Natural food antibiotics?


Hey what are some natural food antibiotics I can use to fight off bacterial infections? I know garlic and honey are one of them....maybe lemon and oranges with vitamin C....but I am looking for something more powerful. Something as powerful as a drug without the need to be prescribed. Any ideas?
Best infection fighter is the Probiotics in 80% of the cases.

you see my problem is that I have bacterial sinusitis and I was told that milk products cause the nose to form mucus more than usual...and even though I know that probiotics are good...I am afraid that it might trigger mucus build up.
You can buy multi-strain probiotic pills in a healthfood store. Love modern technology. You could not get that 500 years ago in Bulgaria! :D
You said, you can not!!!

I make my own Yogurt with multi-strain bacteria since last year and have not had any infections or flu this year
Fresh onions. Lots of fresh onions.

I can't eat them on their own, so I smear a piece of bread with margarine, cut the onions in thick rings, and put them on the bread.
Fresh onions. Lots of fresh onions.

I can't eat them on their own, so I smear a piece of bread with margarine, cut the onions in thick rings, and put them on the bread.

yeah but the problem is that I am also trying to loose some weight...thats why I got this infection for so long in the first place...I am loosing weight but I also feel sick. :(
You could soak the fresh onoin slices in malt or balsamic vinegar...that will take the sting out....
yeah but the problem is that I am also trying to loose some weight...thats why I got this infection for so long in the first place...I am loosing weight but I also feel sick.

You might need to lose weight at a slower pace.
I don't know about your weight-loss regimen, but perhaps you need to be more systematic and disciplined, and also more creative and resourceful. Find new ways of using up more energy, try out new foods, set new constraints on what, how, when you eat.
but would that still have the same antibiotic effect? :bugeye:

Never tested it. Sinus infection is difficult but throat infection is easy. Get some listerine strips and put it in mouth before going to bed and every few hours. That will kill everything.
well...could you like send me some of your yogurt to here.
Yogurt doesn't ship because it needs to be refrigerated or eaten quickly. It is ridiculously easy to make. I promise that you can do it. People made yogurt long before they had modern technology. If you have a location in your home where you can place loosely sealed containers of milk at the right temperature--I think it's about 120 degrees (49C)--for a couple of days, you can make yogurt. Or you can just buy a yogurt-maker for less than $20. All you need is some commercial yogurt from the supermarket (get the kind with live bacteria) to use as a starter culture. Save some from each batch to use next time.
yeah but the problem is that I am also trying to lose some weight...thats why I got this infection for so long in the first place...I am losing weight but I also feel sick.
Most people try to lose weight too quickly. You should NEVER try to lose more than about one pound (454g) per month. If you think that's going to take a long time, then that's just the fate you have to accept for your foolish decision earlier in life to overeat. No one promised that life would be fair. People who go on "crash diets," trying to lose, say, 50 pounds (23kg) in one year, usually end up with problems.

One of the most common problems is the result of the fact that deep down inside we are still Mesolithic hunter-gatherers. If our body stops getting an adequate amount of food, our metabolism recognizes this as a famine and it becomes much more efficient--secretes more enzymes to break food down more thoroughly, passes it through the intestines more slowly to extract more nutrients, lowers pulse, discontinues nervous habits like toe-tapping, etc. If you go on a crash diet two or three times, your body will assume that your tribe's food supply is unreliable and it will go into PERMANENT famine mode. This is why so many people who have been on "yo-yo diets" can now gain weight on 1300 calories a day instead of maintaining their weight on 2000 calories.

Crash diets cause other problems too. Don't do this to yourself. Cut back by 100 calories a day and you'll lose ten pounds (4kg) in a year. By then you will have developed better eating habits and you will maintain your new weight. There are many things in life that are more important than losing weight quickly. Don't be fooled by modern fashion trends, you are smarter than that,.
Just go to a doctor. I had a sinus iinfection and it was absolutely the worst pain i ever felt. Worse than when i broke my leg. I took 2 pills and the next day it was gone completely.
Hey what are some natural food antibiotics I can use to fight off bacterial infections? I know garlic and honey are one of them....maybe lemon and oranges with vitamin C....but I am looking for something more powerful. Something as powerful as a drug without the need to be prescribed. Any ideas?
The citrus seed extracts are unbelievable powerful and bitter.
The mint family and thyme are antibiotic, but you really need them in essential oil form.
Garlic pills are very powerful, rather than just eating the garlic directly. Cooked garlic has lost a lot of its power.

And the people mentioning yogurt are not quite getting your question. These are just peachy for getting your GI tract into a nice milieu but they are not going to stop infections.

For a sinus infection: goldenseal, eyebright, elderberry, bayberry bark. Best in a tincture mix but you could also make a tea, but that tea will taste worse than you can imagine. That formula is not necessarily good for everyone. We think too much in terms of what is good as a rule and not what is good for our particular bodies.

Steaming might help also.
Where do you think some antibiotics come from? For example penicillin is a mold (fungii) you can grow it on breed, Aztreonam and rifamycins comes form a dirt bacteria (how ironic), And their is one class that I can remember that comes from frogs (like one).
Can you please say more about this?
I think I may have said it in respone to one of your posts. Boiled water in a pan on the floor or on the kitchen table. Towel over head, careful of the heat, sensitive membranes in nose and eyes. Drops of essential oils like basil or peppermint can be added to the water. As the water cools you can blow on it and more heat comes up. This can help loosen up impacted mucus in the sinuses. 2-3 times a day - with the oils, more times without OK.
Yogurt ... is ridiculously easy to make. I promise that you can do it. ...If you have a location in your home where you can place loosely sealed containers of milk at the right temperature--I think it's about 120 degrees (49C)--for a couple of days, you can make yogurt. Or you can just buy a yogurt-maker for less than $20.

My friends gf used to make her own yoghurt using thermos flasks, and would leave them on top of the radiator in her kitchen.