National ID cards, good or bad?

Are National ID cards a good idea?

  • Yes

    Votes: 10 38.5%
  • No

    Votes: 16 61.5%

  • Total voters
She could have refused to show ID easily unless the police can state some kind of real reason why she was stopped...

ID cards rule! I am a big collector of IDs... :)

P.S.: Since she was driving a car she HAD TO carry a driving licence, the horror, the horror!!!!

Ah, in the UK you don't have to carry your driver's license whilst driving, and if pulled over while you dont have it, get what is called a 'producer', and have to visit a Police station and show it to them withing the alloted time period.

See, we live in the land of the free.
Speaking for the USA I always joke, I love my country I just like the government that runs it. I personally believe that in the USA everyone should have a nationwide identification card; however this Identification card should only be used as a means for identification and nothing more (Drivers license and passports and other documents would still be separate documents, including social security cards and SS numbers).
Each card should be issued based on a digitally scanned certified birth certificate, DNA samples, finger prints, and retinal scans provided by each person applying for a card. This collected data (DNA, Fingerprints, Etc) would then be entered into a national database and accessed by law enforcement to help solve crimes, thus cutting down on the costs on the legal system with wrongful prosecutions or unsolved crimes. Offenders criminal records would also appear and be listed whenever anyone checked the card. The DNA would make having multiple ID or cards impossible as each person would then be given a card numbered based on their DNA. Criminals and illegals would no longer be able to hide as everyone would be required to have the ID Card.
Employers would be able to run the ID card on a data base only under their employer tax ID number and a code to access the card holder’s information to verify employment. This would cause all business to register and pay taxes and prevent the hiring of illegal’s. A sex offender applying for a job at a school would automatically be denied the job based on his cards information. Strict enforcement would be regulated for all employers who hire people without first checking their national ID and following several basic steps. This would eventually eliminate the majority of illegal workers. Having a national ID would also be required to get any government assistance or forms of medical or financial assistance, thus reducing fraud and double payments.
If a person is pulled over by police each individual state would have their own driver’s license but police would now ask for the person’s driver’s license, registration and national ID. All drivers license in every state would be required to verify the national ID before allowing a driver’s license to be issued.
The good thing about this is that authorities would then have the information at that time while making it impossible for those who try to scam, hide, lie, cheat, or avoid criminal detection would find it almost impossible to get by without the card thus making it a better place to live. Most of the people already have four forms of ID in the USA (Drivers license, passport, social security, birth certificate) not to mention other ID such as school ID’s and the many membership cards so one more wouldn’t really be any real burden.
The down side
There are always two sides to every argument and the downside of a National ID is in trusting the government to handle such a task when, they cannot even handle the country as it stands. To think we can spend billions of dollars and put a man on the moon but we can’t even sew up our borders that allow thousands of illegal’s in each month. The government waste is outrageous and Washington is so far out of the curve that it begs to wonder why Americans even allow it; except they have no choice under the patriot act as questioning the government is now considered a crime.
What about foreigners traveling into the USA where their governments do not have national IDs or a way to verify who they really are, this blows the system apart completely as it allows holes in the system.
Private industry would be much more efficient and able to handle such a task of creating a national ID card but then the problem is having a private institution handling such sensitive and private information without it casing the risk of being used or manipulated or sold to third parties.
The cost of undertaking such a program as a national ID would be so costly and the annual budget to maintain such a system would even be greater and one has to wonder if the entire project is really worth it, and I would have to say yes but then again it is the cost that has to be weighed.
One way to implement such a system is starting at every hospital or clinic every birth is recorded not only by a birth certificate but with a blood DNA sample that is immediately marked and entered into the national data base from the baby that was born and registered. Any person being arrested who doesn’t have a national ID card would be subjected to having their DNA sample before they could be released from jail and having a national ID card issued. All school children attending school would be subjected to DNA samples as well. Within in ten years the majority of people inside the USA would be registered on a national ID card and make the country a safer place to live if not for the simple fact that criminals could be tracked easier by every time their card was scanned their location could be pinpointed. At grocery stores and retail establishments credit card transactions would be required to be processed with a national ID card as the only ID available to make credit card transactions thus saving billions of dollars each year on credit card fraud.
The reality of a national ID
It will not happen in my life time as the USA government is not capable of such a task. Not until recently did the government even create a national registry for sex offender’s that has already turned into a disaster. Many states are being intimidated and forced to participate in such strict new laws for sex offenders only to find the high cost of housing and maintaining sex offenders and these new laws something the states cannot properly manage. When one considers that the population of sex offenders in the USA is less than one percent and the system is new and already such a disaster, what makes anyone think the government could handle the task of tracking and identifying all the citizens with a national ID? I say scrap the useless sex offender registration system as it is already so flawed and doesn’t protect anyone and spend the time and energy on a national ID system that would automatically include a sex offender identification and registration component nationwide. Sex offenders could be required to at least daily scan their card multiple times at any location such as a grocery store or a bank where their cards are fagged as a priority and then a tracking outline of where they are can be established within a few days by a specified law enforce agency. If a crime against a child occurs in a city in a certain location then authorities will be able to immediately narrow down the sex offenders in that particular area based on their cards activity. Offenders not scanning their card a set number of times per day will then be in violation and arrested. This card could solve and create many problems! I think it’s a good idea but a terrible loss of liberty as big brother would really be over the people. Some say such a card is the actual sign of the end of times a sin the bible where having an assigned number would be required to buy anything or do business and this I think is true too.
Hey, if we can let them take pictures like this, I don't fear national ID:


Question is, could she fly if she wears a different colored burka??
I vote yes, but I'm thinking an RFID implant, and on a worldwide scale. No body buys or sells without it. No 'help'(charity) because it would be compulsory and free and should include digital access to your digital money. Everyone over 21 gets it in their right hand, under 21 in their forehead, to phase out the possibility of delimbing someone to steal their rfid.