"Natural selection" is it for real ?

Computers have logical patterns and can make decisions based on learned past experiences but they do not have free thought

Hummm can you point me in which chip a computer have a "logical patterns that can make decisions" or maybe you are refering to a software code that trys to EMULATE certain type of enviroment.
cyber_indian said:
Hummm can you point me in which chip a computer have a "logical patterns that can make decisions" or maybe you are refering to a software code that trys to EMULATE certain type of enviroment.
You're deviating from my post. I didn't suggest this in animals. I was comparing compturers to humans. But yes, you are right, chimps also have "logical patterns that can make decisions." They live in a social civilized group, communicate amongst themselves, and can use tools as extensions of their limbs in a logical way just as humans can.
valich said:
No! You are usually totally wrong, and in this case admit it! As usual you went way off the subject and addressed absolutely nothing relavent to what I posted. You start rambling on-and-on, drift farther-and-farther away, until it has nothing to do with the subject matter.

You just seem to have this innate impulse to post something - anything - to satisfy your egotistic desires to feel intellectually superior to others. What the hell does the above post have to do with anything that I or anybody else have posted?

Is this your argument?
How long have you known you are dyslexic vallich? Why are you uncomfortable admitting it? We would all have a lot more sympathy for your cognition difficulties if you had explained this too us earlier.
A computer chip is quite different from a chimp.
(If you aren't dyslexic then the kindess take is that you are just sloppy.)
cyber_indian said:
Hummm can you point me in which chip a computer have a "logical patterns that can make decisions"
Yes. ((points to the big chip labeled "Intel"))


P.S. TTL = Transistor Transistor Logic
:D Tell me Dale, how much do you know about computers ... except that pci card goes in the pci slot ...

Because this is your worst day claiming such things ...
cyber_indian said:
:D Tell me Dale, how much do you know about computers
At least enough to understand that there are lots of decisions and logic circuits that go into simply decoding the instructions in today's CISC chips. Maybe you should worry about how much you know instead.

I've majored in "microprocessor thechnology", and believe me when you talk about computer logic it means logical operators (Boolean algebra to be exact) like AND OR NOT NAND NOR - not a chip with it's own mind. Thats the base of of every computer and it got nothing to do with making decisions.

Just what's the chances to be arguing about something like this with somebody that actualy majored in this. Usualy you would have get away with such claims, but not today.
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Hey wait CISC instruction sets can not only make decisions, but also predict - why don't you ask them about your horoscope :)
cyber_indian said:
it means logical operators (Boolean algebra to be exact) like AND OR NOT NAND NOR - not a chip with it's own mind
I never said anything about a computer having "it's own mind", that was your statement entirely.

By your own admission AND OR NOT NAND and NOR all definitely count as "logical patterns that can make decisions". I think it is pretty funny that you spend half the post waving your credentials and the other half giving arguments that support my position instead of yours.

Ophiolite said:
How long have you known you are dyslexic vallich?
Probably as long as you have NOT known that you are a psychophathic irritating obstacle to progress in knowledge and education as is evident, and continuously usual, in this post of yours.
Dale, do you even know what Boolean algebra is ?

P.S. Computers don't make decisions, they simply execute software code and that's it.
Hey Dale maybe they read your mind too a ?
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cyber_indian said:
Valich - I'm deviating ... when did I mention something about animals or chimps ???
Oh, I am so sorry! I read it so fast that I thought you wrote "chimp" not "chip." Please except my sincere apologies.