Name that animal!

Name that animal!

  • Hippopotamus

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • Dinosaur (i.e. Brontosaurus)

    Votes: 7 36.8%
  • Elephant

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • Other (Please explain)

    Votes: 7 36.8%

  • Total voters
Originally posted by Live4Him
You ignored my answer. I told you I agree with your findings...You posted the question, and you also posted the answer and i agree with the answer....Why do you ignore my answer

live4him: Because I'm not following what you are saying. It appears to be simply mocking. If so, I don't have time for it. I'm here for serious discussion on any issue that impacts naturalism / Christianity.

heflores: I don't know why you don't see my answer...It is very clear, but let me explain.....One of the solutions presented to us was other which could mean anything, which means infiniti..and because of that you have presented to us a problem with infinite solutions..that would be impossible for us to solve unless we have seen all the data you had, and in addition to the data, we still could not have answered it because you used a personal element of drawing a conclusion that was only specific to you and can not be replicate by other......This is my explanation......and my answer remains solid that I agree with your answer selecting other.....

I will not answer the criticism part on my personality because you have not given me a concrete proof that you really mean what you say.
If a description of an animal accurately describes a known animal, then why doubt it was an accurate description simply because current beliefs are that dinos lived long before man?

That is just the thing: it is not accurate. The animal could be mammalian or reptilian and between 400 kg and several tonnes. If there was a detailed anatomical picture or description then it might be different.

Second, there are a large number of artifacts that represent dinosaurs. There are paintings on cave walls of dinos. There is pottery with dinos on them. There are footprints of man and dino together.

The artifacts are never anatomically correct and are usually stylised. Often as not they have multiple heads or depict spirits. You'd have to provide specific examples for me to comment any further. There are certain highly dubious examples, eg. the Ica stones, that are obvious forgeries. As to the footprints, I think that you refer to the Paluxy tracks.
Most creationists acknowledge that these are just eroded dinosaur tracks.

Third, this is a thought that I've been thinking of recently. Everyone has heard of the myth of the "dragons" flying in and snatching people and / or livestock. What IF ... these are real descriptions of pterosaurs?

How do you distinguish factual accounts, from say, the Odessey and its multi-headed creatures? Besides, most dragons are able to talk and breathe fire, which has the odor of myth about it. There is no evidence to suggest that cows, sheep and humans existed at the same time as dinosaurs: they are never found in the same strata, there are no sheep bones found in the fossilsed stomachs of pterosaurs.

NOTE: some are still alive today, in the ocean off Madagascar.

Could you provide a reference?

If this DID occur, what would you expect? Fossils and legends, along with some artifacts that were not destroyed by water.

I'd expect to find mammals and dinsosaurs in the same strata, I'd expect to find fossilised burrows of mammals in the Jurassic. I'd expect to see mammal bones in fossilised dinosaur faeces. And interestingly, you'd expect to see all the dinosaurs "together", rather than separated by 30 odd million years of rock. Some decent artifacts would be good, possibly made out of dinosaur bones.

I've read a book recently (The Great Dinosaur Extinction Controversy). Apparently most scientists have discarded this theory as a probable cause for the extinction of the dinos.

It is still the most favoured theory, and certainly not discarded. There is good evidence for this: the Ir anomaly, shock quartz, the Yucatan crater. Not to say it isn't disputed, of course.

ed. to add

for the blood thing
Not only that it's impossible as it was shown to identify EXACTLY the's impossible to validate the authenticity of the book in question, the whatever version it may exist today.
Live4Him, just one question. Are you honestly suggesting that man lived alongside dinosaurs?
Originally posted by Live4Him
My belief is that Job lived before the flood, and far enough away from civilization to keep its impact on him at a distance. Somehow, Job's story became part of the collection of tablets that was used by Moses to write the Book of Genesis. Moses utilized the tablets (11+1), but couldn't fit Job's account into the flow of events. Thus, it became a separate book on its own.
Isn't born-again thinking liberating? You get to make things up as you go along. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Live4Him
The general theory among creationists is that dinos were not included on the ark.
Of course "theory", for the creationist, has nothing to do with scientific theory but is, rather, primarily a matter of convenience. After all, the image of Noah running around the ark with a dino-sized pooper-scooper is probably not too convincing. Whatever should we do? Wait! What if we just proclaim that the dinos weren't allowed on the cruise?

