National I.D card:

i mean seriously the only people who dont like blowing in the tube are those who have been drinking. I DISPISE drink drivers so i think random breath tests are a great invention

But im not going to continue to derail this thread (if you want to continue this there is a thread on random breath tests in EM&J)
LA it depends on when your required to produce it i guess. I mean we need to produce either a licence, proof of age card (issued by the liquior licencing commission) or passport if you look under age and want to buy achole or smokes

The police CAN ask you to produce ID on the streets but you dont have to talk to them if you dont want

Lastly the police CAN force you to produce a drivers licence when driving a car (or you can be charged with driving without a licence)

Out of intrest you used to get 48 hours grace to produce your licence if you didnt have it on you but they are changing a that law so that you MUST produce your licence

The medicare card has to be produced when getting medical services under medical care

Oh and lastly a combination of ID (including licence, medicare card and whatever else) are required to open a bank acount or access centerlink

As for voting NO ID is required, you just have to get your name signed off a list

So i guess it comes down to how the card would be used

you will be required to produce whenever the police want to stop you and see it!

and no you can't just sign your name of a list, in a few years we will be required to carry one by law!
We need national ID cards........biometric ones, so the police can single out the illegals and get rid of them.
We need national ID cards........biometric ones, so the police can single out the illegals and get rid of them.

and how will it do that? it will take our freedom away from us, it has been proven already that, if the people who did the london bombings carried ID cards it wouldnt makea differance!

i will go to jail before having this card, and i sure has hell will not pay for somthing that the goverment has enforced on us
LA i agree with you but that is really a silly statement. You pay for health care which the goverment "forces" on you
Yes we do, it officializes our citizenship and our right to residency. Biometric ID cards can defintely help track down criminals if the card has a global tracker.
Lucifer, then go and live in a purely capitalist nation if you feel that way. Not that I disagree though, just saying.
piffle, if you want to be controled by other people then of you go , i personally do not

Nor do I. ID's aren't for controlling anybody.

One people that should be ID'ed, and I think we can all agree here, are inmates, whether in or out of prison; biometric, trackable surgically implanted ID's.
Nor do I. ID's aren't for controlling anybody.

One people that should be ID'ed, and I think we can all agree here, are inmates, whether in or out of prison; biometric, trackable surgically implanted ID's.

i wouldnt know about inmates i thought they were tracked after jail anyway, but i may be wrong!

ID cards are a danger to our society! but if you have done your time then why still pay for the crimes you commited?

ID cards are no good for britain! will it stop at ID cards though? whats stopping the goverment bringing out a card that tracks what we buy, read, where we go, who we're with? once we agree to the national ID card they will say taht we agree to higher measures!
ID cards should be used as an identification, but not as a tracking device. That should be only for criminals.