National I.D card:

lucifers angel

same shit, differant day!!
Registered Senior Member
National I.D card:

does anyone here actually agree to these things? gordon brown wants these in place by the next election, but what people are actually seeing is, that they will be enforced before then: for those who dont know about them here are some details:


What is the National Identity Scheme?
The National Identity Scheme is an easy-to-use and extremely secure system of personal identification for adults living in the UK. Its cornerstone is the introduction of national ID cards for all UK residents over the age of 16.

Each ID card will be unique and will combine the cardholder’s biometric data with their checked and confirmed identity details, called a ‘biographical footprint’. These identity details and the biometrics will be stored on the National Identity Register (NIR). Basic identity information will also be held in a chip on the ID card itself.

This technology brings many benefits, including increased protection against identity theft or fraud (tell me more about the benefits of the scheme).

Through the scheme, which will be run by the Identity and Passport Service (IPS), accredited organisations will be able – with your permission – to use your ID card and the NIR to check your identity.


personaly i will NEVER carry one! and if need be i will go to prison! i think they are a tool for the goverment to use to see what we are doing, buying, all sorts, and i dont want my freedom,
The US feds are forcing this issue, too. Some states are not very receptive. Most are cooperating for fear of their funding being cut off.

We Americans need to cut the feds funding off and show them where the bear shits in the woods.
LA it depends on when your required to produce it i guess. I mean we need to produce either a licence, proof of age card (issued by the liquior licencing commission) or passport if you look under age and want to buy achole or smokes

The police CAN ask you to produce ID on the streets but you dont have to talk to them if you dont want

Lastly the police CAN force you to produce a drivers licence when driving a car (or you can be charged with driving without a licence)

Out of intrest you used to get 48 hours grace to produce your licence if you didnt have it on you but they are changing a that law so that you MUST produce your licence

The medicare card has to be produced when getting medical services under medical care

Oh and lastly a combination of ID (including licence, medicare card and whatever else) are required to open a bank acount or access centerlink

As for voting NO ID is required, you just have to get your name signed off a list

So i guess it comes down to how the card would be used
Any government that does not abuse its power, and lets me live my life the way i want to live it without persecution can tattoo a bar code across my chest as long as they pay for it.

An exaggeration perhaps but more to the point is do you want people walking the halls of public schools without ever having to show ID? I dont think so.
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Any government that does not abuse its power, and lets me live my life the way i want to live it without persecution can tattoo a bar code across my chest as long as they pay for it.

An exaggeration perhaps but more to the point is do you want people walking the halls of public schools without ever having to show ID? I dont think so.

What if you couldn't trade without it? Is that abusive?

I don't get the public school reference. That happens at every indoor sporting event and always has where I'm from.
Well really any time you get stopped by police you need to show ID, if you dont have ID they will hold you there. How about searches? OK, you cant search me, no problem wait here for a few hours until we can get dogs to sniff around or a warrant. Bottom line is that we are just playing with ourselves and a drivers licenses is pretty much universal ID now anyway. These same people complaining about ID will run out to get proof for drinking in clubs in a heartbeat.
Jahn i dont know where you are but if your NOT driving a car and the police stop you it depends on why they stoped you as to what will happen next.

If its just a "random person check" you can refuse to talk to them, refuse to give any infomation and nothing will happen

If however they are responding to a crime and you have been stoped because you look like the suspect you probably be arested on suspision if you dont show id and talk to the police

So it depends
I'd like to have just one frikkin card to go everywhere and do everything with instead of all sorts of stuff needed whenever I go out. Get one card that can have your drivers license, SS card with picture ID, voter registration, Motorcycle license, fishing license, flying license, boating license, burial license, death certificate, organ donor card, blood donor card, tax card, birth certificate just to name a few which all could be condensed onto one Federal ID card.
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Thats what i am saying, these same people will stand in line like a bunch of tools to go into clubs where the bouncer says 'have your ID out or i'll punch you in the head' and then cry bloody murder on national ID cards. Makes no sense to me, guess that civil liberties union thingy has everyone brainwashed.
a random person check is an example of proactive policing (which i know the US doesnt like). If your a police office walking down the street and you see a suspisious person who MIGHT comit a crime or might just be paticipating in a legal activity the police CAN walk up to them and just ask to see there ID. HOWEVER they have no right to compell you to provide it. It can also be used if there was say a crime recently in the area and they are looking for infomation (say if there was an atack at flinders street station during the morning rush so they could come along the next day and aproch people to see if they saw anything)

Its really nothing huge, or worrying
cosmictraveler why do you walk around with your death certificate?:p

What I ment was that all they need do would be to put in the cause and time of death saving another card to be fillled out later. I''m being rather sarcastic with that one. :p
Well there are two levels:

Reasonable suspicion
Probable cause

In the U.S there are no random person stops, but there are random DUI checks, they dont ask for ID unless they smell booze or weed or see a gun laying on the seat next to you.

Then there is probable cause.
Next comes microchip implants in humans.



In 2002, the VeriChip Corporation received preliminary approval from the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to market its device in the U.S. within specific guidelines.[2] Since its approval, about 80 hospitals and 232 doctors have elected to use the system.[3]

By implanting such a chip with a patient's medical record, hospitals and emergency workers can immediately gain access to an ill or injured person's medical history regardless of location. Implanted chips are impossible to lose, which could reduce the chances of information theft. Homes and automobiles could be equipped with scanners for microchips, making house and car keys obsolete (although an RFID lock requires a working power source to function). Locks and ignition switches would only work for persons with an appropriately programmed chip.
John i have asked about random breath testing in another thread and i was told very specifically that they are unconsitutional

Your right here they stop whole lines of traffic, breath test you and let you go (unless you give them some reason to check futher). They could do a rego, licence check if they wanted to but they rarly do
No they are legal in U.S. The way they need to be done is by setting a criteria such as every fifth car or something like that, which NEEDS to be established in advance. Only if they suspect you were drinking can they further question you. Then they say 'step out of the vehicle please' he he he
See here the search criteria is say "are you on the freeway, do we have room in our station":p


i have been breath tested once since moving to adeliade which is bloody apaling, it should be MUCH more frequently