e. 'kingdom's within,' etc.).
i didn't know about god until i was 10 or 12 when my happy little world was brought crashing down around my ears and i had to consider things that i wasn't ready to face and had no idea about. bring up any kid with average intelligence and remove any concept of god during his or her upbringing and you'll find that none would "sense" god. i know i never did and never do. and most of the time when people state that they sense god i think it is conditioned response. besides, how persuasive is it to be young, influencable, and to be taken to a place where everyone fervishly believes in what they are being told. it is quite an electric air when everyone is charged up but it is no presence of god like my friend (who has an IQ of about 2) always goes on about.
I was raised a southern baptist. Despite this disability I have grown and evolved to my current mindset. Most of that was in fact due to my upbringing within a particular church. While I was there, I could not help but feel it was a lifeless place with no feeling. Everyone there merely went through the motions because they believed it would save them. This showed me that the belief they held was only self-gratifying and pointless. However, I still maintain a belief in some form of governing force, even if it is only the laws of nature. I suppose I would be classified as Deist bordering on atheist, as I don't really acknowledge or worship any god or gods. I think a built in sense of god is merely an attempt to explain things to ourselves. Everyone has their "god" be it nature, physics, or the imaginary friend in the sky some here seem so fond of, so in this sense I would say that everyone has their built in sense of god.
I suppose I should clarify a bit on the last post. When I said I could be considered a Deist what I meant was this. If there is a god that created everything around us, and I for one am not prepared to say for a fact that there is not. I am, however, prepared to say that if there was one that created everything, that they has left it to be governed by certain laws and rules and does not have a hand in it on a day to day basis. If a being with enough power to create everything were to oversee everyday affairs, I for one am not prepared to believe they would allow things to be as shitty as they have become.
Re: Re: Nearly everyone has a built in sense of God.

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
That is because we are One with God = the human race is the face of God on Earth (i.e. 'kingdom's within,' etc.).

But is God one with us?
One with God with One

Originally posted by Jeremy

But is God one with us?

Yes, I believe we are one and the same. Wasn't it humans who landed on the moon, invented penicillin, wrote great poetry, discovered cures for diseases, and created cutting-edge technology, etc.? Or, was it God's doing? Religions don't matter at all. They miss the whole point. In fact, they're dangerous. Look at the woman sitting next to you. You should assume that she, too, is the Messiah!