Now, what do we do about the mammoth, the giant sloth, and the saber tooth tiger? :D
Originally posted by Live4Him
Nor do they need to understand it. All they need to understand is that their is empirical evidence against the "billions of years" needed by Big Bang / Evolution.
I disagree. Your entire argument was based around exploiting people's ignorance. You were essentially hoping that people would 'take your word for it' because most people wouldn't know enough about particle physics to understand what the point of the experiment was. If your post had any merit you would have been happy that it was moved to a place where people would be more likely to appreciate it. Of course since it had no merit, moving it to the astronomy forum merely made it more likely that people would see through your argument, which they did.
Originally posted by Live4Him
Now, since the majority of the people who gave an answer thought it was a dinosaur (2/4/0/2), doesn't that say something about the theory of evolution? How is it that Job could describe a Brontosaurus so accurately?
Actually, I find your synopsis rather manipulative. Why didn't you just post the text as it is? I wonder...


"a tail as big as a tree"
"his tail sways like a cedar".

This obviously is describing the motion, not the size, of his tail.

And you completely ignore:
"under the lotus plants he lies, hidden among the reeds"
"the lotuses conceal him"

This is most suggestive of a hippo, not a brontosaur. Of course, you handily misinterpret it to suggest what you would like it to. How unusual... not.

If a description of an animal accurately describes a known animal, then why doubt it was an accurate description simply because current beliefs are that dinos lived long before man?
Of course, how funny that it should only describe a dinosaur after dinosaur fossils were discovered and theorized. Why wasn't the Church proclaiming the existence of dinosaurs in 200 A.D.?

Second, there are a large number of artifacts that represent dinosaurs. There are paintings on cave walls of dinos. There is pottery with dinos on them.
Based entirely upon a rather deliberate interpretation of some very poorly detailed paintings. This is feeble evidence.

There are footprints of man and dino together.
All such cases have either been disproved or the discovery's location has never been adequately offered so that it can be reviewed by non-creationist scientists.

Live4Him, you know you really shoud try reading the KJV, because you would get a very different picture. Also, it helps to look up certain words using the strongs concordance.
Originally posted by Live4Him Second, some unfossilized dino bones have been discovered. They MAY have dino blood (what's left of it) in the bone.

This would be interesting news to me and support your theory better. Where did you see this? What were they found in, and what age was it?

Originally posted by Voodoo Child

for the blood thing

Thanks for the link, Voodoo. Well, so much for aiding his theory, but quite an interesting article anyway. It's amazing that organics could survive that long, even if they were protected. A shame we couldn't get a good dino DNA sample...
Originally posted by Binary
Live4Him, you know you really shoud try reading the KJV, because you would get a very different picture. ...
Of course, you would then have to deal with the unicorns of Job 39. Luckily, given enough versions to choose from, you can usually (but not always) piece together something that is not outlandishly absurd.
The unicorn has multiple references in the KJV, by which you can "peice together" a description. It would seem to describe a rhino. Also, using the strongs concordance, for searching word roots, is oftenly quite enlightening.
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That was probably the best subtle lesson in Jurassic Park.

"Just because we can doesn't mean we should"

I suppose the Raelians didn't see that movie...oh wait, they haven't proved anything yet. :rolleyes:
OK, Noah's Ark is a complete load of shit. There are accounts of the flood in Africa, Asia, and I think East Europe. The water did NOT rise to the tops of mountains, however it did rise a very significant level. To say that Noah took all animals on the ship with him is just stupid. This is the most absurd thing that I have ever heard. How many humans were on board? How many animals were on board? Where was all of the food stored for this huge amount of time? How did they have time to feed the 30,000 animals? Honestly, to believe this story is just ludicrous. Now, if you want to say that God told Noah to build a ship, that is cool, but do not insinuate that he took a pair of every animal.

Last question: most animals have gestation periods in the late winter season so that they can give birth in the spring.... so was there extra room for all of these new animals, as well?
I dont think its: "Just because we can doesn't mean we should"

Its more like: "Just because we can doesn't mean that we shouldn't make damn well sure we don't screw it up."