Natural fix to Global Warming?


Registered Senior Member
We all know that Global Warming is happening, but it can be slowed down, correct? So my question is, could we slow it down enough so that Humans as a race evolve and adapt to the higher carbon levels? I know that we would have to slow it donw tremendously, but is it possible? I think such a thing might take about 50-60 generations, right?
We all know that Global Warming is happening, but it can be slowed down, correct? So my question is, could we slow it down enough so that Humans as a race evolve and adapt to the higher carbon levels? I know that we would have to slow it donw tremendously, but is it possible? I think such a thing might take about 50-60 generations, right?

I believe that first and foremost you need to realize that the direct effect on humans is NOT of any concern. It isn't that we have any psysiological problems adapting to climate change, it's the effects it has on our food supply and infrastructure that's important. So "evolving" is not a part of the equation at all.
By making a satellite that has lasers in it which make an "umbrella" of light which is placed in at a La Grange point would reflect some of the suns rays away from Earth making it cooler. Depending upon the amount of lasers used this could vary the amounts of light reflected making it cooler or warmer. It would be operated by photovoltaic powered by the sun itself which means there are very few moving parts to go wrong.
A thin mylar sheet would be much more effective and less costly. Besides, there's still the problem of increased CO2 levels. CO2 can acidify the oceans and affects plant life, admittedly to it's benefit in some cases, but an overgrowth of algae and other plant life has it's own dangers.
We need to realize that we must move elsewhere in Solar System...beyond Earth. We must use greenhouse effect as a leverage for investing into space systems that will support human life.
By making a satellite that has lasers in it which make an "umbrella" of light which is placed in at a La Grange point would reflect some of the suns rays away from Earth making it cooler. Depending upon the amount of lasers used this could vary the amounts of light reflected making it cooler or warmer. It would be operated by photovoltaic powered by the sun itself which means there are very few moving parts to go wrong.

Get real, CT!!! Do you have any idea of the sheer POWER it would take for something like that?!?!?!?!? Giga-giga-giga-gigawatts wouldn't even come close! We could never, ever produce enough PV cells to power monsters like that.
Get real, CT!!! Do you have any idea of the sheer POWER it would take for something like that?!?!?!?!? Giga-giga-giga-gigawatts wouldn't even come close! We could never, ever produce enough PV cells to power monsters like that.

The laser satellite would only need minium power to keep a steady stream of laser light operating at low levels for its not the power that reflects its the cohesive light itself.
When streams of light intersect, they don't reflect, rather they create interference patterns.
When a laser, which is COHERENT light, is hit with regular sunlight it reflects that light , to a certain degree, away from the lased light.
So if I had a rotating laser above my porch, it would create shade?

Here's a test, take a laser pointer and shine a light on it perpendicular to the stream, does it make a shadow?
I'm not suggesting that it "casts a shadow" only that it will reflect away some of the sunlight that hits it. Can light penetrate light? If two light particles collided what will happen?
The laser satellite would only need minium power to keep a steady stream of laser light operating at low levels for its not the power that reflects its the cohesive light itself.

That's not what I'm talking about. I mean just having the ability to simply produce a "sheet" of laser light. And I don't think it could possibly work anyway. Do you have ANY evidence at all thay even remotely suggests a wide-spectrum beam of photons are in any fashion 'deflected' by intersecting with a laser beam??????????????? If so, let's see it!!!!! (Because I think you're talking nonsense here.):bugeye:
I'm not suggesting that it "casts a shadow" only that it will reflect away some of the sunlight that hits it. Can light penetrate light? If two light particles collided what will happen?

It depends on the polarity. If the plane of the wave is the same and the peak coincides with a trough, then they could cancel each other out. In practice, they create an interference pattern and continue on their way. It's the same principle that is used to create holograms.
Now you're understanding me better. I'm sorry that I cannot explain myself well enough but I see you are doing it for me, thank you. :)
The effects of global warming need to accelerate! We need humans to invest in space, we need humans colonizing space, Mars, and beyond!
Now you're understanding me better. I'm sorry that I cannot explain myself well enough but I see you are doing it for me, thank you. :)
Perhaps, but your idea is still absurd. Simple mirrors made of a thin mylar type material would be much simpler and might actually work. If we put lasers in space, they'll be pointed towards the earth for use as weapons or part of an anti-missle defense system.

There are probably some there already. Who knows, maybe the whole GPS system is actually a network of lasers ready to take out the axis of evil in one fell swoop.
Sad that you can only see lasers as weapons. I view them as very helpful devices that will help eliminate global warming one day if they are put into operation as I suggest.
Sad that you can only see lasers as weapons. I view them as very helpful devices that will help eliminate global warming one day if they are put into operation as I suggest.
I only see lasers in space as weapons. On earth, they're quite useful for many things. They can correct your vision, remove tattoos, seal a torn retina, the list goes on.